A Place to Start

Tis true; there's magic in the web of it.
--Othello (III.iv.69)

** Starting Points ** Lists ** Libraries ** Search Engines ** Mail and News **

** Finding People ** Government ** More about searching **

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Check out this list of Search Terms

Starting Points

  1. My Virtual Reference Desk
  2. DeskRef
  3. Answers.com
  4. AllYouCanRead.com
  5. Netscape's Starting Point
  6. HotSheet
  7. iTools
  8. Internet Public Library
  9. Martindale's  "The Reference Desk"
  10. Blue Web'n Learning Sites Library
  11. Wikipedia
  12. ilectric info portal
  13. OnlineNewspapers.com
  14. LogLink: Airport Locator and Airport Codes Lookup
  15. Starting Point
  16. Search.Com   c|net
  17. Beyond Bookmarks: Schemes for Organizing the Web
  18. A collection of special search engines
  19. Technical in Nature
    1. Glossary of Internet Terms
    2. NetLingo.com:   [The Internet Language Dictionary]
    3. Webopedia:    [Online Computer Dictionary for Internet Terms and Technical Support]
    4. net.TUTOR

Lists  [Top]

  1. The Argus ClearingHouse     [closed January 23, 2002]
  2. Internet Resources of 1120 Scholarly Societies
  3. John December's Searching
  4. The LLNL List of Lists   (Last update November 5, 1996.)
  5. Yahoo

Libraries  [Top]

  1. LibrarySpot
  2. The Internet Public Library
  3. International Children’s Digital Library
  4. Librarians' Index to the Internet
  5. WWW Virtual Library
  6. Library of Congress
  7. The National Libraries of Europe
  8. National Library of Canada
  9. NSDL - The National Science Digital Library
  10. Librarian's Index to the Internet
  11. Public Libraries
  12. Public Libraries of Europe
  13. Los Alamos: Other Online Library Catalogs
  14. Answering Reference Questions Using the Internet
  15. Online Books Page
  16. LISNews.com Librarian News
  17. The WWW Library Directory
  18. Morton Grove Public Library Webrary Links Menu
  19. Shepherdstown WV Public Library
  20. Galway Public Library
  21. Frederick County Public Libraries
  22. LibraryLinks
  23. Library Related Resources, Reference & Language
  24. The Online Medieval and Classical Library
  25. Libraries on the Web
  26. LibrarianInBlack
  27. Web4Lib: Web Systems in Libraries Mailing List

Search Engines  [Top]

Charts, Guides, etc

  1. How to Choose a Search Engine or Directory
  2. Search Engine Features For Searchers
  3. Phil Bradley: Finding what you need with the best search engines
  4. Innovative Internet Applications in Libraries: Tutorials/Guides
  5. How can I improve my searches?
  6. Infopeople   Search Tools Chart    Search Engines Quick Guide
  7. Search Engine Showdown: The Users' Guide to Web Searching
  8. Tips, Tasks, & Tools: A Quick Introduction to Power Searching on the Web
  9. Search Engine Features Chart
  10. Recommended Search Engines       [UC Berkeley ]
  11. How to Choose a Search Engine or Directory
  12. Boolean Searching on the Internet
  13. Boolean Searching guide (PDF)
  14. Search Strategies: Search with Peripheral Vision
  15. Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask

Multi-Interface / Aggregator / Interface

  1. 37.com   Type Once, get results from up to 37 search engines!
  2. Search Engines + Syntax Examples =FINDSPOT
  3. Beaucoup    [More than 2,000 search engines, indices and directories]
  4. EZ-Find at The River
  6. W3 Search Engines XML
  7. A collection of special search engines   [University of Leiden ]
  8. Aggregator
    1. MrSapo?
  9. Interface / Display
    1. Twingine
    2. Grokker - A New Way to Look at Search

Meta Search Engines[Top]

  1. Meta-Search Engines
  2. Metacrawlers Or Meta Search Engines
  3. 4TopWeb.Com
  4. All 4 One MetaSearch
  5. Clusty
  6. DogPile
  7. Highway 61
  8. iBoogie
  9. IceRocket Web search
  10. ilectric Metasearch
  11. Info.com
  12. Internet Sleuth
  13. Ixquick Metasearch
  14. KartOO
  15. Mamma
  16. Metacrawler
  17. metaEUREKA
  18. MetaGopher
  19. MultiCrawl Parallel Search
  20. ProFusion
  21. Query Server
  22. qksearch
  23. Rollyo: Roll Your Own Search Engine
  24. Search.Com
  25. SearchGuide.com
  26. SurfWax
  27. Vivisimo
  28. Webcrawler
  29. WhatUseek
  30. Yahoo! Directory: All-in-One Search Pages

Individual Tools  [Top]

  1. a9.com
  2. ah-ha.com
  3. Altavista
  4. AlltheWeb
  5. Ask Jeeves    Ask Jeeves For Kids
  6. Brainboost Answer Engine
  7. CompletePlanet
  8. Direct Hit
  9. Ditto.com: See the Web
  10. ePilot.com
  11. Exalead
  12. Excite
  13. Fast Search
  14. Factbites
  15. Fazzle
  16. Find-It
  17. Gigablast
  18. Google
    1. Google Song
    2. labs.google.com
    3. Google'World
    4. Googlewhacking
    5. The Complete Guide to Googlemania!
    6. The Anatomy of a Search Engine
    7. Google Watch
    8. GooOS, the Google Operating System
    9. The Secret Source of Google's Power
    10. Google patent application reveals ranking secrets
    11. Google Song
    12. The technology behind Google's great results
  19. Hotbot
  20. Infoseek
  21. Infotiger
  22. LookSmart
  23. Lycos
  24. Mooter Search Engine
  25. Mozdex
  26. MSN Search    
  27. Netster
  28. NewHoo
  29. Northern Light
  30. Open Directory Project
  31. PlanetSearch
  32. SearchBoss
  33. SearchHippo
  34. Snap
  35. Teoma
  36. Vivísimo
  37. WebBrain.Com
  38. WiseNut
  39. Yahoo

Pay per click search engines

  1. 583 Pay Per Click Search Engines Reviewed
  2. 7Search
  3. FindWhat.com
  4. GoClick
  5. IQSeek
  6. Kanoodle
  7. Overture
  8. Search123  
  9. Xuppa

Specialist Search Engines / Searching

  1. W3 Search Engines
  2. Complete Planet
  3. Search Engine Watch
  4. snopes.com    Urban Legends Reference Pages
  5. Lexical FreeNet - Connected thesaurus
  6. Scirus - for scientific information
  7. The Cybercafe Search Engine
  8. socialporn / Xahara - Googleish adult search engine
  9. Feedster :: RSS Search Engine
  10. INFOMINE - Academically-oriented Sites
  11. Lyrics Search Engine - Popular Lyrics
  12. AvatarSearch - Search Engine of the Occult Internet!
  13. EasyRGB - The first RGB and COLOR search engine on the Web!
  14. Search Systems - Largest Free Public Records Database Collection
  15. Mercora Music Search
    1. Ogg Vorbis
  16. Acronym Server
  17. !!PolySearch Biograhies
  18. KidsClick
  19. HomeTownLocator Gazetteer
  20. CodeHound - The Software Developer's Search Engine 
  21. Speegle   Demo   [ Speegle Search Engine Talks to You ]
  22. Code
    1. Koders - Source Code Search Engine
  23. Singingfish - the audio/video search engine
  24. Images
    1. A Review of Image Search Engines
    2. Searching the Internet for Images
    3. Image Search Engines || Fagan Finder
    4. GUBA - Usenet Search - Easy access to Usenet Pictures and Videos
  25. Weblogging
    1. Daypop
    2. Blogdex - the weblog diffusion index
    3. Technorati
    4. Weblog Search Engines   [dmoz]
    5. PLAZOO - The RSS Search Engine for News Feeds and Blogs
  26. Shopping
    1. Meta IQ Shopping
    2. Deal of the Day
    3. fatwallet.com
    4. Froogle
    5. Nextag
    6. CNET - Shopping - Latest Prices
    7. DealTime
    8. Pricewatch.com
    9. PriceGrabber.com
  27. Search FTP
    1. FTP Search
    2. FileSearching.com
    3. Ftpsearchengines.com
    4. FtpFind
    5. Oth.Net
  28. News
    1. newsmap
    2. ABYZ News Links
    3. AlltheWeb News
    4. Daypop
    5. Google News
    6. FindNews.org
    7. Moreover Showcase News Portal
    8. NewsNow   [British site]
    9. Panda Newsfinder
    10. Rocketinfo's Search Engine
    11. Yahoo News
    12. OnlineNewspapers.com
  29. By Location
    1. Anzwers Home Page   [ An Australian-based search engine ]
    2. EuroSeek   [Multilingual European]
    3. EuroFerret  [Multilingual European]
    4. Nordic Web Index   [Scandinavian regional search-engine
    5. Virginia Search Engine and Directory: AllofVirginia.net
  30. Maps / Directions /Location
    1. Library Spot: Maps
    2. Mappr!
    3. MapQuest
    4. Maps On Us
    5. MSN Maps & Directions   
    6. Google Maps
    7. Google Earth
    8. Google Moon
    9. Rand McNally
    10. Yahoo! Maps
  31. Driver's License Search
  32. BitTorrent search engines
    1. bitoogle
    2. BitTorrent
  33. Games
    1. Yoopi
  34. Business
    1. Best Web Sites for Business
    2. Big Book
    3. CEO Express
  35. Search Systems - Largest Free Public Records Database Collection
  36. RSS
    1. List of news aggregators
    2. RSS   [about]
  37. Encyclopedia
    1. Wikipedia

The "Invisible Web"

  1. The Deep Web
  2. Mining Deeper into the Invisible Web
  3. Invisible Web: What it is, Why it exists, How to find it, and Its inherent ambiguity
  4. Deep-Web FAQ
  5. Invisible Web Gateways
    1. Direct Search
    2. The Invisible Web Catalog
    3. invisible-web.net
    4. Intranets.com
    5. IncyWincy
    6. Complete Planet

Mail and News Groups    [Top]

  1. Topica
  2. Tile.Net
  3. Google Groups     [formerly Deja]
  4. W3C Public Mailing List Archives
  5. Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists  [ftp]
  6. Internet Mailing List Providers  [.txt]
  7. MARC: Mailing list ARChives at AIMS
  8. RemarQ
  10. Usenet Info Center Launch Pad
  11. Mapping the Social Geography of Usenet News
  12. Archive of the Web4Lib Electronic Discussion
  13. craigslist.org
  14. GUBA - Usenet Search

Finding People   [Top]

  1. ZoomInfo Search
  2. addresses.com
  3. Switchboard
  4. Yahoo! People Search
  5. WhitePages.com
  6. AnyWho
  7. SearchBug.com
  8. MetaFind \ Infospace
  9. ZabaSearch
  10. Bigfoot
  11. WhoWhere?
  12. SuperPages.com
  13. USA Telephone Directory
  14. Telephone Directories on the Web
  15. Reverse Lookup at Infospace
  16. AmeriCom Long Distance - Area Decoder
  17. FAQ: How to find people's E-mail addresses
  18. The WWW to Finger Gateway
  19. Internet Address Finder
  20. US Search
  21. Public Records from KnowX.com

Government    [Top]

  1. FirstGov
  2. Government Information Locator Service (GILS)
  3. CIA Publications
  4. The Federal Web Locator
  5. GPO Access on the Web
  6. THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet

Language Translation

  1. VADA   [Multi-Language Search Page]
  2. AltaVista's Babel Fish Translation Service
  3. Language Translation     [langenberg.com]
  4. Free Translation
  5. InterTran
  6. WorldLingo
  7. Translation Experts
  8. x10/Dictionary
  9. WebPage Translator   [Mac OS X]
  10. symbolify
  11. Content Analysis / Language Identifier
    1. XRCE CA: Language Identifier
    2. Fuzzums

More About Searching   [Top]

  1. 10 Tips for Searching Effectively
  2. Search Engine Users
  3. See what people are searching for:
    1. Inside the Soul of the Web    24 hours watching the world look for answers at Google
    2. What People Search For - Most Popular Keywords
    3. Ask Jeeves Peek Through The Keyhole
    4. Google Zeitgeist
    5. MetaSpy
    6. Infotiger Voyeur
    7. Kanoodle.com Search Spy
    8. SearchHippo: Query Spy
    9. Lycos 50
    10. WebCrawler Search Voyeur
    11. SavvySnoop
    12. Yahoo! Directory Searching the Web > Popular Search Words
  4. Search ToolBars
    1. Amazon.com Research Services for Microsoft Office System
    2. Google
  5. Stumpers
  6. Beyond Google
  7. ResearchBuzz
  8. Accurate Monitor for Search Engines
  9. Search Engine Showdown
  10. Search Engine Simulator
  11. Internet Research News
  12. Hunting with Spiders, Indexes and Search Engines    Learning to Use Search Engines
  13. Lookoff Internet Search Engine Help & Tutorials
  14. Story: Best Search Sites on the Web
  15. How to Search the Web: A Guide To Search Tools
  16. 1,001 Best Internet Tips: Search Engines
  17. Finding Quality Information on the net
  18. "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  19. Copyright Resources on the Web
  20. Tips on Improving Your Search Rankings!
  21. The Scout's Searching the Internet
  22. How to Search Computer Databases
  23. Search Engine Watch
  24. Search Insider
  25. Ten Friendly Tips for Internet Research
  26. Search Engines for the World Wide Web
  27. Evaluating Quality on the Net
  28. Hope N. Tillman: Recent Presentations
  29. Teaching Critical Evaluation Skills for World Wide Web Resources
  30. Answering Reference Questions Using the Internet
  31. Search engines on WWW
  32. Tools for Building the Digital Library
  33. Choose the Best Search Engine for Your Information Needs
  34. Reviews of search engines
  35. The Search Is Over
  36. CNET reviews - where to find anything on the Net
  37. The Search Page
  38. Understanding WWW Search Tools
  39. Web Search Cheat Sheet
  40. CNET: Can search engines be tricked?
  41. Web search engines
  42. The Baby Name Wizard: NameVoyager
  43. Behind the Name - the Etymology and History of First Names

Keeping Found Things Found

  1. KFTF: Keeping Found Things Found Project Website
  2. Keeping Found Things Found: Web Tools Don't Always Mesh With How People Work
  3. Keeping Found Things Found: Web Tools Don’t Always Mesh With How People Work
  4. NY Times: Now Where Was I? New Ways to Revisit Web Sites.


** Starting Points** Lists** Libraries** Search Engines** Mail and News **

** Finding People** Government ** More About Searching **

** Home ** Class Pages ** Site Map **

David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
27 September 2006


© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 David J. Hark