Contribute 3 box and cdAdobe Contribute Contribute 4 box

Contribute CS3 box  Adobe Contribute CS3 Logo

Contribute CS4 logo

"The great sea has set me in motion, set me adrift,
and I move as a weed in the river.
The arch of the sky and mightiness of storms encompasses me,
and I am left trembling with joy."

Eskimo song

Problems with Contribute CS4

InContext Editing  

The basic idea of InContext Editing is that a site's editable content is mediated by an Adobe server, configured to have FTP access to the site.

Adobe Contribute  [Wikipedia]

  1. Contribute CS4   [Version 5]
    1. Top new features    list
    2. The draft review process in Contribute CS4
    3. The Contribute workflow
    4. Using Adobe Contribute CS4   (online help)
    5. Deploying Adobe Contribute CS4
    6. Reviewing drafts in Adobe Contribute CS4
    7. Apply Dreamweaver Templates to your office content
  2. Contribute CS3   [Version 4.1]
    1. FAQ
    2. Quick Tour
    3. Using and Administering Contribute
    4. Using the Contribute CS3 workspace  [video]
    5. Deploying Contribute and Contribute Publishing Server
    6. Working with Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
    7. Lehigh University Contribute CS3 Tutorial
    8. New administration features in Contribute CS3
    9. Editing the hub file DirectEdit.csi
    10. Error after entering name and e-mail address in the Connection Wizard
    11. Image size exceeded limit set when publishing to blog (Contribute)
  3. Contribute Publishing Server
    1. Contribute Publishing Server FAQ
  4. Adobe Contribute 4    [Version 4.0]
    1. Key features
    2. Datasheet
    3. FAQ
    4. Integrating Dreamweaver 8 with Contribute 4
    5. Adobe Contribute 4 for content contributors
    6. Introducing Adobe Contribute 4: Web publishing made easy
    7. Adobe Contribute 4 Review at Brian Berliner's Brain
  5. Contribute 3      [Version 3]
    1. Enhancements in the Contribute 3.1
    2. Contribute 3.1 Updater
    3. Contribute 3.1 Documentation
    4. Deploying Contribute 3.1: New Features and Options
  6. Download Complete Contribute Documentation     (ZIP, 2.89 MB 15min@28.8)
  7. Using Macromedia Contribute with websites
  8. Contribute Development Center
  9. Macromedia - Showcase : Contribute
  10. Getting Up To Speed With Macromedia Contribute In 10 Minutes
  11. Extending Contribute
  12. Contribute 3 for eBay
    1. eBay: Macromedia Contribute 3
  13. Macromedia Web Publishing System
  14. Contribute Publishing Services
  15. Approvals and Collaboration
  16. Restricting access to administrative folders
  17. Delegating Web Content Updates with Macromedia Contribute   (Contribute 2 Macrochat)
  18. Sarge's Blog
  19. Templates
    1. Introducing Templates for Contribute Users   (Breeze seminar one hour)
    2. Using Templates with Contribute
    3. Modifying Page Layouts with Template Conditional Statements and Multiple CSS Files
  20. Macromedia FlashPaper 2
    1. Macromedia - FlashPaper 2
    2. A Look at Macromedia FlashPaper
    3. Contribute 3 and Flash Paper 2
    4. FlashPaper vs PDF   [PDF]
    5. Flash Paper    [Ask A Scientist]
  21. Connecting / FTP
    1. Troubleshooting Contribute connection problems
    2. FTP Troubleshooting and Resources
    3. FTP server checker error codes
    4. FTP Server Checker
    5. Testing FTP functions using command line
    6. Testing SFTP functions using command line
    7. Using Network I/O logging to log operations and identify problems
  22. Blogs
    1. David J. Hark's Contribute Blog
    2. All things Contribute    [Adobe's Contribute blog]
    3. Unofficial Contribute
    4. Photo Blogs
    5. RSS
    6. Writable Web: Wiki , Blog, Moblog...
    7. Adobe Contribute 4 - Desktop Blogging Software
    8. Flash: Blogging Goes Corporate  [Wired 2002]
    9. Image size exceeded limit set when publishing to Blog
  23. MetaWeblog
    1. MetaWeblog
    2. RFC: MetaWeblog API
    3. MetaWeblog-API Discuss
    4. What's Wrong with the MetaWeblog API?
  24. PDF
    1. Embedding PDFs within HTML files
  25. Google Search Field for Contribute
    1. WebAssist Support
    2. Google Help
  26. Understanding how Check In/Check Out works
  27. Creating a Custom Contribute Publishing Service
  28. Add E-Commerce with Contribute in 10 Minutes
  29. Linking Excel to the Internet
  30. Managing Content and Clients with Contribute
  31. Automatic Tables of Contents in Contribute Pages
  32. Creating Close Window and Back Links in Macromedia Contribute
  33. MSU Students Embrace Online Publishing With an 'Edge'

Contribute TechNotes

  1. New administration features in Contribute 3
  2. Changing Contribute's default file extension
  3. Using Cascading Style Sheets in Contribute
    1. How to hide custom classes in Contribute
    2. Hiding CSS from Contribute while editing
  4. Image editing features in Contribute 3
  5. Understanding how Check In/Check Out works
  6. Check In/Check Out: managing a Web site in a team environment
  7. Troubleshooting Contribute connection problems
  8. Using templates with Contribute
  9. Introducing Templates for Contribute Users
  10. Options for Contribute website administrators  [Contribute versions 1 and 2 ]


  1. David's Dreamweaver page
  2. Contribute : Working with Dreamweaver
  3. Contribute/Dreamweaver Workflow
  4. Integrating Dreamweaver 8 with Contribute 3
  5. Integrating Dreamweaver MX 2004 with Contribute 3


  1. Building a Contribute-Enabled Intranet  
  2. Bounty General
  3. info
  4. Trio Supplier Project      [Getting Familiar with Contribute Basics]
    1. Trio Supplier Project
    2. Trio Supplier Project  1
    3. Trio Supplier Project  2


  1. Google: macromedia.contribute.general_discussion
  2. Google: macromedia.contribute.site_design
  3. Google: macromedia.contribute.connection_administration
  4. Macromedia Contribute Support Forums - General Discussion
  5. Macromedia Contribute Support Forums - Site Design
  6. Macromedia Contribute Support Forums - Connection/Administration
  7. Macromedia Contribute Support Forums - Contribute Publishing Services
  8. WebFrustration

Class Resources

  1. MCG Web Content Administration
  2. Negative Opinions
    1. Don’t Contribute
  3. Accessibility and Macromedia Contribute for content contributors
  4. Contribute Course Outline
  5. Design and Deploy Websites with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 and Contribute 3
    1. Bounty General
    2. Safari online version
  6. Contribute Visual QuickStart Guide
  7. Macromedia Contribute 3 for Windows and Macintosh:   [Visual QuickStart Guide]
  8. Darby Sociology Department   [ copy on ]
  9. Contribute Hassle-Free Content Control  [glasshaus]
    1. Contribute End-User Training Guide    [PDF   1.52MB]
  10. W3 Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
  11. David's Web Accessibility    Section 508
  12. David's Class Images and Text
  13. ClustrMaps - Hit counter map shows locations of all visitors to your site - free
    1. news/blog
  14. Alan Wood's Text Attribute Samples
  15. Character entity references in HTML 4.0
  16. HTML 4.0 Character Entity References  (frames)
  17. Meta
  18. Jacob Nielson's    alertbox
  19. Dreamweaver Clean Up Word HTML
  20. Accelebrate Class Evaluations
  21. Webucator Evaluation System

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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 15 October 2009


© 2004 - 2009 David J. Hark