P2P: Peer-to-Peer Computing
Any system that depends on reliability is unreliable
-- Nogg's Postulate
Read/Write Web - Web 2.0 - Web-as-Platform
Social Network
- List of social networking websites [Wikipedia]
- Social Networking Websites and Teens: An Overview [PDF]
- Bebo [next generation social networking site ]
- eyespot [dhark]
- Facebook
- Friendster
- Gaia
- Multiply [Share your photos, video, music, blogs and more]
- davidhark
- MySpace.com
- davidhark
- Piczo
- Roll A Name
- David Hark
- Tagged
- Xanga [Xanga is a community of online diaries and journals.]
- XHTML Friends Network [a simple way to represent human relationships using hyperlinks ]
- Social Networking Software [Wikipedia]
- YouTube - Broadcast Yourself
- FilmLoop is a free photocasting network.
- SwarmSketch: Collective sketching of the collective consciousness.
- Twiter
- Twitter Fan Wiki
- Twitterrific [Mac OS X 10.4 or later]
Peer-to-Peer Computing
- Open
Content Network
- The Next Revolution: Smart Mobs [
Howard Rheingold
- Peer-to-Peer File Sharing [Yahoo]
- An
Introduction to Peer-to-Peer Computing [TechRepublic]
- Browser,
Browser Not
- Docster:
The Future of Document Delivery?
- BadBlue
- DataSynapse
- Napster
- The
Freenet Project ["Re-Wiring the Internet"]
- Mojo
- Aimster
- Gnutella [real-time
search, peer-based file-sharing client]
- CuteMX.com
- I
- SETI@home
SETI Institute
- Scour Exchange
- Ask Me Help Desk [ Ask Experts Questions for FREE!]
- Project JXTA?
- Zeropaid.com
- FileFreedom.com
- Say
goodbye to the personal computer and hello to personal dataspace
- the
Open Archives Initiative
- Implications
of Peer-to-Peer Networking for Libraries
- The Cornucopia of the Commons:
How to get volunteer labor The
Tragedy of the Commons Garrett
Hardin, Ph.D
- Dan
Bricklin: Thoughts on Peer-to-Peer
- Free Peers
- The Open
Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
- Dynamic DNS Network Services
- Jabber
- Mixmaster list
- http://www.infrasearch.com/
- Gnutelliums PopUp
- Nerd Herd!
- jnutella
- GUID.org is an Internet service that
assigns anonymous user IDs to web browsers. How
it Works
- Yahoo!
Computers and Internet > Internet > Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
- Sun enlists
peer-to-peer in war against Microsoft
Sun wrestles with
Microsoft for Web-services crown
- 2001 International
Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2001)
- P2P.Net
- Ben Houston's P2P Idea Page
- infoAnarchy
- P2P
Pages: Wired's Guide to Global File-Sharing
- gPulp
- GnutellaDev
- OpenP2P.com
- Clay Shirky's Writings About the Internet
- Peer-to-Peer Working Group - Home
- P2P Computing & Development
- Information
Security Magazine: P2P, OR NOT P2P?
- WebReview.com:
March 9, 2001: Free to Be P2P
- P2PTracker
- Thinkstream
- Yaga
- WorldOS Goa
- Publius Censorship
Resistant Publishing System
- PAST: A Peer-to-Peer,
Persistent and Anonymous Document Store
- PeerMetrics
- Groove
- PeerMagic.com
- AllCast
- The Next Wave in Webcasting
- Peer-to-Peer
Isn't Dead But the WEB is!The
Death Of The Web Is Inevitable, According To Forrester Research
Dawn of the
Information Utility
- The cgiemail home page
- An
Introduction to Microsoft HailStorm
- Microsoft
Announces "HailStorm" a New Set of XML Web
Services Designed to Give Users Greater Control
- Microsoft Passport
A single name, password and wallet for the web!
- Microsoft .NET Microsoft
.NET Timeline
- about SearchHippo
- Copernic.com
- Aimster
- Audiogalaxy
- audioGnome
- BearShare
- BitTorrent
- eDonkey2000
- Freenet
- FileEx
- File Rogue
- Filetopia
- Gnutella
- Hotline
- iMesh
- KaZaA
- LimeWire
- Mojo Nation
- Morpheus
- Napigator
- Napster
- Rapigator
- Riffshare
- SongSpy
- WinMX
Internet OS
- Netscape's Internet OS
- Netscape's Andreessen eyes "Internet OS"
- The OS is Dead; Long Live the Internet OS Jabber as an Emerging Internet OS by Craig Burton
Writable Web: Wiki , Blog, Moblog...
- Wikinomics
- Wikinomics The Book
- 'Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything' [NPR: Audio]
- InnoCentive
- Rough Cuts with Michel Martin
- Create a Manila Site
- Trellix
- WikiWikiWeb
- the first ever Wiki
- The css-discuss Wiki
- Quickiwiki, Swiki, Twiki, Zwiki and the Plone Wars
- PB wiki dhark: David J. Hark
- Web Log / Blog
- ircworld
- final version of weblog definition
- What
are weblogs?
- What
We're Doing When We Blog
- The
Blogging Revolution [ Wired May 2002 ]
- State of the Blogosphere, August 2006
- Your Guide to Corporate Blogging
- What's a Blog?
- Corporate Weblogs Deployment, Promotion, and Measurement [order report]
- Observations
From a Weblogger
- Weblogs.Com: Tools
- Technorati
- Blogger
- Weblogger
- http://www.movabletype.org/
- Pitas.com
- Eatonweb Portal
- GrockSoup
- DiaryLand.com
- Diarist.net
- bl a th e r
- LiveJournal.com
- ClustrMaps - Hit counter map shows locations of all visitors to your site - free
- news/blog
- Blogger
- Library Blogs
- http://www.libdex.com/weblogs.html
- http://www.lisnews.com/
- http://dmoz.org/Reference/Libraries/Library_and_Information_Science/Weblogs/
- http://catalogablog.blogspot.com/
- http://www.meberle.com/weblog.html
- http://www.teleread.org/blog/
- http://eprintblog.crimsonblog.com/
- http://www.handheldlib.blogspot.com/
- http://usrlib.info/
- http://www.emaynard.org/libtech/
- http://www.tk421.net/librarylink/
- http://www.meberle.com/Weblog.html
- http://handheldlib.blogspot.com/
- http://usrlib.info
- http://homepage.mac.com/mstephens7/Tame%20the%20Web/index.html
- http://www.theshiftedlibrarian.com/
- http://www.lockergnome.com/issues/webmasterweekly.html
- Photographic Blogs
- Photoblogs.org - The Photoblog
- photojunkie
- Fotolog.net
- Moblog or Mobile weblogs
- Weblogs
get upwardly mobile
- From
Weblog to Moblog at Internet Alchemy
- FoneBlog
- Joi's Moblog
- hnbp://mobile
- Hiptop Nation
- Reiter's LG Vx6000 Blog
- Moblogs [TextAmerica]
- Blogs:
- Flutterby!
- Metafilter | Community Weblog
- ZagZig
- FOAF: the 'friend of a friend' project
- blogrolling.com
- Blog Software
- Create a Blog
- bBlog Free PHP blog software
- WordPress › Free Blog Tool and Weblog Platform
- Blogger: Create your Blog Now -- FREE
- Blog Software Breakdown
- Geeklog - The Ultimate Weblog System
** Home
** Class Pages
** BuildIt **
David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 30 April 2008
© 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 David J. Hark