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Dreamweaver CS4

"There's nothing remarkable about it.
All one has to do is hit the right keys
at the right time
and the instrument plays itself."
-- J.S. Bach

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Dreamweaver Training

Adobe TV

Adobe Dreamweaver Team Blog

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4   [Version 10]

  1. Adobe Labs - Adobe Dreamweaver Beta
  2. Lynda.com: Dreamweaver CS4 Beta New Features
  3. Dreamweaver CS4 workspace video tutorial
  4. Related Documents, Live View, and Code Navigator video tutorial
  5. Dreamweaver CS4 Public Beta: Subversion Integration
  6. Dreamweaver CS4 Public Beta: The Coding Improvements
  7. What’s new in Adobe Bridge CS4
  8. Using Adobe Fireworks CS4
  9. What’s new    David's
  10. InContext Editing    David's
    1. Adobe InContext Editing Administration Panel
    2. Building secure InContext Editing websites
    3. Adobe InContext Editing Browser Help
    4. Getting started with InContext Editing for developers
    5. Getting started with InContext Editing for end users
      1. http://icedemo.gws-sitetest.com/

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3   [Version 9]

  1. Overview of Adobe Creative Suite® 3 Web Premium and Design Premium
  2. The evolution and revolution of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
  3. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3: Features
  4. Introducing Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
  5. An Introduction to Dreamweaver CS3     [OnDemand Seminar]
  6. Getting Started with Dreamweaver CS3
  7. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Resource Center [Peachpit]
  8. Migrating from Adobe GoLive CS2 to Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
  9. Understanding the new Dreamweaver CS3 CSS Layouts
  10. Adobe - CSS Advisor beta
  11. Adobe CS3 : Device Central
  12. Adobe CS3 : Bridge
  13. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3: Best Practices of CSS
  14. Photoshop and Dreamweaver CS3 Integration    [OnDemand Seminar]
  15. Dreamweaver CSS Boot Camp (for beginners)    [OnDemand Seminar]
  16. Using Photoshop CS3 and Dreamweaver CS3 to Design Websites    [OnDemand Seminar]
  17. Dreamweaver for traditional graphic designers - For Web Publishing    [OnDemand Seminar]
  18. Advance Dreamweaver Design - For Web Professionals    [OnDemand Seminar]
  19. Advanced Dreamweaver Design Case Study with Delaware.Net.     [OnDemand Seminar]

Adobe/ Macromedia : Dreamweaver 8   [Version 8]

  1. Exploring Studio 8     [livedocs]
  2. Getting Started with Dreamweaver 8
  3. Dreamweaver 8 Help      [livedocs]
  4. Datasheet   [flash]    [PDF 427k]
  5. Dreamweaver 8 Basics
  6. Getting Started with Dreamweaver 8
  7. Dreamweaver 8 New Features and Benefits
  8. Getting Started with Dreamweaver 8  (.pdf 10.3 mb)
  9. Download Complete Dreamweaver 8 Documentation (.zip, 32.68 mb )
  10. Common questions about Dreamweaver 8
    1. Do I have to know HTML to use Dreamweaver 8?
    2. Visual authoring with XML data FAQ

Macromedia : Dreamweaver MX 2004  [Version 7]

  1. Studio MX 2004
  2. Dreamweaver MX 2004
  3. Common questions about Dreamweaver MX 2004
  4. Top Things You Didn't Know About Dreamweaver
  5. An Overview of CSS in Dreamweaver MX 2004
  6. Features and preferences removed from Dreamweaver MX 2004
  7. Moving to Dreamweaver MX 2004
  8. Start here: useful TechNotes for beginners
  9. Halo And MX Elements     MX Elements for HTML
  10. TechNote Index
  11. Dreamweaver MX 2004 Documentation  [Macromedia]
  12. Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Missing Manual

Macromedia : Dreamweaver MX  [Version 6]

  1. Macromedia - Dreamweaver MX
  2. Macromedia MX - Free Product Evaluations
  3. Dreamweaver MX Evaluation Resource Center
  4. Five steps to more professional pages with Dreamweaver MX
  5. Dreamweaver MX MX Application Development Center
  6. MX Preview Release User Forums
  7. MX inSITE magazine
  8. Consistent Web Design with Dreamweaver MX Templates
  9. Best Practices with CSS in Dreamweaver MX
  10. Improved Roundtripping with Dreamweaver MX and Fireworks MX
  11. Coding Standards Using XHTML
  12. Building a Scalable Website with Dreamweaver MX
  13. Tableless layout with Dreamweaver MX
  14. Customizing Dreamweaver MX
  15. Introduction to Dreamweaver MX for HomeSite Users
  16. Migrating from HomeSite to Dreamweaver MX
  17. Macromedia - Fireworks MX : Samples and Tutorials
  18. Macromedia - Fireworks : Lisa Lopuck's Tips and Tricks
  19. Web Sites Devoted to Macromedia Flash and Flash Developers
  20. TextArc: An Alternate Way to View a Text
  21. Designer & Developer - Usability Testing
  22. Dreamweaver MX: The Missing Manual

What happened to Version 5?

Macromedia : Dreamweaver 4   [Version 4]

  1. Macromedia Dreamweaver - Support Center
  2. Basics
  3. Moving from Dreamweaver 4 to Dreamweaver MX 2004
  4. Macromedia Dreamweaver - Documentation Overview
  5. Dreamweaver 4 Quick Reference    [printable zip file 288kb]
  6. Macromedia - Dreamweaver : Basic Tutorials
  7. Samples and Tutorials
  8. New User Resource Center
  9. Designer and Developer Center       Designer      Developer
  10. Front Page Migration Kit

Adobe / Macromedia Contribute

  1. David's Contribute Page
  2. Macromedia Contribute
  3. Contribute Development Center
  4. Designing Dreamweaver Sites For Contribute Users

Fairfax County Resources

  1. Fairfax County, Virginia
  2. Site Design Demo - County of Fairfax, Virginia
  3. Web Writing and Design Tips  [Local Intranet]
  4. General Overview of Web Development   [Local Intranet]
    1. Web Technical Standards  [PDF]   [Local Intranet]
    2. Public Web Standards   [Local Intranet]
  5. Tips For Making HTML Pages Search Engine Friendly   [Local Intranet]
  6. The X(HTML) Files: Coding Standards Using XHTML [Adobe]
  7. Dreamweaver MX2004 Setup  [PDF]  [Local Intranet]
  8. Logon and configure Citrix   [.doc]  [Local Intranet]

Macromedia - Designer & Developer Center

Other Dreamweaver Resources

  1. Free Step-by-Step Tutorials for Dreamweaver
  2. Dreamweaver Developer Center
  3. Community MX
  4. DreamweaverFAQ.com
  5. International Dreamweaver FAQ's
  6. Macromedia Dreamweaver Tutorials & Short Courses
  7. Dreamweaver Related & General HTML
  8. Using Dreamweaver MX
  9. Customize Dreamweaver to Your Needs
  10. Easy Flash with Dreamweaver
  11. Web Building - CNET.com: Dreamweaver
  12. The Dreamweaver Supply Bin
  13. DWfile.com
  14. The Dreamweaver Team
  15. Dreamweaver Supply Bin: Behaviours
  16. Dreamweaver Supply Bin: Objects
  17. Boalt's Dreamweaver 4 Tutorial
  18. Dreamweaver Fever
  19. Lynda.com: Dreamweaver 4 Discussion
  20. Dreamweaver FAQ.com
  21. DWZone.net
  22. Craig Foster's Dreamweaver News & Info
  23. Patty Ayers' The P@tty Site      FAQ
  24. Group: macromedia . dreamweaver   [newsgroup]
  25. Newsgroup URL: news://forums.macromedia.com/macromedia.dreamweaver
  26. Dreamweaver Resources - Downloads - Andrew Castles
  27. Webmonkey: Dreamweaver Walk-Through
  28. Dreamweaver Tutorial     [iboost]
  29. IDM: A Macromedia Dreamweaver Tutorial
  30. Extending-Dreamweaver.Com
  31. yaromat 1.5 :: Dreamweaver Extensions
  32. Dreamweaver and Fireworks Extensions by David G. Miles.
  33. Dreamweaver Resources
  34. Dreamweaver Depot
  35. Mastering Dreamweaver 3: Site Setup
  36. Ram Ganesh's Dreamweaver Site
  37. Dreamweaver OSA Extension    [Applescript with Dreamweaver]
  38. Dreamweaver Bible
  39. Webmonkey: javascript:  code_library:  editor_extensions collection
  40. Dreamweaver Browser Profiles
  41. Bren´s Dreamweaver Lounge
  42. Massimo's Corner of the web
  43. Dreamweaver for Windows and Macintosh    [Appendix]
  44. Dreamweaver | Fredlet's Arc of the Ring
  45. Defining Sites in Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0
  46. Aligned Development Strategies, Inc.
  47. Creating Rules with Tables
  48. ftp://ftp.outlanderspices.com/
  49. Troubleshooting FTP Problems in Dreamweaver
  50. Get Dreamweaver FTP Password   [Online]
  51. Dreamweaver MX Tutorials DreamweaverCAFE
  52. Dreamweaver Developer Center CSS
  53. Creating Rules with Tables   
  54. The Missing Manual:  Behavior Demos    Dreamweaver Extensions
  55. How to edit Wordpress themes using Dreamweaver
  56. MM-Exporter
  57. Find and Replace
    1. Stored Query to Remove CSS Comments
  58. File Compare
    1. WinMerge
    2. Beyond Compare
    3. Merge for Windows
    4. Regular Expression Reference
  59. Spry framework for Ajax
    1. Spry 1.4 Developer Guide
    2. Feelin' Spry
    3. Ajax ( Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
    4. Ajax framework
    5. Popup Politicians
    6. Working with Spry XML Data Sets
    7. Ajax Tutorial
    8. Spry Data Set and Dynamic Region Sample
    9. Effects Demo
    10. Spry Collapsing Panel
    11. Spry, The Flavor Saver
    12. "Spry" vegetable shortening
    13. Spry and Dreamweaver    (for beginners)    [OnDemand Seminar]
    14. Adobe Spry Demonstrations at WhyTrySpry.com
      1. Spry in Dreamweaver CS3 creates some amazing Web 2.0 effects [YouTube]
  60. Translation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Adobe’s ‘FAQ’ Regarding Their Acquisition of Macromedia

Dreamweaver Extensions:

  1. Page List - garterblue.com
  2. Kaosweaver Extensions       Formmail v0.1 (final)
  3. Sothink Widgets Dreamweaver Extension
  4. FlevOOware - Dreamweaver Extensions
  5. David Wilkinson's Dreamweaver Extensions
  6. Rabi's Dreamweaver Extensions
  7. Dreamweaver Extensions Database
  8. Celestial Technical Babble Generator
  9. Lorem Ipsum
  10. Corporate MumboJumbo
  11. Check Form     checkform.mxp from Yaromat.com
  12. Swiping Menu Builder       Sample
  13. Swap Class by PVII
  14. Extensions by David G. Miles
  15. WebAssist
  16. List-O-Rama!    (free extension)
  17. CourseBuilder
    1. Including CourseBuilder Interactions and Controls in Dreamweaver Projects


  1. Animating Layers with Timelines
  2. Animating layers in a Dreamweaver 4 timeline - Sample
  3. Animating Layers
  4. go, stop and reset, oh boy!
  5. Animating in Dreamweaver MX with Timelines

Rotating Images / Slide Shows

  1. Rotating Images with Dreamweaver and JavaScript
  2. Dynamic Drive - Image Slideshows
  3. JavaScript Slideshow
  4. Using Dreamweaver 3 to create a layer slideshow
  5. Creating an Inline Random Graphic in Dreamweaver CS3

Dreamweaver Templates

  1. New template features in Dreamweaver MX
  2. Dreamweaver MX Templates   Reference Material   Troubleshooting Tips & Tricks   
  3. Creating a nested template in Dreamweaver MX
  4. An Introduction to Dreamweaver MX Nested Templates
  5. Dreamweaver Sample Templates
  6. Understanding paths in Dreamweaver templates   [TechNote 13842]
  7. Adding content to pages from a Template in Dreamweaver 4
  8. Unable to Assign Keywords in Pages Created from a Template
  9. Understanding editable and noneditable regions in templates
  10. DMX Template Repeating Regions and Tables
  11. Important information to consider when using template
  12. Understanding importing and exporting XML and templates
  13. Modifying Page Properties in Templates
  14. Macromedia - Dreamweaver - Using templates show me movie
  15. The Dreamweaver Template - A tutorial on using Templates in Dreamweaver
  16. Dreamweaver Templates Frequently Asked Questions
  17. Setting Up Templates By Hand, Or With A Program than Dreamweaver
  18. Selective CSS with Templates
  19. Static to Template Conversion
  20. Interspire   - Free web templates
  21. Macromedia - Templates Topic Center
  22. Free Dreamweaver MX Templates
  23. Site Planning and Publishing: Using Templates
  24. Open Source Alternatives to Dreamweaver Templating
  25. Dissecting the Halo Template File
  26. Introducing Templates for Contribute Users
  27. Modifying Page Layouts with Template Conditional Statements and Multiple CSS Files
  28. Guidance on when to use templates, library items, and SSIs
  29. View Some Templates:
    1. ATSC     ATSC Template
    2. Best Practices for UMBC Webmasters   /Templates/oit.dwt
  30. Server Side Includes
    1. Server Side Includes [Wikipedia]
    2. BigNoseBird.Com's Server Side Include Page ( SSI)
    3. Server Side Includes (SSI)
  31. Create a page based on a Dreamweaver sample file: samples
  32. FreeCSSTemplates.org

Dreamweaver and Accessibility

  1. How Do I Create an Accessible Site?
  2. Creating accessible content using Dreamweaver MX 2004
  3. Accessibility Features of Dreamweaver MX and MX 2004
  4. Dreamweaver MX's accessibility features
  5. Accessibility Techniques for Macromedia Dreamweaver 3.0/4.0 for Microsoft Windows
  6. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Accessibility Overview
  7. Dreamweaver extension for W3C Priority 1 and 2
  8. Macromedia 508 Accessibility Suite
  9. Web Developer: Firefox
  10. Web Accessibility Toolbar , Version 2.0 WAT for IE 2.0
    1. Function Descriptions
  11. Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

Dreamweaver and HTML / XHTML

  1. Levels of HTML knowledge
  2. Modifying Dreamweaver to Produce Valid XHTML
  3. Dreamweaver 4 does not recognize all XHTML code
  4. XHTML modifications for Dreamweaver
  5. Customizing Dreamweaver to produce XHTML
  6. XHTML Web Page Template

What about WORD?

  1. Dreamweaver Clean Up Word HTML
  2. Clean HTML from Word: Can It Be Done?
  3. Word HTML Cleaner
  4. Scalable Exploitation of, and Responses to Information Leakage
    Through Hidden Data in Published Documents
  5. Copied text from Microsoft Word may lose some formatting when
    pasted into Dreamweaver MX 2004
  6. Paste Formatted from Word creates CSS style names with Mso prefixes
  7. Error message appears after applying the Clean-up Word HTML command to a Word 2002 document
  8. Fun Quotes
  9. PowerPoint
    1. How to Create Accessible PowerPoint Presentations from Scratch
    2. How to Make PowerPoint Presentations Accessible to Publish on the Web

Tech Notes and other useful things...

  1. Building scalable websites with Dreamweaver CS4
  2. BrowserLab
  3. Spry Demonstrations
    1. Effects Demos
    2. Photo Gallery Demos
    3. Product Demos
    4. Periodic Table Demo
    5. RSS Reader Demo
    6. Forms Validation Widgets Demo
  4. Pre designed CSS layouts
  5. Dreamweaver starter templates
    1. Customizable starter designs for beginners
    2. template 1   Spry Menu Bar Horizontal
    3. template 2   Spry Accordion
    4. template 3   Spry Accordion Main Content
    5. template 4   Spry Tabbed Panels
    6. template 5   Spry Collapsible Panel
  6. Tableless layouts with Dreamweaver CS4
  7. From table-based to tableless web design with CSS
    1. CSS Basics
    2. CSS starter pages
  8. Email
    1. David's HTML e-MAIL page
    2. Creating cross-client HTML emails
  9. How to set default attributes that apply to every new page automatically
  10. What is WebDAV and How Can I Use It?   (PDF)
  11. Macromedia Fireworks Resources
  12. HomeSite
  13. Marvins Gardens
    1. Marvin's Gardens Professional Landscaping Services
    2. Marvin's Gardens of Colorado Springs
  14. The N.O.D. Web Site is ready for a new look...
  15. Forms
    1. Form Reply Address
    2. Phireworx HTML Form Snippets Extension
  16. Image Maps
  17. Mark of the Web
    1. Windows XP Service Pack 2 Enhancements to Internet Explorer 6
    2. Internet Explorer security message when viewing files locally with JavaScript or Flash content  
    3. Mark of the Web Extension  [.mxp  3kb]
  18. Flash Buttons
    1. Deaf Education and Emerging Video Technologies    schedule.swf
    2. Mole Lake Casino
  19. Stupid Web Tricks    [Everything you have wanted to do!]
  20. Rollover Images
  21. NoiseBot.com - Power-Up Pyramid T-Shirt, Hoodie, or Tote Bag   [Show Hide Layer ]
  22. Arecibo Observatory Home   
  23. Death of the Father    [Show Hide Layer]
  24. Elysian Fields    [Show Hide Layer - nonMM]
  26. onMouseOver=MM_swapImage
  27. Web Design forum for webmasters: Dreamweaver
  28. Rounded Corner Image Maker

Class Information / Files

  1. Dream Weaver - Brockville, Ontario   [Java Applet: PixAround PixScreen]
  2. Dreamweaver Sample Layouts
    1. A page made from...
    2. Two_Column_Hybrid_Left_Sidebar_Header_Footer.html
    3. Two_Column_Hybrid_Left_Sidebar.html
  3. Web Accessibility Toolbar [For IE], Version 2.0
  4. Download Exercise Files for Thomson
  5. Course ILT: Dreamweaver MX: Basic
    1. Topic outline
    2. Student data files    (.exe 1700 KB)
  6. Course ILT: Dreamweaver MX: Advanced
    1. Topic outline
    2. Student data files    (.exe 661 KB)
  7. Course ILT: Dreamweaver MX 2004: Basic
    1. Topic outline
    2. Student Data Files   (.exe 2038 KB)
  8. Course ILT: Dreamweaver MX 2004: Advanced
    1. Topic outline
    2. Student Data Files   (.exe 2234 KB)
  9. Course ILT: Dreamweaver 8: Basic
    1. Topic outline
    2. Student Data Files ( .exe 3731 KB)
  10. Course ILT: Dreamweaver 8: Advanced
    1. Topic outline
    2. Student Data Files   Units 1-5   (.exe  3142 KB)
    3. Student Data Files   Units 6-8   (.exe  5272 KB)
  11. elementK Adobe Dreamweaver CS3: Level 1
  12. elementK Adobe Dreamweaver CS3: Level 2
  13. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004: Training from the Source
    1. :: NorthWind Studios ::
    2. Lights of the Coast
    3. Lighthouses   TMP9d038khz7n.htm
    4. dwmx2004_tfs_text.txt        dwmx2004_tfs_text.html
  14. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
    1. Dreamweaver MX 2004 - The Web Site
    2. Dreamweaver MX - The Web Site
  15. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8: Training from the Source
    1. : : Yoga Sangha : :
    2. :: Prakasa Ma ::
  16. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Hands-On Training
    1. Course Outline
    2. lynda.com
    3. Search Google for: "Teacloud - Welcome to Teacloud"
    4. Beyond Compare
    5. SelectORacle
    6. Listamatic: one list, many options
    7. Yaromat's Check Form Behavior
  17. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Classroom in a Book     amazon   errata file (PDF)
    1. Companyanon.com
    2. Welcome to UltraRPM, Inc.
  18. Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 in 24 Hours     amazon
  19. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Hands-On Training 
  20. Free Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Tutorial and Training   [Learnthat.com]
  21. Free Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Training Intermediate
  22. ftp.outlanderspices.com
  23. Course Materials: Antall Training
  24. Contribute
  25. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 - PTTE 412
  26. WebAssist
  27. Creating Your First Website
    1. Part 1: Setting Up Your Site and Project Files
    2. Part 2: Creating a Table-Based Page Layout
    3. Part 3: Adding Content to Pages
    4. Part 4: Formatting Your Page with CSS
  28. Getting Started with Dreamweaver 8
    1. C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Tutorial_assets\
    2. Tutorial
    3. Tutorial: Formatting Your Page with CSS   [PDF]
    4. Cafe Townsend
    5. Cafe Townsend
  29. Displaying XML Data   2005
  30. Webucator Evaluation System
  31. Accelebrate Class Evaluations

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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 24 January 2010


© 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 David J. Hark