DW CS4's pre designed CSS layouts


There are wavelengths that people cannot see,
there are sounds that people cannot hear,
and maybe computers have thoughts
that people cannot think.
Richard Wesley Hamming

Dreamweaver CS4's pre designed layouts in new design window

The pre designed CSS layouts provide the following types of columns:

Column width is specified in pixels. The column does not resize based on the size of the browser or the site visitor’s text settings.
Column width is specified in a unit of measurement (ems) relative to the size of the text. The design adapts if the site visitor changes the text settings, but does not change based on the size of the browser window.   Example
Column width is specified as a percentage of the site visitor’s browser width. The design adapts if the site visitor makes the browser wider or narrower, but does not change based on the site visitor’s text settings. Example
Columns are a combination of any of the previous three options. For example, in the two-column hybrid, the right sidebar layout has a liquid main column that scales to the size of the browser, and an elastic column on the right that scales to the size of the site visitor’s text settings.

You might also enjoy Adobe's Dreamweaver starter templates and Learn to work with CSS.

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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 24 August 2009


© 2009 David J. Hark