
"There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories."
Ursula K. LeGuin


  1. Ostyn Consulting - Resources
    1. Diagnostic SCO for SCORM runtime by Claude Ostyn
  2. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver
  3. Captivate
  4. Adobe Captivate 4 Best Practices
  5. E-Learning: Conforming to Section 508


  1. Macromedia eLearning
    1. E-Learning Topic Center
    2. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver Extension
    3. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver MX 2004, V4.3.8
    4. CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver MX, V4.2.12
    5. Learning Site for Dreamweaver MX 2004, V1.2.1
    6. e-Learning Question Pack, V1.0
    7. Content Packager for IMS for Dreamweaver 8, V1.1.1
      1. Creating Dreamweaver Learning Content for WebCT Vista  (PDF)
    8. Manifest Maker for ADL SCORM 1.2
  2. Advanced Distributed Learning     SCORM®
    1. ADL Community: Supporting the Global Advancement of Distributed Learning
  3. Teaching and Learning Online @ CSU, Sacramento
  4. Microsoft E-Learning Home
  1. ICS Learning Group
  2. RemoteCourse
  3. Webucator
  4. MindLeaders
  5. Questionmark
  6. Learning Peaks, LLC: Instructional Technology Consultants
  7. EDUCAUSE | Resources | Resource Center | E-Learning


  1. CourseBuilder

Industry Standards

  1. Standards in e-Learning: Why do we need them?
  2. Macromedia - eLearning : Standards
  3. Advanced Distributed Learning
  4. AICC
  5. SCORM 1.2, 2004
    1. L5 SCORM Producer for Dreamweaver 8, V1.1.1
  6. IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee
  7. IMS Global Learning Consortium

mit xtutor

  1. MIT iCampus: XTutor
  2. tutor


  1. Create Effective Online Training Tools With Powerpoint?
  2. Presentation to Video Converter

Captivate (older)

  1. PC Talk Radio interviews RJ Jacquez: A Captivating approach to eLearning    mp.3
  2. Adobe Certified Expert in Captivate 3
  3. Introducing Captivate
  4. Captivate Overview   (Breeze - Recorded Macrochat)
    1. 1 hr elearning   = 220 hr development time
    2. 1 hr simulation = 750 hr development time
  5. Macrofireball: A blog dedicated to Adobe Captivate & eLearning
  6. Building Captivating Simulations for E-Learning     (Breeze - Recorded)
  7. Accessibility Basics in Captivate   (Breeze - Recorded)
  8. CaptivatePlayer: Delivering Captivate Content on the Web
  9. Working with Audio Tracks in Captivate
  10. Exploring Quizzing in Captivate
  11. File-Size Considerations for Captivate Demonstrations and Simulations
  12. Integrating Captivate Learning Objects into WBT Manager
    1. Part 1: Setting Up Data Tracking
    2. Part 2: Testing and Tracking Learning Objects
  13. Output Options in Captivate
    1. Part 1: An Overview of Tracking Options
    2. Part 2: AICC Tracking
    3. Part 3: SCORM Tracking
    4. Part 4: E-mail Tracking
  14. MM's Captivate Demos
  15. Using the Library in Adobe Captivate 2
  16. Tips and Tricks
  17. Macromedia Captivate Tutorial Try for free
  18. RoboDemo & Captivate Tips and Tricks
  19. Reinstall Adobe Captivate cleanly
  20. Removing changes in the background that are not visible in the timeline
  21. Using Captivate to Retouch Images in Recorded Demos and Simulations
  22. How to make Adobe Captivate content available for Podcasting
  23. Portable Project Themes in Captivate 2
  24. Exporting your Adobe Captivate project to Flash
  25. Captivate hints and tips - Creating your own Captions
  26. I Came, I Saw, I Learned...:
  27. December 2006 - Captive Content - Part Deux
    1. The Captivate .SWF that comprises the skin
    2. The Captivate .SWF that comprises the main movie
    3. The Captivate created HTML "Companion page" T
    4. The Captivate created "standard.js" JavaScript file
      1. Sequence of events with a typical Captivate movie using a skin.
        1. You double-click the HTML "Companion page"
        2. This HTML page loads into the browser.
        3. Code in the page looks for the standard.js file.
        4. A function inside standard.js loads the skin .SWF file.
        5. The skin .SWF file internally handles loading the main movie
        6. The main movie then begins to play
  28. Captivate Files and Sequence of Operation


  1. Presenters University : Learners Paradise
  2. How does Captivate work in a Citrix environment?
  3. Captivate Hangs During Launch Only When Connected to the Network

Acrobat Connect



  1. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
  2. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Advanced
  3. Betsy Bruce's eLearning Consulting
    1. eLearning with Dreamweaver MX
  4. Using Dreamweaver MX to Create e-Learning: A Comprehensive Guide to CourseBuilder and Learning Site
  5. Dreamweaver MX e-Learning Toolkit : Building Web-Based Training with CourseBuilder
  6. Coursebuilder for Dreamweaver F/X and Design
  7. 834 Tips for Successful Online Instruction
  8. Designing Web-based Training--Resources for Trainers    (**)
  9. E-Learning: A Guidebook of Principles, Procedures and Practices   [PDF - Free download]

LMS (Learning Management System)


  1. David's SCORM page
  3. Rustici Software
  4. One-Minute SCORM Overview for Anyone
  5. A brief introduction to SCORM
  6. About SCORM
  7. SCORM: What it is and when it is used  (Encyclopedia of Educational Technology)
  8. Ostyn Consulting - Free resources for SCORM and competency management
  9. JCA Solutions SCORM Course
  10. Frequently Asked Questions about SCORM

Learning Objects

General Information

  1. Is Instructional Design Relevant to RSS, Mobile Learning, Blogs, PodCasts, Wikis and New Tech?   (Breeze - Recorded)
  2. Screencast
  3. Seven Key Features of E-Learning Environments
  4. 10 Damaging E-learning Myths
  5. The Building Blocks of a Successful e-Training Program    Download PDF (95 KB)
  6. Critical Strategies for a Successful E-Learning Project
  7. Performance, Learning, Leadership, & Knowledge Site  (Big Dog and Little Dog)
  8. Web-Based Training Information Center
  9. eLearning Jump Page
  10. The Value of Multimedia in Learning
  11. If You Build They Won’t Necessarily Come  (Breeze - Recorded)
  12. Write Right: Polishing Your E-Learning Prose
  13. Effective User Interface Design: The Four Rules
  14. Peer Review Principles for Online Courses


  1. The eLearning Guild
  2. ASTD Home
    1. Learning Circuits -- ASTD's Online Magazine Covering E-Learning
    2. Free Reading Lists
  3. The MASIE Center
  4. Advanced Distributed Learning
  5. EUROPA - Education and Training - eLearning
    1. elearningeuropa.info


  1. Trivantis elearning Products and Solutions
    1. Centra Live Tutorial
  2. ACCC Seminar :: Web Quizzes with Dreamweaver Attain  (1999)
    1. examples
  3. Tutorial and Article Index   (CourseBuilder Extensio Support Center)
  4. CourseBuilder For Dreamweaver 4 and UltraDev 4
  5. Learning Site Command for Dreamweaver 4
  6. Manifest Maker for Deamweaver 4
  7. SCORM Wrapper for Deamweaver 4


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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 13 September 2009


© 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 David J. Hark