Copyright: September 1999
Thomas E. Blaylock, Jr.
Updated: 03/15/05



            This book is not pornography. Neither is it immoral nor profane. It is not against any good, anywhere or at anytime. This book only seeks to bring out the very best which is in you. I simply wish to stimulate your honest thinking and reasoning ability. Then you can make decisions that are more intelligent with your life, your time and your money. And believe it or not, the HONEST MAN'S PHILOSOPHY may soon become one of your best friends.

            Philosophy is the Most Important aspect of your life. Your philosophy determines where you live, what foods you eat, in what occupation you engage, whom you marry, what color car you buy, your temperament, your health, for whom you vote, what you think is good or bad, with whom you associate, your hobbies and above all, philosophy determines your happiness, or your lack of it. To a degree, it also determines your longevity. So, please, examine your philosophy and then examine mine! You will be pleasantly surprised!

            You can read this book in the quietness of your own room. No one will know what you are reading. You are not obligated, nor is it necessary to defend your beliefs, philosophy, or concepts to this book. You do not have to agree or disagree. Therefore, you will find yourself in the wonderful position of Being Able To Be Honest - with yourself. You can honestly think about these things without being afraid. You do not even have to form an opinion, or change your opinion. You are under no pressure from anyone or anything. You are now Free, so read and think.

No good or just God could possibly disapprove of your honest thoughts.

            As a result of following the present day philosophies of our western civilization, our world is once again in a desperate condition. It is imperative that people realize, “Something is wrong here.” We have not received the benefits our forefathers promised us if we followed their philosophy. We must take our heads out of the sand and examine both our present philosophy and other philosophies by which to govern and judge our lives. We need a better philosophy to guide both our governments and our personal activities. The philosophy outlined in this book is the best, most sane and honest philosophy by which to govern our life and activity. This book will prove that statement to you.

            This philosophy has been called by many names and has been described in many different ways. However, by any name one chooses, Clear Thinking has always presented the same truth, the same facts and the same demands on one's life. A rose is a rose no matter what you name it.

            The literal Greek meaning of the word “philosophy” is “The love of Wisdom.” True philosophy is discovered, composed and written by these lovers of wisdom and seekers after truth. In earlier times these seekers after truth first turned their searching toward the physical things of life. These men were called scientists, philosophers and wise men. They were given great respect and their conclusions and experiments were sought after as wisdom and insight. These men were honored and respected for their intellect, for their work and for their insight.

            Later they turned their powers of inquiry onto those things called spiritual. They discovered that many of the claims and promises of the philosophies and religions of their time were fraudulent. They found the religions of their day were copied from a mixed bag of other religions. They realized many of the claims were simply inventions of the imagination. They began to present their findings by writing these truths down so others could have the benefit of their research. Their findings placed great doubt on some of the claimed miracles and promises of the religions.

            They were condemned at once as heretics and God haters by dishonest men who were threatened by the truth, conclusions and insights of these scholars. These wise men were hunted down, sought out and jailed or killed, and sometimes both. Their writings were hunted down and destroyed along with those who possessed these writings. These destroyers of truth used their powers of religion and government against these wise men. They sought to place fear and hatred upon those philosophers and scientists by claiming that these wise men were against God and the church. They lied about these philosophers and gave them a false and derogatory nametag. They began calling these great men by the False name of “Atheists.”

            Today this false nametag and lie is still carried on in all English dictionaries by claiming this great and true philosophy shall be called “Atheism,” or the belief or doctrine that there is no God. This book will show you how and why religion was able to carry out this devious plan of lies. It will also show you how false this nametag “Atheism” really is. It will show you that this “name calling” is a form of censorship and dishonesty. This book will show you the fear religion has of the morality, truths and conclusions of this philosophy, which they have called Atheism.

            The presentation and reality of this philosophy is so powerful, logical, helpful and appealing, its enemies have found no way to logically contradict a single one of its truths, its facts or its logical conclusions. Being unable to show any error in this philosophy, its enemies sought to destroy or censure it by every means at their disposal. They hate and fear Honest Doubt, Honest Scholarship and Honest Logic, all of which leads to truth and wisdom. It is the light of this truth that shines upon the claims of these dishonest men and exposes their errors and falsehoods.

            These dishonest men, using the powers of government and religion, murdered and imprisoned these wise teachers and followers of this philosophy wherever and whenever they had the power to do so. When these men had their power to torture and kill taken away, they sought to drive this powerful philosophy underground by censorship, lying about it and by calling it many derogatory names. They lied not only to their own believers, but to the world as well. They destroyed any writings they could find that told the truth about it. These dishonest religious men caused civil laws to be passed that took away many of the citizenship rights of anyone who accepted and lived this philosophy, even in the United States.

            For generations in this country, those who followed Clear Thinking were not allowed to give testimony in a courtroom. Even today, because of pressures on business and government, this philosophy finds it almost impossible to buy radio time or newspaper space to present the truth and facts of its teachings. It is difficult to even advertise! Only on the Internet has this philosophy managed to avoid the censorship of governmental and religious control. Let's keep it that way.

            In this book, I will sometimes use the name by which these dishonest men have falsely called this philosophy. By so doing, you will see for yourself that both the names and the claims made against this philosophy by these men - are False. At the same time they reveal the total censorship and disregard, they have for the truth. I call this philosophy "Clear Thinking.” It has also been called Deism, Agnosticism, Humanism, Free Thought, Atheism, Secularism and many other names. It has also been called evil and from the Devil.

            The Philosophy of Clear Thinking has never needed to defend nor apologize for its facts, logic or conclusions. The facts, after you are familiar with them, will speak for themselves. If it were not for the censorship of the past and present, you would already have at least a correct nominal knowledge of this philosophy. Had it not been for the censorship in this country you would have certainly reviewed this philosophy in college or high school. Beyond doubt, you would have read some accurate and truthful information on Humanism, Atheism, or Free Thought written by an advocate of Clear Thinking. But most likely, you have not because the truth is timid while the untruth is bold, jealous and suppressive.

            To my knowledge, there is not one single university or seminary in the USA that teaches a course on this philosophy that is taught by one who accepts and lives Clear Thinking. You have not been introduced to Clear Thinking because subjects that are taught in the USA are limited to those concepts that agree with mainstream religion (Except for Science). For shame!

            So, welcome to this book on the philosophy of Clear Thinking that is written by a Clear Thinker. This is not just a book About Clear Thinking. This is the study and the application Of Clear Thinking, written by one who lives it and can explain Clear Thinking to you. Christian or Jewish professors teach most of the other courses in the United States on this philosophy. You can recognize them by their titles and credits.

            Such a situation is like a Christian Science practitioner teaching a course on internal medicine, or the circus fat man teaching aerobic dancing. One of my students once added, "or a paraplegic teaching swimming." The point is this:  You cannot learn about the philosophy of Clear Thinking, its principles and what it teaches from a Christian or religious teacher.

            Yet, religious writers (the enemies of Clear Thinking who hate and fear its truths, facts and conclusions) write almost all the information in reference books on this philosophy. They write the references in the USA from the dictionaries and Encyclopedia Britannica down to the one volume Household Encyclopedia. These references are false and often, derogatory, bad spirited and sometimes just plain mean.

            This type of treatment by anyone on any subject is called censorship. Clear Thinkers are the most censored and discriminated against minority in the USA. They are also the most misrepresented and lied about group. They are feared and hated by religion and government!

            What you will learn in this book will undoubtedly be different from what you have been told about Clear Thinking by those who are not Clear Thinkers. Most of them cannot even Correctly define it. You will find here an organized presentation and application of the philosophy of life known as Clear Thinking (falsely called Atheism).

            This philosophy is based upon Honesty and the scientific approach to the problems of life, social relationships and morality. You will see it is the philosophical foundations upon which this nation was founded and not Christianity as the religious would have you believe. You will view the proofs for yourselves.

            Christianity has sought to take credit for all the advances of western civilization. This book clearly shows how that credit rightly belongs to hard working and brave Clear Thinkers. This philosophy was, and is, in the spearhead of scientific, social and governmental advancement for the betterment of society.

            Clear Thinking is not a belief, or a faith, or a religion. It is a “Philosophy.”

            Clear Thinking is the philosophy of life that is superior to any other philosophy, past or present. It is not a negative philosophy but the most positive and moral philosophy known to mankind. It is the most logical philosophy ever understood by thinking men. Clear Thinking is totally compatible with reason and with all the known and provable facts. It also dovetails perfectly with the morality, needs and hopes of mankind.


            This book will often compare or point out weaknesses and errors in government and religion and clear the way for understanding Clear Thinking. It will show some of the results that stem from following the current religious and political philosophies. It will also evaluate religion, Christianity and government in light of this philosophy.

            The Honest Man's Philosophy is not particularly a defense of Clear Thinking. This book is merely a true statement of what the Clear Thinking philosophy really is, what it says, what it stands for, what it can do for you and how to apply it. Little time will be spent discussing various points of interest except where it is necessary to clarify some specific points and applications of Clear Thinking.

            You will learn to distinguish between hatred against the church often called Atheism (but, which is not) and true Clear Thinking that does not hate the church. You will be able to spot and evaluate statements made about this philosophy by organizations that fear it.

            You may even learn to live, enjoy and accept a productive position in life as a result of this book. There are many other truths you will learn. Some will be taught and some you will discover for yourself.

            Clear Thinking is the most tolerant philosophy man can possess. This study of Clear Thinking will be of great help to you in the areas of morality, mental health, economics, government and the history of mankind.

            The Clear Thinker has a higher, more moral opinion of what God should be than do the followers of the various and sundry religions.

            Read that statement again and think about it!

            Wonder of wonders, you may even discover that you, yourself, are a Clear Thinker and you did not know it until you came into contact with this book and the clarification of what this philosophy actually is and what it stands for.

            Hopefully, you will also discover the most important commodity, which man or woman can possess for good mental health. That commodity is Honesty. You will be shown time and again that Honesty and Clear Thinking are one and the same philosophy.


            The false nametag the religions have given the philosophy of Clear Thinking is “Atheism.” To show that Clear Thinking is Not Atheism as charged by the religions, you need to see how this designation came about. You will see how the attaching of the nametag of "Atheism" to Clear Thinking, demonstrates the dishonesty and censorship of religion and government. And it also demonstrates the honesty of this philosophy. Read on!

Defining Clear Thinking
