Copyright September 1999
By: Thomas E. Blaylock, Jr.
Updated: 03/15/05



            Before taking the word Atheism apart and putting it back together again, why don't you stop right here and write down what your concept of Atheism is, or was, before you picked up this book. A simple statement or a paragraph at most will do.

            You need to do this so you can honestly determine how this explanation of Clear Thinking stimulates your thinking, affects your morality, affects your attitude toward yourself and your attitude toward those who are called Atheists by the churches.

            Pay careful attention to this chapter. Let's go to work and dissect the word Atheism. First, look at the etymology (roots) of the word, Atheism. Theos means God in Greek. A means no, non, none, not or without. Ism means a concept or philosophy, or a way of thinking. Therefore by this definition, Atheism means, a no God concept, or a no-God philosophy. By this definition, an Atheist is one who does not believe and/or cannot accept the concept of God (as defined by the various religions).

            But Clear Thinkers have a very big problem with that definition because it is the nametag that Others (the church) gave them. It does not properly identify their philosophical position. The name Atheism does not even remotely define this philosophy. It is a false definition. It is a religious attempt to belittle, censure and falsify the Philosophy of Clear Thinking.

            To show how a name can be used to belittle a group of people, look at the name “Christian.” “Christ,” in English, is a transliteration of the Greek word Christos, which means, anointed. (The word “Transliteration” means to carry the Sound of the word itself from one language to another. Thus, Christos in the Greek becomes Christ when the word is Anglicized or taken into English. Transliteration ignores the meaning. To carry the meaning of a word from one language to another is to Translate.)

            The Greek word Christos translates the Hebrew word Messiah, which means anointed. It has come to mean, anointed by God. This word, Messiah, was used only for kings, prophets and priests. Messiah was used for those who were presented to the people as being sent by God for some special work. David and King Saul were also Messiahs or Christs. They were called Christos (anointed) in Greek. The Jewish people have had many claimed Messiahs, or who claimed Messiahship for themselves.

            Ian means little from ianos in the Greek. So the word "Christian" translated into English, literally means, “little anointed ones.”

            "Christian" was a derogatory term used by the Romans, Jews, Greeks and others to belittle and ridicule the followers of an ancient religion called "Mithras," and later a modern outcast Jewish sect called "The Way." Christians were mocked and were called "little kings,” “little priests,” or "little anointed ones."

            We do the same thing when we say, "He thinks he is a little God,” or "He thinks he is a little Caesar." This title “Christian” was applied to these people because they claimed to have all the answers of life. They got the answers from God himself and were always right, thus establishing themselves as little Christs (little anointed ones who knew everything and were always right).

            So, the title once given to Christians as a name of mockery and deformation, they now wear proudly as a mark of distinction.

            The nametag "Atheism" is somewhat like that. It was given by the church as a term to strike fear in the hearts of the faithful, and animosity and hostility toward those who were Honest Clear Thinkers. To the leaders of the Christian religions, this philosophy was a type of mental plague. Once infected with the Clear Thinking philosophy, the former believers could never return to their past belief and obedience, or have respect for the religious powers of that day. Religion fears Clear Thinking more than any other one thing. This book will help you understand why.

            This is interesting. The religions understood and proclaimed that once a person became an Honest Clear Thinker (so-called Atheist), he could never again be brought under the sway of a religion except by force or threat of force. Many men "recanted" their honest thinking and asked the church to "forgive” them (as did Galileo). Why? They loved living more than they loved dying.

            The term that Clear Thinkers (Atheist) have given themselves is quite different from the term that the church has given them. It is a term that more nearly describes the philosophy to which they adhere. The name they often give themselves is,


            There will be much more to say about "Free Thinking" later, but for now, the term Free Thinker describes their attitude toward life and toward life's many complex problems. It also describes their philosophy. It means they are Free to think, honestly and logically. They are neither bound to prove any claim, nor to arrive at any predetermined conclusions or beliefs.

            There are absolutely no Free Thinker (or Atheist) doctrines. Atheism definitely has no religious beliefs or faiths. Their freedom lies in the fact that they do not have to reconcile their conclusions with any belief or faith. They can start with any subject and follow the facts to their logical conclusions.


            When Clear Thinkers approach a problem, they look for the facts. They know facts do not stand alone but depend on many other proven facts. Also, they have nothing to defend, nothing that needs an apology and nothing that needs an explanation. The reason for this is,


            The Free Thinker is not trying to prove any point. He has no point to prove. He simply takes the proven facts on a subject and finds out where those facts lead. When the honest man follows the facts, he reaches whatever conclusions are in agreement with all the known and proven facts and in harmony with the truth and morality of the matter.

            It is by this method of following the facts that Clear Thinkers have reached the factual and logical conclusion that there is no such God as described by the Persians in the Mithraic religion. If New facts were brought forth, which proved there is such a Mithraic God, those called Atheists would conclude there was indeed such a God. But they would still be Atheists. That is, they would still follow the facts. They would still be Clear Thinkers. They would still be Free Thinkers. Atheism is not a conclusion. Atheism is a Method of Thinking, a philosophy! Ponder that for a moment!

            So much for now on the "free" in Free Thinking. Look next at the "thinking" in Free Thinking. Later we will get into the subject of thinking and go into it in some depth. For now, what is the difference between these two approaches to the problem of the existence of a God?

1. PROVE the Shinto God exists.
2. FIND OUT if the Shinto God exists.

            Which one of these approaches promotes honest thinking and which one prevents honest clear thinking? If you are asked to take approach number one, that says "Prove this God exists," thinking has been crippled and made one sided. Since only the holy books give any information on this God, then to follow number one means the one who seeks to prove that his God exists will only look in holy books. He can never have the will or the courage to search out what the scientific and civil world have to say about the matter. In other words, he buries his head in the dry sands of his holy books.

            And what if you are a Buddhist or a Mithraic believer? Proposition number one gives you a Conclusion and asks you to Believe and confirm it. That conclusion may or may not be correct. By trying to prove proposition number one, you will Never know the truth for sure! If you believe the Hindu or Shinto God exists, then any simple jumble of statements will constitute "proof" to you.

            Approach number one starts with the Conclusion that this God does, in fact, exist. That is like trying to build a house by starting with the top of the chimney. One does not start with a finished product, with the answer. One must start with a foundation, at the beginning, with an honest question and with the known facts and truth of the matter.

            What if the first proposition was "Prove the Baptist and Shinto Gods exists?”

            When and how do you know if a Baptist or a Shinto God exists? Or, if you do not believe one of them does exist, will your mind not rebel at query number one and refuse to function properly? Whether you believe, or do not believe, anytime you set out to Prove any doctrine or belief, your mind will not function truly and honestly (that is a fact and you know it). You cannot think honestly, when the question is rigged in favor of a predetermined answer or conclusion! Rather, if you are a believer, your mind will hunt only for those statements or observations that "tend to prove" your predetermined conclusion. Your mind will pass over, ignore and reject those statements, facts and observations that disprove, or tend to disprove, what you are trying to prove. You are trying to prove your God exists.

            On the other hand, if you select approach number two that says, "Find out if these Gods exists," your mind will automatically seek facts, statements and observations from Both sides of the question. You have moved from a dishonest quest to an honest one. Your mind will be able to think honestly and carefully because you are now looking for the Truth. You are not looking to prove a point or to defend a belief. By using this honest scientific method, (called Atheism) you may find out that your God does indeed exist and you will have found out the truth - Logically and Honestly. You may find out the Baptist God does exist but the Shinto God does not exist - Honestly.

            Would you like to find out for sure if your God really does exist?

            This method of approaching problems is what makes Clear Thinking such a feared foe of religion and government. It is the Honest approach to the questions and problems of life. It ignores beliefs, conformity and custom. Clear Thinking hunts for the Facts of the matter. Clear Thinking starts at the foundation, at the bottom of the matter, with the known facts and with honest questions.

            Another way to view the truth of this Clear Thinking method of Honest investigation is to see the question as one that is not emotional. Suppose the question was, "Prove there is a Santa Claus." That would be the religious approach. The Clear Thinker’s approach would be, "Find out if there is a Santa Claus."

            The difference in approaching the truth should become clearer to you. If one believes there is a Santa Claus and ignores the contrary evidence, he can "prove" there is a Santa Claus. If he rejects the observations that "tend to disprove" the existence of Santa Claus, then a strong case can be built which "proves" Santa Claus does, in fact, exist. Just reading the Christmas stories, listening to the testimony of the kids, interviewing the parents in front of the kids and looking at the toys on Christmas day should be enough evidence for anybody. To the Santa Claus believer the case is closed. Santa does exist.

            That is the difference in the religious approach to a matter and the Clear Thinker's approach to the same matter. Clear Thinkers use the Scientific method of Honestly hunting and studying the facts. The religious believers use the "belief and testimony" (the hearsay) method. Religion always begins with a conclusion instead of looking for the facts and the truth of the matter. Religion accepts hearsay, testimony and belief as proofs. Honesty does not and cannot.

            Clear Thinking is Freedom to honestly seek the truth. Religious belief and faith controls the mind and binds it to a predetermined conclusion. To be a religious believer one must not think. The believer must let someone else do his thinking for him. The religious person must always believe and accept what his particular religious authorities teach, or change religions and beliefs. Why are you not a member of all the religions? Why are you not a member of a different one? The believers must only seek to prove those things, which their religion teaches. Those who are religious must always defend and prove their Own faith and belief. They must rate belief in their religious authorities higher than they rate the authorities in other religions. They must rate faith in their authorities higher than they rate the facts and the truth of the matter. They must rate their authorities higher than Honesty. The believer who seeks only to "prove" his belief ignores the only Honest question he could ask. That question is,


            There is a word I would like to see added to the name Clear Thinkers have given to themselves. In the title, "Free Thinker" should be placed the word "Honest.” Thus, "Honest Free Thinker" would describe the total philosophy of Clear Thinking (Atheism). It would acquaint the world and religious believers with the fact that Atheists are really Free to Think. They are free to think honestly because they do not have to end up agreeing with some predetermined conclusion. They do not have to agree with some prescribed belief. They do not have to agree with some religious authority. They have only to honestly agree with the known facts. Honest Clear Thinkers are free to hunt for the Truth of the matter. How sweet it is - to be Able to be Honest!

            We will have many details of these things and more in this book. If you are a believer, this might be the first time in your life you have the opportunity to Think, freely and Honestly. Use the opportunity wisely.


            Now, let's define the Clear Thinking philosophy that religion has falsely called Atheism. There is no legal, specific or agreed upon definition that I have ever read or heard that clearly defines it. Of course, that is the way it is with a censored philosophy. Almost all of the dictionaries define Atheism as: "The doctrine that there is no God, disbelief in the existence of God." Again, that is censorship. It is dishonest to use this false Christian definition of this philosophy. It Is False!

            The definition of Atheism as given in the dictionaries is like defining tuberculosis as a fever and cough. The fever is a result of tuberculosis. Fever and cough are only two symptoms or conclusions of tuberculosis. Likewise to describe Atheism as the doctrine that there is no God is not to describe Atheism at all. Rather, it is to describe One of its many conclusions.

            The absence of the Hindu Gods as described by the Hindu Holy Books is a conclusion that comes as a result of honestly following the known facts. This "no-God" conclusion is not a belief or a doctrine. It is a product of the facts just as ten is the product of one plus two plus three plus four. Atheism could have just as easily and honestly been described in the dictionaries as: “The doctrine that there is no Santa Claus, disbelief in the existence of Santa Claus.” They could have called it “A-santa-ism.” Falsely describing something is called censorship! It is also called lying and hypocrisy.

            It does amaze me that no Clear Thinker or Atheist has ever been asked to define Atheism for the dictionaries, reference books, or encyclopedias. Now think about that for a moment. Think of the power of censorship involved. Think about the political power it takes in order to define a powerful, Honest and true philosophy Falsely in the major reference books in the USA.

            What if some group had the power to define Christianity in their reference books as, "The doctrine that by following the teachings of a condemned Jewish criminal and believing in some magic words, a person will never die."

            That “IS” the definition of Christianity given in the eighth century by a Turkish scholar of the Islamic faith. That definition demonstrates censorship power in action.

            However, you will not have to suffer through life being ignorant of the definition of the Clear Thinking philosophy, falsely called Atheism. I shall give you one of my definitions of this philosophy (and later more). Here it is. Read it several times and try to put it in your own words.

            Clear Thinking is the philosophy of life that shapes its morality, its conclusions and its approach to life, from an honest, logical analyzation of the known and proven facts. It is the honest, logical, scientific approach to the problems and conflicts of morality, religion and the concepts of life.

            Notice nothing was said about God in this definition. You will also notice nothing was said about demons, devils, angels or tuberculosis. Nothing was said about faith, belief, or miracles. The reason these things were not mentioned is they have absolutely Nothing to do with the Philosophy of Clear Thinking (or Atheism). Those things are only Subjects to be explored for the facts in the same manner that we explore and study politics, law, mathematics, or economics.

            On the other hand, any definition of a religion must, of necessity, include the terms faith, belief, God, Christ, Jesus, Mohammed, Allah, etc. The point is the Clear Thinking philosophy, falsely called Atheism, is not a faith or belief. To the contrary, religion is just that, a faith, or a belief. Here is a second definition.

            Clear Thinking is the scientific method of honestly finding and examining the facts of a matter and logically determining the truth of that matter. It is the art of conducting one's life in the light of and on the basis of, the facts and conclusions of that truth.

            Religion is belief. It is accepting on faith something that is taught by an authority. Clear Thinking is exactly the opposite of religion. Honest people do not accept something just because it is taught by an authority, nor do they accept any teachings by, or on, faith. They study the facts and draw their Own honest conclusions from those facts.                                                            

            Religion wants you to believe and obey your authorities. It wants you to become childlike. Religion demands belief and obedience. "Except you become as little children, you cannot inherit the kingdom of God."

            Clear Thinking is hard, honest, mature, sweaty, adult work. It demands that you logically and honestly analyze every important claim put before you. Honest Clear Thinking demands that you check for the Facts of these religious, political, economical, or personal claims.

            Contrary to the hard work and honesty of Clear Thinking, Religion is taught as a passive and easy faith or belief. It requires nothing but consent, surrender and obedience. Gullibility is the Only necessary requirement of religion. Believe and Obey is the sovereign command of all religions!

            Clear Thinking is an active and sweaty philosophy of life, that demands:


            Faithful religious believers are afraid to think Honestly. They are! Honest questions, Honest doubts and Honest investigations of these religious matters are called a religious Sin that will enroll you into that place of hell fire and damnation. They must only Believe and Obey. To be Honest means to examine Both the pros and cons of the matter. That is called Thinking. Honest thinking Begins with Honest Doubt. But to the religious believers, doubt is the worst Sin. Honest Clear Thinkers are afraid Not to think. Believe and obey are the sovereign commands of All religions. Honest Logical Thinking is the life's blood of the Clear Thinking philosophy. Think about that!



            You can begin to see now that the Clear Thinking philosophy is badly misnamed when it is called Atheism by religion. Next, you will see some of the reasons why religion felt it necessary to mislead its followers concerning this philosophy.

            In order to get the most understanding from this book do this. Write one paragraph on each of the following. (1) Identify your religion or belief and outline what you believe as You understand it. (2) Next, outline the Official distinctions or doctrines of your religion. You can call or visit a priest, rabbi, minister, or teacher of your faith, or get the outline from an official handbook of your religion. That will include a statement of faith defining the beliefs you must accept as true in order to belong to that religion, such as, "We believe in God Almighty, maker of heaven and. . . ." That is two paragraphs. Keep it short and readable.

            I am not making fun of any religion. I am trying to make sense for you. I am asking you to Think. Does Honest Thinking scare you? Not thinking scares me.


The Unpardonable Sin
