Updated: 03/15/05



            The secret to producing the captive religious and political mentality is Brain Washing. You have just seen religion’s most successful method of brain washing - Prayer. The secret to brain washing is to keep the propaganda authoritative and vague. There are many other successful methods of brain washing. Religion and politics tends to use them all. That is, religion uses all of the techniques legally acceptable. The torture techniques are not so much in evidence except in some of the cults that keep their methods secret. They apply pressure on their captives by using mental and emotional violence and sometimes even physical violence. Other mainstream religions threaten you with eternal damnation and torment. Some also use the threat of isolation and physical violence to control their captives. The Jones cult and Scientology are examples of this and there are others operating presently. Of course, the governments use them all.

            It has always interested me that the very worst punishment the modern church can conceive of and administer to those who disagree with them (especially the Catholic and Mormon church) is that of excommunication. Think about that for a moment! Excommunication can only be a punishment to those who believed the propaganda and brain washing taught by the church. In other words, the church is saying, "If you do not believe us, if you do not conform to our doctrines and if you do not pay our price, You Are Free." Everyone in the world should have such a wonderful punishment! Please! Excommunicate all of us! Of course, some may have to move because excommunication causes the rest of the believers to shun you as if you were diseased.

            But, we do have the power to excommunicate Belief and religion from our own lives.

            Brain washing is not bad of itself. Brain washing begins almost at birth. "Monkey see, monkey do," is one way babies are trained and brain washed. The authority figures of mother and daddy and older brothers and sisters are constantly getting baby to imitate and repeat things. What is good and what is bad is learned by baby daily. Praise for learning and using a new skill reinforces the brain washing, indeed, it is part of it.

            Displeasure is shown if baby is either slow to learn or stubborn. What is learned is what the authorities in the home teach baby to think and do. However, example is also a great teacher. Some babies learn things by example that are almost impossible to unlearn. Babies learn to fear water, lightning, the dark, cats, dogs and the list could go on and on. It is at this time from before birth to five years old when the babies and small children are directly and indirectly taught fears and phobias. They learn to fear the devil, or hell, or ghosts, or other mental concepts that have little real basis in fact. That includes the "boogy bear.” And they are taught to pray. In other words, almost before baby can talk, its mind is washed to accept the deception of prayer as though it were a reality. They are taught they can change God's mind. They can get the Almighty to run their chores for them. They are taught to beg. They are taught they can get something for nothing. They are taught to accept the authority of God, the Bible and his holy men. It starts early, doesn't it?

            The Catholic Church says, "Give us the child until it is eight years old and it will never stray from the church's teachings." That is one of the true statements that the church makes. By that time, the child will have ceased to think logically. It will take the word of the church as being true. Any statement to the contrary will be considered not only as untrue, but the contrary statement will be considered a religious Sin. If the child listens to a contrary opinion, or thinks seriously about it, he is sinning and is in danger of going to hell. By then it is almost too late to help such a brain washed child escape the mental slavery that is being imposed upon him.

            In order to brainwash someone you must appear as an Authority who deserves to be believed because of your position or power over the washee. Thus, the church (and government) makes great use of imposing buildings and stately music. Robes and trinkets of authority are worn. Hypnotic music and chanting are great helps. The authority figure must stand above the listener, the higher the better. The authority figure must be seen to give orders and others must be seen to follow those orders, even if the authority merely waves his hand. He puts the people through obedience exercises by waving his hand to make people stand, to make them sing, to make them sit, or to make them pray. Sometimes the instructions are in the church bulletin. All of this is simply Theatrics introduced into the church to expand the Illusion of authority. This illusion is called “Reverence” by the church and “Patriotism” by the government. They work this same illusion into their schools. The people do not even realize they are being brain washed into slavery-hood.

            Another secret to brain washing is to keep the material vague and make it come to the washee obliquely. That is, the material that the authority figure wishes to have the subjects believe must not come in the straightforward manner. An example would be teachings like these. "You will be tempted to do bad things. Temptation is always lurking around when you are on a date trying to get you to do something that is immoral. You will be tempted to tell your parents a lie and your priest a false confession. Friends will become instruments of temptation and will tell you it is all right to do something because everybody else is doing it." And on the statements go.

            What the church is trying to get you to believe is not what you think. They are Not trying to get you to be good. They are trying to personify evil and bad conduct. They are trying to get you to accept the concept of a Devil, Sin and Hell as being real. They are trying to get you to blame your shortcomings and mistakes on this illusionary figment, which they named “the Devil.” The church doesn't really care if you do a few wrong things. In fact, they have made up a religious name and given special importance to your wrongdoing, mistakes and bad conduct. They have named this wrongdoing, “Sin.” In fact, it is that same religious sin (that the church vividly describes to you and teaches you how to do) that makes the church strong and important in your life.

            If the church simply told the little children there was a real Devil, some of the children might wish to ask some questions. What does the Devil look like? How do we know what he looks like? How do we know what his name is? Who made the Devil? Why did God make the Devil if he knew the Devil would do all of these bad things to me? How does the Devil talk to me? Do I hear him with my ears or do I just hear him in my head? How do I know if it is God talking to me, or the Devil? Does the Devil sound different than God sounds when he talks to me?

            So in order to avoid all of these simple honest thinking types of questions, the authority figure directs the attention of the child toward those very attractive fun things (religious evils and sins) that they claim the Devil can make them do. Thus, the church places guilt and fear of this very attractive Devil into the young minds. The church always makes this Devil a Partner in the sex act and they make the fires of Hell his home. In a few years, this attractive, terrible Devil will be as real to them as is the Emperor of Japan. Not once will the child doubt the existence of this made up Devil any more than he will doubt the existence of his great, great grand daddy.


            Because they really Are tempted. They really do wish to do all those sinful fun things described to them by their minister or priest. Therefore, there really IS a Devil because he really does tempt them to do bad things. That is called Brain Washing, religious style.

            I call that type of brain washing, “Immaculate Assumption.” If the holy authorities tell you it is true, you naturally Assume the statement is true. The churches put their immaculate assumptions into their prayers, their songs, their books, their symbols, their sermons and into other propaganda organs of their church. Thus, the people Assume these claims are true and repeat them in their songs and prayers. They hear the stories, see the pictures on the walls, the figurines, the statues in the buildings and they know their educated and dedicated priest, minister or rabbi would not lie to them.

            The churches try to keep their Immaculate Assumptions as vague and as general as possible. The more specific the statements made about these assumptions, the more questions will arise. So, the specifics of these things are reserved for the theological professionals. That is, not even seminary students are allowed to deal with these things until they have been thoroughly brain washed to the satisfaction of their teachers and superiors. Even then, they are only allowed to Prove the existence of the Devil. Never are they allowed to ask the question, "Does the Devil really exist?" That would be doubt and doubt is a religious sin. Such terrible sin must be confessed and forgiveness sought.

            What happens if you tell a child (or an adult) too many specific details about one of the brain washing subjects? I hope none of you will be upset if I use Santa Claus again. Parents tell their children Santa Claus is watching. Santa Claus is coming tonight. Santa Claus brings you presents. Santa Claus has a long white beard. He is jolly and fat. Santa Clause has a red nose and wears glasses on his nose.

            So far, you have spoken only in generalities. You have raised the hopes of the child and on Christmas morning, the child sees the evidence that what you said is true. Santa Claus really did come last night. He did leave the presents. The child wants to know more about this wonderful person who has favored him with all of these gifts. You begin to tell him more in answer to his questions. “He visits all the little children on Christmas Eve.”

            Now you have done it! You have made your first internal mistake because you have started getting specific. The child may not catch it for a year yet, but catch it he will. As he watches television, he sees his world is a big place with lots of children in it. One day he will realize Santa Claus could not possibly get to all of the boys and girls in one night. "Daddy, how does Santa Claus get to all the boys and girls in one night and give them gifts?"

            So, the Theology of the myth has to grow. "Why, he has helpers you know." Do his helpers come to my house or does Santa Claus come? "Santa Claus himself comes here." Where does he come from? "He comes from the North Pole." Wow! How does he get here? "He has a big sled with eight reindeers to pull it." But sometimes we don't have snow. "I know, but the reindeers can fly." Reindeers fly? The child now has his first real and full doubt. Well, how does he get in the house? "He comes down the chimney." Down the chimney?

            That last answer really did it. You have made your second internal mistake in this myth that you are trying to teach your child. The child now has a claim with which he can deal and test against the known facts that he has observed. Santa is fat! He has a white beard! He has a big sack of toys! And he comes down the little chimney? The child has now gone from interest and curiosity to the area of full Honest Doubt. He has begun to think. When you are not looking, he will look up the chimney and measure with his mind the possibility of that fat man getting through. You may have done that yourself.

            The child now knows there is something wrong with the Christmas myth of Santa Claus. There is also something wrong with Mama and Daddy. Why would they tell those lies? So what does the child do? He basically sees two choices. He can pursue his desire to know the truth and in so doing, he Might lose his next year's Christmas toys. Or he can hide his desire to know in order to be sure he gets his toys. You know - just in case the stories have some basis in fact - to be on the safe side. He is now fairly certain; it is some sort of game. (Sounds a bit like religion, doesn't it?)

            Some kids play the game for years after they know there is no Santa Claus. Finally, they declare that they are Christmas Atheists. They let mother or daddy know they do not believe in Santa Claus. What happens? "Don't tell your sister. She still believes. Don't tell your friends at school. Some of them still believe in Santa Claus." Do you see? Even at this early stage, the child is brain washed into protecting the Believer.


            We must protect the Believers. They are emotionally delicate and cannot handle the truth. Let them live in their gullibility and ignorance as long as possible. Don't make them grow up. Don't teach them to think. Don't teach them to Learn How to think. Make them remain mental children as long as possible even if they are fifty years old. (Sounds like religion to me.)

            The Myth grows on. People who know it is just a game tell stories (lies) about it, write and sing songs about it. "Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus . . ." The songs are good songs. Some are catchy, some are happy and some are sad. But they all reinforce the myth (theology) of Santa Claus, which adults who are the teachers know is not true. (This is sounding more and more like religion.) Why do we do it? For the children? Really? No! Adults do it for themselves. They make up more myths to go with the original one and pile them on. "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer." "Frosty the Snow Man." "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." So, the myths go on,


            The kid asks, Why do we have Christmas? "Well, it is Jesus' birthday." You had better stop right there! The next question could be specific like, “How do we know?” Then you would have to tell a whole library of lies. By the way, this is not just a story about Christmas or Santa Claus.

            Children did not make up the myth of Santa Claus. Adult authorities did. Why? People love fantasy. They love to escape from the real world that they have made. People do not like to face the realities around them. They Want to believe there is a magic land beyond this real one. They wish to think of themselves as someone special in that magic place. They yearn to be rich without work. They long to be smart without studying. They desire to be wise without logical honest thinking. They seek something for nothing. They crave a heaven - so someone invents it. Greedy men gave them what they wanted. They created fantasy religions for the power and profit of it. And if you want this religious Fantasy then you must Buy into it. The price? Your mind! Your humanity! Your life!

            This gullible attitude IS the captive mentality. For this type of mind, religion is especially made. Why? Because many people want something for nothing. There is a true saying, "You cannot con an honest man." All con jobs and fleecing operations are done only to people who think they can get something for nothing. They think they are special and lucky without any proof of it.

            Any honest man is suspicious of all "something for nothing" offers, all "too good to be true" offers. Only the gullible and ignorant get trapped in schemes of that sort. That is why only the gullible and the non-thinkers get trapped in the sticky little myths of religion.


            Smart people of the distant past and of the present know this. They know people will give up their freedom and money just for the Hope of something in the distant future called jackpot, or salvation, or heaven (or security). In the past men who understood power over people started the institutions of government, gambling and religion. They promised all good things in the future if the people would give up (to them) some of their wealth and freedoms in the present. Some religions were a little better than others. Some were worse. In order to become a part of this wonderful future, people had to do two things. They had to Believe and they had to Obey. Add a third - Give. So, the religions and governments grew until we have them in their present forms. However, nothing basic has changed. One must still Believe, Obey and Give.

            Government and business found this brain washing of gullible people works just as well for them as it does for religion. They promise you wonderful things in the future. So, you give up some of your present money, freedoms and justice to gain the wonderful promised security, wonderful toys and things of the future. Then they cut and run. They call it drugs, crime, bankruptcy, bank failure, inflation, national debt, deflation, currency adjustment, depression, market failure, natural disaster, war, terrorism or balance of payments and such.

            Brain washing does not work on Clear Thinkers. They may play the game for self-preservation but Clear Thinkers know the games. There is the game of government and politics, the game of religion, the game of economics, the game of power and of course, the game of war.

            People will believe Anything when they are brain washed and taught in an authoritative manner. Why do the ministers call their people their "flock?" Because the people are like sheep, following the voice of their leader to go wherever he goes and to do whatever he says. Priests call their people "children,” because like children they are gullible, credulous and will believe anything. Politicians call their people constituents. They flatter and brain wash them. They lie to them and then they steal from them.

            If you were a Just God, how difficult it would be to keep from destroying the religious churches and governments that make sheep and children out of people. A Just God would want people to be rational thinking, honest men and women that would stand up and not grovel in the dust like a slave. If there is a God, today's religions and governments must break God's heart. The brain washed always asks the Clear Thinker such silly questions like,

"What can you give us in place of our faith and belief? "

            There are many devastating retorts to that question, but if the question is asked in some sincerity why offer a total "put down" response. So, I sometimes use a reply that has a little edge to it, but at the same time may cause the questioner to think - for a moment at least. I may use something like this. "If I remove a poisonous snake from your bed, what would you have me put in its place? Would a nonpoisonous snake do just as well? If you do not wish to give up the poison, would a black widow spider do for you?"

            If they have a nice yard and lawn, you can use this one. "If I remove the crab grass from your lawn, would you like me to replace it with chickweed, or perhaps some pig weed would do satisfactorily?"

            An even nicer way to reply is this. For giving up your faith and belief, I will restore your Freedom and your Honesty back to you. As a bonus, you will also receive back your Humanity and your Pride in yourself. By giving up your gullibility you may then take up your brain and learn to Think - honestly and usefully. If you lay down the captive mentality, you can pick up Freedom from Sin, Freedom from Guilt and Freedom from Fear of the Future. Beyond all of that, you will have the greatest gift of all. For your dishonest belief, you will receive the greatest guide to life that exists today. You will receive Honest Doubt and Clear Thinking.

            The point is this. Belief and faith robs people of their manhood and humanity. It robs them of their ability to think logically and to make intelligent decisions in those areas where belief reigns. Belief robs them of their honesty. If someone could take away a person's erroneous belief, that person would then be free to be a human being, a real person. Indeed, one would be forced to think, whether he wanted to think or not. One would be forced to be Honest, at least with himself.

            Personally, I would never take away a person's Hope, but I would insist he be able to see the difference between Hope and Reality. I would try to help him recognize it as Hope only and not a truth or a divine decree.


            I have seen people who needed every dime they could get their hands on to raise their families. Yet, I have seen many of these same people give ten percent (or more) of their pay to the church. That is one of the Purposes of Religious Brain Washing in action. I have seen young men and women who should have gone to college but they could not. The family gave too much of their income to the church. A small fraction of these people get a little scholarship from the church for their children. Otherwise, the family must make extensive sacrifices in order to even get their children started in college. They often get the children enrolled in a church college where they are taught how Not to think and where Brain Washing is an everyday affair.

            How does this brain washing affect you? First of all, do you want your children to be brain washed, religious style? (Or political style?) If not, you must begin at once to teach them to think and not accept statements made by an authority (religious, economical or political) at face value. They must find out if the statements are indeed true or false. This holds true in all areas but especially in politics, religion, business and legal matters. Always let your children know How to separate fact from fantasy on television, in books, in newspapers, in speeches, in sermons and any other place where propaganda and brain washing is spouted forth.

            Help your children to see that all myths and fairy stories do not begin with, "Once upon a time." Some begin with “In the beginning, God . . .” Let them know teachers, professors, preachers and even presidents and parents often tell things that are not true. Help them to see that these untruths are sometimes taught deliberately and sometimes taught from ignorance. Teach them that Honest Doubt and Honest Thinking is superior to gullibility, belief and self-deception. Teach them Respect For Honesty and explain any dishonesty in your life that they observe or call to your attention.

            Help the children to see through the deception of commercials for soap, cosmetics, cars, foods, insurance and such. Once they can see through these things, they will be better equipped to deal with religion, politics and war. Clear Thinkers do not advocate nit picking, but they do learn to notice such things and chuckle to themselves.

            The captive mentality also cost you a great deal of money, time and energy. It continues to cost you many freedoms that should be yours. You will see more of this bill of sale later.

            Did you notice I have been coming through the back door with my own communication? I have been talking about children, but I have also been talking to you. Your children may be in the past, future or present, but you who are hearing or reading these words are the only ones who will act upon them at this time. I have been trying to get You to see the need for applying logic and honest thinking to the claims and conflicts of life.

            Honest Doubt and Clear Thinking is the way to solve many of our man-made problems. If it were not for religion in all of its various superstitious forms, man could well be traveling among the stars. He could have solved most of his ecological problems. Man might well be on the road to peaceful solutions of the many differences and problems that we have with one another. Nations, races, minorities and economic classes could sit down and use honest thinking, science and honest statesmanship to make earth into a paradise.

            The captive mentality fed to us through brain washing, keeps us from so much that is good and gives us so much that is bad. It is Honest Clear Thinking that will enable this country and world to pull out of the Black Hole into which the Brain Washers and the religious philosophies of belief have dragged us.



Next: Education