Updated: 03/15/05



            What is the difference between education and brain washing? Education teaches one to learn How to Think. Then it teaches one to Think. Brain Washing teaches one how Not to Think! Rather, Brain Washing teaches one how to follow orders - to Obey – to Believe!

            Brain Washing is not education when it must appeal to an unproven authority and unverified data for support. Brain washing is education only when it appeals to facts and logic to make its presentation to the student or person. When figures are juggled to make a point such as using charts, public opinion polls, false logic and various tricks of math, then it is brain washing and not education. That is not to say the use of charts, public opinion polls or math is brain washing of itself. Brain washing is taking place when these things are used in order to cover up for a Lack of facts, or to get around contrary facts to the position that the professor, salesman, politician or minister is trying to make. Anytime you hear, "Nine out of ten,” “Polls show,”  "Doctors prefer" (professionals of any sort, movie stars, athletes or any other group) know for sure, facts are lacking and you are being brainwashed.

            Good education is learning to find and separate provable facts from opinions and fictions. It doesn't matter if the opinion comes from the president, the church, your professor or friend. It doesn't matter if it comes from a holy book or from a textbook. Always ask yourself, is this a fact, or is this a fiction? Words that are dead "giveaways" are words like All, Never, None, Survey, Majority and Quotes from famous persons. The longer the famous person has been dead the farther from facts the hearer is likely to be. I might add the prettier the supporter of the product or position, the more dangerous and expensive may be that proposition.

            In trying to determine if a statement is brain washing or education, you must ask yourself some questions. One question you must always ask is what is the purpose of these statements? If these statements are true what will be the result of accepting them as true? Who would want me to accept this as a fact? Are there contrary opinions or statements to the one I am being given now? If so, do the contrary opinions use the same "facts," or do they use different data? Are the statements based upon an emotional appeal, or do the statements deal with known and provable facts? Am I being asked to do anything if I accept the statements as true, or if I believe them? If so, what? Am I being asked to buy something, or vote for or against something, or to write a letter, or send money, or am I just being asked to boost the ego of the statement maker? Am I being proselytized for some cause, or for some religious purpose, or even for some social purpose? And finally, among the many questions to be asked is this one.


            We know what the purpose of brain washing is. It is to get the people to believe and obey and to act in the manner the brain washer wishes them to act. But what is the purpose of education? We will stall a moment on that question and deal instead with the question,


            Well, it is to get good jobs. Right? It is to make all graduates into good law abiding, tax paying, two party system voters. Right? It is to make good team members and workers for industry. Right? Education in the good old USA is to make religious, malleable, obedient, individuals. It is to make good soldiers and patriotic defenders of the status quo. In other words, our educational system is a hatching center for growing supporters and consumers for the industrial, political, economic and religious organizations of this country. Education's purpose today is to make Partially educated citizens into obedient mental slaves, supporters and consumers.

            I earlier (years ago) read an article written in the "Entrepreneur" business magazine. It was an investigation of personnel hiring practices of twenty-four major corporations. One of the startling facts that emerged was all twenty-four of these corporations screened out the independent thinker and worker. This was before personal computers. These companies did not want the independent thinker. They wanted the group thinker and worker, the consensus man or woman. I am not saying we do not need the consensus type of worker. I am saying we need more than just those types of people.

            In other words, the general high schools and many public colleges in our educational system are now turning out exactly what most of the industrial, political and religious organizations want. Except for computer programmers, scientists and such, they want maintenance men and collaboration group thinkers. They do not want original thinkers or innovators. They do not want to be bothered by the independent thinkers. They (management) will do all the thinking For you. Where will the innovators, inventors and risk takers be trained in the world of tomorrow? Will they come from India, China, Japan or Germany? Will the radical advancements of the future be left up to other nations and to the dropouts and rebels from our present educational system? It is happening now you know.

            Our whole public and religious educational system is now based mostly on Not Thinking. Instead of thinking as the basis for our educational system, the system is based upon Belief and Regurgitation. First, the student is told "something.” Then he is told that "something" is the truth. Next, the student is told to memorize the "something" he has been told. Finally, the student is told to give back to the instructor as close to the same words as possible, the "truth" that he has been taught. At no point is the student allowed to Think, to Disagree, or to furnish his own contrary point of view. The students of sociology, science and law are sometimes allowed, or even asked to think. However, most of them cannot think because they do not know how. Many times in our public schools, To Think Is To Fail.

            (Note: There are a few very private and costly schools where the thinkers and the rich send their children. The children of these very rich Are taught to Honestly Doubt and Honestly Think.)

            Our educational system did not get into the decay it is in by accident. It was planned. The whole public and religious educational system is purposely constructed to produce mental captives and consumers. If it worked for religion for so long, why not let it work for government and industry. And it does work! Few people are capable of bucking the system and being successful.

            The thing most feared today by the leaders of industry, politics and religion is the Internet. They are trying desperately to find ways to use it and to control it. They are terribly afraid of freedom, truth and knowledge in the hands of regular people. They are manufacturing new fears with spook stories (of pornography, hate, crime and such) so the users will give up more of their freedoms for a doubtful security. They have the power. Since most average people cannot or will not think, others (government, industry and religion) will think for them and eventually control their (your) monitor.

            There is an additional sadness to add to all of this. Who is responsible for this brain washing system? I hate to say it, but the blame can only be laid at the feet of Thinkers who for greedy purposes deem it best to eliminate the competition and those others who might learn to honestly doubt and think. They cry, “For the sake of our children.” They go to church on Sunday and give us hell on Monday.

            Now, I can't specifically prove all of this, but from some of my investigations it stands as a high possibility. There is a worldwide movement ongoing to gain control of the American people by the international leaders of corporate commerce, the Federal Reserve, international banking, an American shadow military government, the CIA, Zionism, the Secret Service and the UN in order to develop a one world government. We can be thankful that these forces are at war with each other. Whether we need such a government or not, I do not know. But today’s educational system is presently an outgrowth of forces that Do wish for a one world government, one world trade policy, one world money supply and worst of all, one Authority over all. Guess who the real power in this country is?

            How can they control us? They do it by intellectually starving us, by controlling what we read, see and hear. They feed us lies, truth and propaganda in such a mixture we cannot tell the difference. How do they manage to accomplish this? They do it by owning the media and by manufacturing the news. The media, in turn, are starving our brains, by keeping us from thinking, by not educating us, by not telling the truth about historical movements and by not telling us their concepts and plans for the future. They do it by not telling us the truth about the secret governments and plotters among us. They manufacture the news and control the media.

            Everything is kept secret from the public by using the term, “National Security.” There are also major moves ongoing for years to dilute our brain’s ability to think by inserting poisonous chemicals (fluoride, etc.) in our water. The government is releasing harmful chemicals by air and broadcasting ELF waves that affect our brains negatively and drives whales to beach themselves. In addition, there is a move to feed us fear, guilt and insecurity on TV and in movies.

            This was told publicly by a Dean in a highly accredited northwestern Catholic university (and I might add, with an excellent football team). "It is not important today to teach kids facts. Facts are just trivia. We must teach our kids to get along with each other and learn to work together. They must learn to Follow Orders so they can become good employees and good citizens (mental slaves).” What has happened to scholarship? I am too ashamed to tell you more, but you have seen some of the results in our papers and on the television. We have brain rickets.

            Kids graduate today having had their incentive and their thinking ability crippled. They have been brainwashed to accept Any authority over them. Otherwise, they must rebel and be classified as trouble makers, criminals, or budding terrorists. One should not be classified as criminal because he disagrees with some authority. Bad things are happening. Poor and false education is the knife in the stomach of our kids' future and the ring in our nose. But don't forget, it is all for our own good (and for the children).

            The powers at the top of the industrial, political and religious organizations are not your average non-thinker or believer. Most of these people are thinkers of the first order. They are not just opportunists. They have worked, planned, schemed, placed people in their debt and used fair and foul means to get where they are. Some of these people are not really bad people. In fact, the majority are convinced they are doing what is best for the average man and for the country. Maybe they are too. Most of these top people fear if they don't do what they think best, someone will step in and do worse.

            These leaders understand the games of life. All the ants would starve to death if each one did only what it wanted to do. Are we ants? The making of mental captives by the religions and by the governments are based on the concept that the average person is lazy, mentally inept, interested only in the toys of today and concerned only with his own comfort and pleasure.

            It is also based on the fact that most people will allow themselves to be milked of their wealth, their strength, their abilities, their freedoms and even their lives, provided it is done a little at a time and is accompanied by authoritarian, patriotic or religious reasons. That is, the people must be told it is for their own good, for the good of their children and the good of others. Then they believe it and cheerfully allow themselves to be robbed of all that makes them human and all that makes them hopeful and happy. In the name of religion or patriotism, they lose their freedoms, their money, their happiness, their mental development, and soon, their future.

            Those who play the games of government, economics, industry or religion are in a position to change the rules at anytime to suit their purpose (which they do daily). But there is a check of sorts on them. They are at war with each other. Government adds more controls and gets more money out of industry. So industry turns around, cheats a little, bribes a little, kicks back a little and gets more favorable legislation, tax relief and money out of government.

            Industry, banking, (money) and government team up to weaken religion by making the beliefs taught by the religions seem ridiculous and ban them from the public schools. The main purpose of this is to drive religion into a corner and get them Out of the public school business. Why? Because religion is powerful and they will not stand for the scheme to devalue education in the public schools “If” their Own children remain there. So, the religions counter by building their own schools and teaching their own Beliefs. This is what these hidden leaders wanted in the first place. Now they will reward the religions by giving them money to run their schools (one way or another) if they will only be quiet about the public schools. They will give them money if they will support the party and the party’s plans. The government will take care of the religious schools later. Just watch! Religion also enters the political arena and tries to get its believers elected to public office. While all this is going on, the bankers are making everyone pay and pay and pay.

            Basically, all of these leaders fully agree on only one thing. That is the average public citizen must continue to be brainwashed and made into non-thinkers. So regardless of the outcome of the battles between these powers, education will continue to be used to keep the public from thinking beyond what is necessary to make them good voters, good consumers, good workers, good tax payers, good soldiers, good church members and good mental slaves. The one joint fear of these leaders is that the people might, through some unusual movement, become Thinkers. That would ruin their schemes forever. Why don't you and I ruin their schemes? Is it too late?

            Politicians are generally not thinkers. Even if they were, the load is so great, they would never have time to find out the facts on the many bills and issues placed before them. The lobbyists bring their information to the politicians. The lobbyists are hired by industrialists, bankers, crime bosses and others who Are thinkers and who tell the lobbyists, and therefore, the politicians, how to make decisions. They concern themselves with matters of state, business and all other interests with which government concerns itself. These leaders work and plan for two main goals. First, they wish an advantage for themselves, their business and their concepts for the future of the world. Second, they wish a disadvantage for their competitors and their concepts of what the future should be like. We are not just discussing education here. We are discussing what the present educational system is doing to our Future and our Hopes.

            Everyone in those high places wants everybody else to Believe Them, so they furnish statistics, charts, graphs, endorsement and many times inducements, to get others to act and think as they wish them to act and think. As for those who work under them, they want loyalty (read obedience), teamwork (read obedience again), dedication (still read obedience) and hard work (let's do obedience once again). So, the leaders of government, religion and business insist that you Believe and Obey.

            Governments and bankers do not like to trust real money and wealth to the use and decisions of the common people. In addition to the wealth and money that they do not wish to trust to the people, they very much object to having a stable monetary measuring device in the hands of the people.

            What if the government and bankers passed a law that all yardsticks had to be turned in at the end of each week? At that time, the government would issue new yardsticks in place of the old ones. Each week when you turned in your old yardstick for a new one, it would seem to be about the same length as the last one. But in reality, it would be a small fraction of an inch shorter. At the end of the first year, the new yardstick would be a couple of inches shorter than it was a year ago.

            In six years, the yardstick would be only two feet long, but the government and the bankers say, "This is a good sound yardstick. See, it has 'yardstick' printed right on it." When would you start to complain? Would you wait until the yardstick was only a foot long? Six inches long? Would you complain when it took four yards of linen to make a pocket-handkerchief?

            When this nation stopped using gold and silver as money, four yards of linen cost what one Foot of linen cost today. Is it time to complain yet? Tomorrow, maybe?

            Would you like to know why John F. Kennedy got shot and who issued the orders to shoot him? Look it up and see who issued an Executive Order to stop supporting Israel. Look up who issued an Executive Order to put the production of money back into the hands of our government and tied it to the value of silver. This would have destroyed the control of our economy by the Federal Reserve Bank (and those who control the bank). It would destroy the political control Israel has over the USA. These laws are Still on the books. No president has nine lives so they will not enforce them.

            So, the people in high places want you to Believe them. They say a promissory Federal Reserve Note is money. In other words, what they call money is in reality just a paper IOU. If you take the IOU into a bank, the only thing you can exchange it for are more IOU's. But as long as people can be brained washed into Believing the IOU is valuable, you can still exchange it for services and goods. Please don't tell anyone the IOU's are not money. If you did, the whole economy would collapse. It will anyway because the other nations of the world know this truth.

            Even with such a tenuous economic system, the government and banking not only flaunt their unreasonableness and lack of humanity, but they go merrily about their business of making a worthless "note" even more worthless. They do this by a system called devaluation (described as letting our currency float against the currencies of other countries). This happens when the Federal Reserve allows more and more currency to be put into circulation, thus devaluing the currency already in circulation. This causes inflation and then depression. Sooner or later, this calls for the devaluation process to operate, thus robbing each of us of the slim value claimed for our "notes.” They can do the same thing by raising and lowering interest rates, buying or issuing Treasure Bonds and by taxing sales and income in immoral ways. It is also done by loaning excessive amounts of money to the average citizens against their housing and businesses.

What is the result of this fraud (sorry) screwed up business practice?
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

            Government also uses a system of borrowing from its own future income, called "deficit spending.” Much of the interest on the debt is not payable in Federal Reserve IOU’s, but must be paid To the Federal Reserve banks in real money called gold or silver. That shows some real thinking at work by the bankers. But what about our government? Who runs this country anyway?

            There is an old Indian saying that aptly demonstrates the problem. "If a snake starts swallowing his own tail, how long will it be before the snake disappears?" One cannot live off of himself and last very long. The United States government is eating itself up. They are eating the goose that lays the golden eggs. Deliver us from what will follow such a careless disregard of its trust and it's responsibility to this nation of Believers. The government is allowing the banks to regulate themselves, and thus, to regulate our economy, and thus, our nation.

            Did you know our banking system is unconstitutional? It is not owned by the government as demanded by our Constitution. A few very wealthy Americans and Europeans, all with Israeli connections, own it. Banking and money making is subcontracted out by the United States Congress. Surprised? Did you know our Constitutional Laws define the dollar as so many grains of fine silver? Try getting your ounce of silver at any bank. See how many IOU’s it cost.

            One of the greatest wealth builders in the world is credit, which by the way, means income, known as “interest” to those who loan the money. Credit to buy a house, business or a car is a convenience and so long as our bankers will allow it to remain so, it is a boon to our economy. But easy credit is also a Weapon and can be used to steal your wealth. Credit is a weapon of great destruction to a nation. In the 1920’s, too many people had too much money and since money is power, the bankers were afraid they stood to lose some of their power. How do you take this wealth away from people? You loan them more money to buy toys and to gamble with, especially in the stock market. Then when everyone is hocked up to his nose, you call in your loans.

            The debtors who owe this money must now sell everything. Because the economy is collapsing, a two hundred thousand dollar house will now sell for seventy thousand or less. A business that owes two million is only worth two hundred thousand on the market. When they still owe the banks, the banks can then take over the debtor's property. The loan of a few hundred dollars now brings in houses and businesses worth hundreds of times the value of the original loans. In the 1930's wealth poured in so fast to the banks, it still has not all been counted.

            After trying to count their money, property and new businesses, and after having a nice six-year vacation, the bankers said, "Well, let's get back to work (stealing)." So they financed Germany’s expansion and World War II started.

            I am not against a little bit of wholesome greed. That is what makes this country as great as it is. That is, Incentive. I am against greed, which would kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Greed that scrambles for the interest on the principal is wise. Greed that destroys the principal is not only unwise it is stupid. And to make matters worse, business is often just as guilty as the banks and the government in this matter. The Bible is right on this. Usury is a sin against man. Usury is a subtle form of theft. Usury enriches the rich and impoverishes the poor. Usury eventually destroys a nation.

            When the steel industry began building steel plants overseas, it quickly became obvious, if you build your own competition, you become your own competition and things are not going to turn out well for one or the other of the industrial sites. The US government Forced the industrialists to move their businesses overseas. With taxes so high in the USA and overseas labor so cheap, the American industrialists could not resist going abroad to manufacture their products. Soon the foreign steel and products were so cheap, the home plants were hard pressed to compete and they began to close.

            The Owners of the steel plants in the USA were not hurting because they owned or practically owned the foreign plants. No matter what the government does on import quotas or duties, the industrialists make their profits. Those who suffer are the United States workers, their families, their towns and the whole nation. It also hurts all of us because you cannot tax a non-working man, or one making so little he can hardly feed his family. I call this practice “mercenary industry.” It is like the Romans who hired their skilled work, their dirty work of war and their industry out to foreigners so they could live it up in good old Rome. Rome fell!

            The businesses of this nation spend billions of dollars to do what they call educating the public to their products and to their way of thinking. They call it education and advertising. It should be called by the name it was born with, Brain Washing.

            "Buy American, save an American job." So the manufacturers of American products try to make the buying public believe it is wrong to buy a product just because it is better made, better engineered, cost less, lasts longer and performs better. The buying public are not as dumb as the American manufacturers thought. So finally, when the manufacturers were faced with the ultimate failure, they decided to bring out a better product. They could have done it earlier but they spent their time and money trying to educate (brain wash) us.

            The Clear Thinking philosophy seeks to discriminate between Education that teaches us to Think and Brain Washing that teaches us to Not Think. To believe is to not think. Do not be misled by Orwellian terms and propaganda that are used deliberately and wrongly in order to conceal the truth. Belief is Ignorance and the Hiding of the Facts.


            It is sad that our educational system in this country is based upon brain washing and believing and not upon learning to think and on finding the facts.

            Education in the USA is not quite as bad as I have made it sound. There are still students who "laugh up their sleeve" and answer the questions like they know they are supposed to answer them. Then they go on with their private investigation looking for the facts of the matter. There are even teachers here and there who are honestly trying to make their students think. I am delighted whenever I find even one of these wonderful people.

            The secret to good education is not good teaching so much as it is good hunting. The Student is the secret to good education. If the student can be taught early to ask Clear Thinking questions, then learning becomes not only easier, it becomes fun. It becomes exploration and treasure hunting. If, and when, the student asks the right questions, learning becomes a discovery and exploration of new truths. Lights come on in the mind of the student and he says to himself, "Well, look what I just discovered!" If the student is taught to honestly Doubt Authorities, he will go on with his own investigation. Learning is hunting for and solving the mysteries and questions of life. Government stops this enthusiasm to learn by making students take time-consuming tests. These tests are standardized to consume both teaching and learning time. Exit education right!

            Education should also develop interest and character, appreciation of beauty, art and culture. It should help the student to enjoy a creative development and interest in life. Education should make the student Want to learn and to know more and More. After all, the whole problem in a nutshell is whether one will learn to Think and solve the mysteries of life, or will be lazy and learn to Believe his chosen authority.

            Now to our original question. What should be the real purpose of good education?

            The educational system of the highest value is that system, which teaches the student “How to Think,” “How to Find The Facts” and “How to Communicate.”

Communication is not just learning to read and write the English or native language. It is also learning the language of physics, music, mathematics, chemistry, psychology, law and the language of other important disciplines.

            Education should never teach the student what to think and certainly not what to believe. Our educational system should be challenged to stop teaching unfounded opinion, the unnecessary, the unbelievable and the untrue. Let us teach our students how to think, how to find the facts and how to communicate! Let’s teach them to Enjoy education. Let's teach them some of the Truth.

            But there is more to education than thinking, facts and communication. Education must also stimulate and guide the future self-development of students. It must add culture, beauty and humane attitudes as values to seek in life. It must challenge the student to explore and develop his own talents and abilities. School should only be the Beginning of one's self-discovery, of the development of the riches of his own mind and talents and of solving the mysteries of the world.

            Finally, we come to the greatest tool of education in the USA, our Libraries. Why do they close at dark? Money? I doubt it. Our libraries have been the backbone of our educational system in this country for over two hundred years. That is where adults from other countries learned our language - after dark. That is where research was done that lifted the poor and ignorant to places of importance - after dark. That is where business was learned - after dark. That is where inventions were researched - after dark. That is where the arts of the masters were studied - after dark. That is where important books were written - after dark. That is where the poor could talk to the ancient philosophers and historians - after dark. That is where lives were lifted out of the ordinary and made into the leaders of this country - after dark. That is where facts were found - After Dark. Bring Back Our Libraries to us - After Dark!

            The Clear Thinker looks at the educational system in this country and almost cries. Teachers, educators and the students of this nation need to have the Clear Thinking philosophy and Honest Doubt as their guiding light. We must doubt all authorities until they are proven true. With the Clear Thinking philosophy in our educational system, there is no limit to what this country could become. We would be breaking out with inventions, innovations, discoveries and new wonders on every hand. One must always Doubt authorities and learn to investigate. That is the way to find the truth about any matter. Learn how to learn and then learn. Teach yourself!

            I am not belittling the present advances of our sciences. After all, only those who do not believe the science of the Bible and of the Believers are qualified to be scientists of the first order. What I am saying is, the "let's find out" attitude of science needs to be a part of our total educational system. "Let us find out" in history, "let us find out" in government, "let us find out" in banking and "let us find out" in religion.

            Every teacher should encourage questions from their students about their subject. But the fact is, most teachers could not answer the questions because they too never learned to get beyond the sham of Belief.

            Let's do something about the educational dumbing down of our children. Do you want them to Believe, or do you want them to Think? The choice is yours.


Next: Original Sin