Updated: 03/15/05
Copyright: 1989
Renewed: 2004



            Some ministers, rabbis and priests teach that religion is a basic part of human nature. Is it? Were the earliest men and women actually religious? Or were they instead, practical, dealing only with the basics of surviving as a group? What is the history of religion in a nutshell?

            How about the Clear Thinking philosophy? How long has it been on the scene of mankind's stage? What is the history of Clear Thinking, or so-called Atheism in a nutshell? Can we actually know much about the early history of the Clear Thinking philosophy? Yes. We can know a little. We can also ask this question.


            The human animal is well adapted for survival on this planet. Both his physical structure and mental structure are merged in such a manner, he cannot only compete with all of the other animals on the planet, but he must be careful that his superiority doesn't become a handicap. His superiority is such that he could totally wipe all competitors from the face of the earth. Man has done just that with many of earth's animals, streams and forests and let us not forget the oceans. In retrospect, competitors are often found to be benefactors.

            As an animal, given clean air to breathe, man desires water, food and procreation, in that order. These come first. Individual and collective survival is followed by the desire for comfort, which includes heat, shelter and clothing. Out of these five basic needs and drives come all the rest that man is and does. I have read of no philosopher or scientist who suggests that man has a sixth drive. However, I would like to suggest that man Does Have a sixth drive. That is the great drive to Know, or Curiosity, if you will.

            The prehistoric beginnings of religion can only be guessed at. There are, however, anthropologists, archeologists and sociologists who have come forward with some logical explanations of which I will give you my condensed version.

            At first, and for a long time, there was no religion as such. Religion takes its beginnings from ignorance, a lack of knowledge and a “Desire to Know.” That is, religion came from trying to explain natural phenomena without scientific observation and experimentation. Religion draws its appeal from the fear of death and to a lesser degree, from the fear of hunger, sickness and disasters. It also appeals to greed, or the hope of getting something for nothing. In addition, it appeals to the hope for justice, for righting the wrongs suffered in this life.

            In the early hunting and gathering societies, it is evident from archeological finds and pictographs that early man considered by eating bear meat one became bear like. From eating an animal, one partook of the strength, cunning, swiftness and attributes of that animal. From there it was a short step to attributing a bear Spirit to the bear, a hawk spirit to the hawk and then to man and even inanimate objects like lakes, streams, volcanoes, the wind, lightening, clouds and such.

            From that point on, man began to feed and bribe the spirits hoping for favored treatment from these whimsical spirits. Soon, some of the old or useless ones were in charge to make sure no one forgot this or that spirit. Thus, religion had its small beginning. The man, who took a special interest in telling the people what the spirits wanted and needed, soon became a powerful man in the tribe. He also became well fed.

            The growth of religion was certainly different in different places. In the Orient, what some choose to call religion became a peaceful, simple, slow growth institution. Wealth was slowly accumulated by this type of institution since it was only a minor burden on the people and it also performed valuable services for the people. In the Orient, what some western people call religion, provided wisdom, counsel and work (paid for by the temples). In some instances, these Oriental types of institutions became dispensers of justice. That is, it became the government. So called religion in the Orient also provided education, science, art, history and kept historical records.

            Religion in the near east, especially Persia, had much the same goals and aims as the Oriental religions. However, a diversity of religions in the Middle East, Western and Northern Europe, coupled with weather and population problems, soon caused clashes one culture and religion with another.

            The battle of the gods began in earnest. This tribe’s god fought against that tribes' god. The strongest god always won. The cruelest god always seemed to be the strongest. Thus, emerged the roots of the western religions of today with their blood sacrifices, their intolerance of other gods and their lists of sins against their god and his representatives. These mid eastern and western gods insisted on belief in and obedience to their doctrines. They also insisted on showing the wrongs of all the other gods, religions and doctrines.

            Again, it seems the most cruel gods won the battle for the minds and bodies of man. The conversion from one god to another was accomplished with the sword and political power rather than by the appeal of one god's doctrines over another god's. Mithraism (followed by Christianity) entered the fray late and soon made great inroads due to their ruthlessness and adaptability. Soon the West and the Mideast were Mithraized, Christianized and traumatized. Believers in other gods were soon eradicated, isolated, or kept in servitude.

            Counting the splinter groups among Christians as one, there are now three main classes of religions in the world. There are the Judao-Christian religions, the Islamic religions and the Oriental philosophies and religions.

            There is a great clash coming in the west due to religious differences (or likenesses) between two of these groups. Both have a mandate from their God and holy books. They are to Save the world for their respective God. For the concept of "Save" one should read the words Conquer or Subjugate. Our side is always "God's side” while the other side is always the "Devil's side.” The world will soon see a great ideological fight and war between the Judao-Christian religions on the one hand and the Islamic religions on the other. It will be a bloody world war. It will be a religious war, fought with religious slogans and religious intents. It will be the good (our side) against the evil (their side). It will be fought in Europe and may be partly fought in the United States. In other words, I think we will be invaded at the least by terrorists and rockets. (Boy! Was I right on that count!)

            It will take about fifteen to twenty years from now (1989) before we are weak enough and the Islamic world is strong enough to attack. It will begin by the fundamentalist Islamic countries first terrorizing and/or attacking the other Islamic countries in order to unify all of the territory from Pakistan and Indonesia to the Atlantic Ocean in North Africa. It will likely include most of the Black North African nations. Iran or Pakistan will most likely emerge as the leader.

            The conquest of those Islamic lands will take about five to ten years from the time they start. To attack Israel will automatically mean war with the United States. So, they will attack us, either before, or at the same time, they attack Israel. Of course, they will have help from some of the communist countries like China, North Korea and the Arab states in the southern part of the Soviet Union. Only religion could bring about the kind of wars that we have been having and will have. There is an alternative! The Clear Thinking philosophy offers a much more peaceful solution to these wars.

            Since Clear Thinking is not a religion or belief, but rather, the practice of honest doubt and logical thought, it is most difficult to know much about this philosophy until historical times. No one will ever know how many billions of people have held the Clear Thinking philosophy as their philosophy of life.

            We do know one of the symbols of Clear Thought, wisdom and learning has been, and is, the Snake. Human wisdom, knowledge and the scientific approach to life have, from very early times, been symbolized by the Snake. The Snake, as an Oriental symbol of wisdom, seems to have been the antithesis (opposite) of all the western religions. The Snake opposed what the western religions stood for. That is, western religions stood for belief, faith and obedience, while the Oriental Snake stood for the veneration of honest doubt, logical thinking, scientific knowledge and wisdom.

            In the Bible, the Snake is the personification and bringer of knowledge and wisdom. The Snake introduced Adam and Eve to the partaking from the Tree of Knowledge. The western gods, on the other hand, wanted man to remain ignorant of the philosophies and beliefs of other people. The priests of the western gods forbade man from learning at the Tree of Knowledge. They demanded “Innocence” (ignorance) of the Oriental teachings. Could this story be inspired by the "Bo Tree" under which Buddha also founded his eight fold path to wisdom? I have been told that the word "Bo," means in one of the ancient Chinese languages, "Smart, Wise or Wisdom.”

            Our best-known Buddha (a title meaning “Wise man”) was not the first to sit under the Tree of Knowledge and receive enlightenment. Many other ancient and earlier Oriental philosophers are also pictured as sitting under a tree with a snake showing in its branches. In some ancient Sanskrit pictures and writings, more than four thousand years ago, this tree, pictured with the snake in it, is even called, "The Tree Of Wisdom, or The Tree of Knowledge.” This Eden story simply mirrors the age-old conflict between Honest Thinking and Dishonest Belief.

            Many scholars agree. This Bible story is a myth that grew out of an early clash between the Oriental philosophies of life and the western concept of their religious philosophies of Belief and Obedience. The western philosophies consisted of godly magic and the supernatural interference into the life and activities of mankind. The Buddhist and Oriental concept is that the world (and universe) is natural and one's future depends upon man himself and his attainment of knowledge and the use of wisdom. Since modern western man came into contact with Buddhism, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Buddhism has been called Atheistic by the west. And so it is, but with a difference. Today, modern Buddhism somewhat accepts reincarnation, while modern western Atheism, mainly, does not. Some American Atheists do harbor the reincarnation theory.

            The Snake is the enemy of western religion. The Snake is the enemy of belief and religious obedience. It is the enemy of all religious gods. The Snake is the enemy of Jesus. Of course, we are talking about the Snake as a Symbol of Wisdom and Thinking. And I might add, so is the Bible. The enemy of God, Jesus, Allah, Mohammed and the western religion's holy books is Symbolized by the Snake. The Snake, that is to say, wisdom, knowledge, experimentation, honest thinking and logic is the Enemy of all western religions and gods.

            God, according to the inventors of the Bible, curses the Snake. He curses all the Snake stands for. He curses knowledge. He curses the wisdom of man and seeks to substitute a supernatural interference into the lives of man that is nothing more than belief in and obedience to barbarian concepts and myths. So? Does God give man a brain and then curse him for using it? Any deceived mind can believe and obey. But, it takes a high order of mental development to reject the fictions of belief, learn to think for oneself and have the courage to hunt for truth. Does God really reward ignorance and punish knowledge and wisdom? YES, according to the Bible!

            The Snake is the central symbol of all so-called Oriental religions. In the Orient, knowledge and thinking is revered. Belief is not an original part of the Oriental culture. It is not an original part of their educational system as it is in the west. The Snake, in the east, symbolizes knowledge and wisdom, as it does in the west. However, in the east the Snake symbol is held in high esteem. In the west, the Snake is looked upon as the enemy. And it is!

            Historically, Clear Thinking is first known to have existed in the Orient. The Chinese are only now making known some of the early history of their philosophies. The western world still insists on classifying the Oriental philosophies as religions. It is highly possible when we first encounter the philosophy of Clear Thinking in Asia Minor that these philosophies came from China and India, even as did so much of the math and scientific inventions of that period. The later Gnostic and Essene writings and philosophies of Asia Minor were attempts to bring together the forgiveness of sin and salvation concept of the western religions with the philosophy of knowledge and wisdom of the Orientals. The hero and mover of the Gnostic and Essene religious’ philosophy was the Spirit of God called, The Christ (or the Anointed). By using the same logic, which they used, what they then called "The Christ," we would now call "The Holy Spirit of God.”

            Pythagoras, of Asia Minor, was much quoted by the learned philosophers and writers of Greece (both Ionians and later the Dorians). The philosophy of Pythagoras was Atheistic. He rejected All of the religions of his time and held a position that could only be called Oriental in nature. His followers even established a new semi secular religion based on his teachings. They referred to Pythagoras as the Christ (or the Anointed).

            We do not possess any of the many original writings of Pythagoras. We only possess the statements and quotes of some Greek, Egyptian and Persian writers who quoted him on various segments of philosophy, medicine, science and mathematics. We Do know that he taught reincarnation and advancement in life through knowledge, experimentations, logical thought and meditation. We know that he described ancient civilizations, as being able to do things that most of us would ascribe to gods, science fiction, or wishful thinking. He was a very reverent man and taught that we should treat animals humanely, and we should treat the earth as though it were a prized garden.

            The only things we can know for sure about his philosophy is, he rejected belief and obedience to any and All religion. He insisted on the scientific method of experimenting, observing and logical thinking as the means of arriving at the facts of a matter. In other words, he advocated rejection of all Belief and the use of Honest Doubt, Experimentation and Logical Thinking to arrive at the truth. There is no better definition of Clear Thinking (or Atheism) than this.

            Philos, the Greek, is the first known modern western Clear Thinker whose writings have been preserved in part. Like Pythagoras, he rejected all known religions, all beliefs and all holy books. He described the path to knowledge to be one in which investigation, experimentation and logical thought were to be used. He decried the myths of religion as little more than old wives’ tales, or at best, a garbled account of some well-hidden truth. He is reported by others as having translated ancient records that described ancient scientific inventions, advanced medicine and machinery that could do all sorts of laborsaving activities. He is even quoted as having described what we would call airplanes and underwater boats that the ancients used.

            Well, the western religions soon dominated the area and belief replaced scientific thought. The knowledge of the ancients in West and Middle Asia was lost and destroyed. Today, our archeologists and historians have found a great deal of evidence that science had advanced by leaps and bounds prior to and during the days surrounding Pythagoras. Under the philosophies that rejected religion and belief, it has been proven; electricity was in an advanced experimental stage at the very least. They had astronomy, use of modern surgery, telescopes, calculators, machines, medicines, science in many fields and even powered flights were written about.

            How was all of this knowledge lost? Fanatical western hoards of religious tribes and nations swept the area several times and destroyed libraries, universities, books, equipment, monuments, cities, teachers, scholars and anything else that bore witness, or spoke against their faith, belief, religion and ignorance. The Snake was on the run. This can happen again anytime we allow religion and belief to dominate our society.

            By the time Hellenism arose under Alexander the Great, western religions had once again gained the upper hand and all of these advances in knowledge were now thought, and taught, to be myths and old wives’ tales. Superstition (religious belief) replaced science and the advanced knowledge died. Many western religions began to flourish. Belief won that round.

            But Clear Thinking in the west was not dead. It simply remained the property of a few who sat and thought alone, or who met in secret to learn from each other. As long as there is Truth, there will be some who seek it.

            It is not until the beginning of the western Renaissance of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries that we find open Clear Thinking making itself felt in writings. Spinoza solidified the movement up in the 17th century. He explained that the word “God” was merely a name for the power and force of the universe. He compiled and added to the Clear Thinking philosophy of life that the church now calls Atheism. The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Free Masons were basically Clear Thinkers. Sometimes they called themselves, Deists. Outwardly, for their own protection, they claimed to be religious. Their diaries, letters to one another and their writings show they worked and suffered for the same principles that Clear Thinkers hold today.

            Voltaire and the Encyclopedists were Clear Thinkers. From that time on the woods are full of outstanding Clear Thinkers, or Deists as they called themselves. The founders of the United States were Deists, for which you can be thankful and from whom you now reap the benefits. Let's not lose it - again!

            In the Orient, where philosophy developed instead of religion, we see by their history, they did not have the bloody religious wars and continual disruptions that dominated the history of the west. They had their wars, but they were not of the passionate nature that characterizes the religious wars of the west. The Mongols, who fought the Chinese for hundreds of years, were believers in local spirits and gods. They were believers, and thus. conquered for their own religion and for booty. All religions love booty.

            When the west went to the east as colonizers, they brought their religions and began at once to teach the Orientals to believe instead of think. Faced with this new religion and new concept, the Orientals were divided against themselves. They were soon fighting their own people under the leadership of these western men of faith and belief. The colonizers used religion and drugs to subdue the people and to make themselves rich. Religion has always been a very useful tool to gain wealth, property and power (as has drugs). The colonizers almost destroyed the Chinese nation and China suffers even today from the barbarism of these religious men of faith and belief. Is it any wonder that the Chinese do not trust the west and our promises? For shame!

            Buddhism and Confucianism (and their ancient roots) are not religions, at least as they were for the first two or more thousand years. They are basically Clear Thinking Systems of ethics, justice, government and philosophies of life. If you think a great moral, reverent and naturalistic educational system cannot exist and be Atheistic, then count the billions of Hindus, Buddhists and Confucians - living and dead.

            China did not even have a word in their major languages for religions. They simply called them "superstitions." What we call their religion, they called their "Systems of Ethics and Education.” Taking care of the land and their animals were as much a part of their ethical system as prayer is to the Christian religion. Reverence for nature and thankfulness for life is symbolized by their monuments, pageants and holidays. They gave thanks by offering a few grains of rice, or a few crumbs of food back to Mother Earth. They were grateful to their ancestors for passing down to them their "System of Ethics and Education,” so they light candles to remind themselves of the great contributions of their ancestors.

            A word needs to be said here about the difference in worship of idols and their use as symbols of gratitude and communication. All early writing seems to have begun using pictures and symbols to represent things, ideas and intentions. When less than ten percent of a population can read or write there is still the need to communicate, to relate history, to remember, to express one's hopes and joys, to learn details of life and to learn history, knowledge and wisdom. And the greatest problem with any knowledge is how do you bridge the gap of several generations? You can only do it by writing. That is, by using symbols and images to represent that knowledge. All writing was considered to be Art, thus, much ancient writing looks like statues and pictures to us.

            The ancients solved this problem by using ceremonies, sculptures, storytellers, holidays and obligations to be carried out in one's life. So, a candle or incense is burned to cause one to remember their debt to their ancestors. A ceremony is conducted to establish the importance of married life and that it is a community affair. A statue is erected to help people remember the deeds and importance of past heroes. A horseshoe is tacked over the door to remind everyone that horses kill and to be careful. Public punishment is used to remind people to live lawfully. Crumbs are cast out the door to remind people of their dependence upon nature and on we could go.

            The point here is there is a difference in worshiping something and in remembering something. The Orientals used many similar symbols as the west. The west most often used these things to worship their Gods. The Orientals used these things as writings, to remember. These objects were words in stone and actions, not necessarily objects of worship, though some of the objects are now worshiped, thanks to the influence of various beliefs from the west.

            Western religion has introduced into the Orient the belief that there are religious spirits and gods who offer salvation and other help when magic rites are performed in the churches and temples. But the Orientals acknowledged no god in the western sense. Their gods personified the principles and concepts of making, destroying and sustaining the world and life. The Chinese and Indians "pay their respects" to their dead ancestors. They worshiped nothing in the western sense, at least in the original forms of Buddhism and Confucianism.

            The Orientals developed the concept of transmigration of souls. That is, they believed in reincarnation. They presented this for two main reasons. First, there were, are, and will be, people who seemed to remember portions of a past life. Sometimes these memories are told in great and verifiable detail. So they concluded there was a reincarnation, at least for some people.

            Then second, reincarnation was a perfect rationale for explaining the factor of justice. Some people are born into poverty, or with disease, or with a dull mind, or some other personal or environmental disability. These people could later be born into wealthier families, or with better minds and bodies. Eventually, all people would have experienced all kinds of lives and would have had all kinds of opportunities and the lack of them.

            Reincarnation may or may not be a fact. But for certain, it is a more Just scheme of things than the Christian religion presents. In ethics, philosophy, justice and human compassion, the Oriental systems shows up the Christian and Jewish systems of belief for what they are. They are selfish, barbaric, magical, supernatural concepts of getting Something For Nothing.

            It is difficult to make a flat statement on whether human nature is basically atheistic or basically religious. But if religion was once an acceptable part of human nature during our barbaric evolution, it is destined to go the way of our second stomach and our tail.

            Man does not need anything that hinders his development and growth. Religion and superstition of all kinds are a hindrance and even a tragedy. If religion and superstition were once needed, that time is long past. It is time we "Put away childish things and become men."

            Today, man needs freedom. Man needs freedom to think. Hopefully, by following the Honest Clear Thinking philosophy, mankind will soon actually become, in the truest sense, Humankind. It is time to lay aside the chains of superstition and the whip of belief and faith. It is time to cast aside fear and false guilt and act like Men. It is time to Think Like Human Beings! It is time to do some Honest Clear Thinking!

            A child comes into this world eager to learn. There is no doubt about it. A child is a believer when it first begins to learn. The reason children are believers, is because they expect only truthfulness and honesty from those around them. They do not understand the concept of being lied to. They trust those around them to tell them the truth, to give an honest answer to an honest question. Some African children are taught and they believe it, that they must have their bodies cut and scarred before they can be considered adults or warriors. Some of the little girls believe they must go through painful initiation rites before they can marry and be a woman.

            Some children are taught there is a Santa Claus who brings them toys, Easter Bunnies who bring them candy and Tooth Fairies who leave a dollar under their pillow in exchange for a baby tooth. (It used to be a dime. Will it one day be a credit card?)

            Other children are taught there is a God in the sky who needs prayer and begging in order for him to do nice things for the child. Some are taught a Devil will get them when they die if they are bad little boys and girls and do not believe in Jesus.

            Some are taught it is necessary to thank nature for their food. Some children carry a crumb to an altar in the house, or throw some grain out the door. Others are taught to fold their hands, bow their heads, close their eyes and repeat a memorized poem and call it prayer.

            Yes, children are Believers. It is therefore, extremely important that we, who are adults, tell our children the Truth about life, religion and philosophy, as they are able to understand. And having had a hand in raising seven children, I can tell you, they understand more and faster than you would guess. It is Very important that we, ourselves, know about these things and that we deal honestly with all people, even children.

            Honestly finding the truth of a matter is the ability to measure one thing against another, to relate one claim against other claims, to relate a claim against the known facts of science, morals and common sense. The person with the widest experience and most liberal knowledge is better equipped to evaluate. The ability to evaluate is called Thinking or Wisdom.

            It is, therefore, tremendously important to give our children a wide range of experience and knowledge so they may have this background in order to honestly think and evaluate life and the things around them. The more ignorant a person is, that is, the less knowledge and experience he has, the less able that person is to honestly evaluate, to separate truth from fiction and to think.

            Ignorance produces Belief! Belief produces Hostility, fear and guilt. Knowledge produces wise, healthy and useful men and women who can make this a better world for all of us, and for our children, and their children. Think About It!

            The ignorant native who believes his god lives in a tree may never have his belief challenged. If a god who lives in the storm clouds has just zapped his god who lives in the tree, then he must be challenged. Therefore, the storm god must be more powerful and more worthy of the native's worship. So, he changes religion, beliefs and gods.

This book could be the lightning, which strikes your tree.

Don't be like the native and just switch beliefs. Instead, examine the claim that there may not be a religious god, as described in holy books and by holy men. You may suddenly discover you are a truly Free moral agent. You are capable of making moral and ethical decisions. You are a full and complete person. You are free!

            Almost any thinking person could make better moral and ethical judgments about their own life and happiness than has the God of the Bible. Our present human nature may be the early development of a divine nature. In other words, We may be Baby Gods in training. After all, character must be developed and if the gods have character, it didn't just happen. Character cannot be decreed or created. It must be grown and developed in the fields of life.

            Character is based upon free will and freedom to act. Freedom to act is also freedom to make mistakes. You are developing your character with every decision you make and every action you take, good or bad. You are capable of making sound, honest judgment in dealing with your fellow men that are themselves capable of doing the same. Even the Bible promises that we will become Godlike if we fulfill certain requirements here on earth. One of those requirements is to become Christ like. I assume that means we must develop the right character. So, that is what human nature is trying to become. Human nature is moving toward Honesty and Justice as must have been the case with the Gods, if there be any.

            So? Is human nature basically religious and based on belief, or is it based on Thinking? My personal opinion is that human nature is Learning To Think, thanks to our dedicated men and women in all branches of science and human relations. Human nature and thinking are progressing (in many people) and even believers should be thankful for those who have dedicated their lives to searching out the truth in all these areas. As such, we all need to learn to think instead of believing. We must learn to Honestly Doubt the wild claims of government and religion. Believing and obeying the inhumane church teachings is detrimental and harmful to man, because it keeps us from so much which is good and forces upon us so much which is bad.


Next: Looking At Government
