Updated: 03/15/05



            When we talk about government, we are actually talking about people. We are talking about people long dead and we are talking about people who are presently in government. We are talking about laws, taxes, procedures, philosophies and methods of doing business. When we talk about government, we are also talking about what the people of a nation will allow. That is, we are talking about the allegiance of a people to their government. We are also talking about those who oppose a particular government. Government is the “Philosophy” by which a nation operates.

            One Clear Thinking philosopher in government is worth more to the freedom a nation than hundreds of self-serving ministers of religion and religious politicians, teaching their particular concept of government. When believers and the gullible are in places of governmental leadership, the world is in the hands of children. When the leaders of this country submit to the practices or demands of superstition, we are in the hands of the greedy, the opportunists and the foolish. And we give them Power over us!

            Clear Thinking Philosophers (called Deists) founded this country. A Clear Thinking philosopher is one who regulates his life and actions, his judgments and pronouncements, by following the light of knowledge, reason, common sense, morality and justice. Using these principles, he rejects all religious claims that are contrary to justice, knowledge, reason, common sense, morality and he rejects their ideas of government.

            By honestly studying each of these religions and superstitions, the Clear Thinker must acknowledge that they are only poor inventions of man. Their ideas of government are simply methods of controlling people for the benefit of the elite and for advancing their own greed, superstition and business (whatever that might be).

            There is little significant difference between a Deist, an Atheist, an Agnostic, a Free Thinker or a Clear Thinking philosopher. In order to be one of these, the principle of honest logical thought must be applied. On the other hand, in order to be religious, one must Not Think. That is, one must "Believe" in order to be religious. And I might add, the same holds true for political parties. One must believe. Clear Thinking demands convincing proof of claims, whether those claims are political or religious. Thus, Clear Thinking produces honest doubt concerning any matter at hand. That produces an investigation of the facts on Both sides of the matter. Investigation of the facts produces conclusions that are in harmony with the known facts of the matter. Thus, by honestly doubting and thinking, the Clear Thinker is separated from political and religious superstition and all of their hurtful and wasteful claims, beliefs, demands and practices. This is true in government. It is true in religion. It is true in all of life.

            Clear Thinking philosophers (Deists), put this country on the right path. There were many ardent Christian leaders who helped form and vote for the Constitution. These Christians were wise enough, and had the foresight, to agree with the Deists that religion and government must be totally separated. They knew the tyranny of the religions when given power. They, and their fathers, had recently escaped the tyranny of the church in Europe and they did not want that to happen in their free country.

But from the very start, some of those who call themselves Christian have spent their time and money trying to reverse the Meaning and Intent of our Constitution. The Deists and the early wise and knowledgeable Christians put into the Constitution, words stating that our government shall be free from religious intervention and religion shall be free from government intervention.

            Later, the less wise religious believers who had not experienced the tyranny of religion first hand, sought to change meaning of those wise and protective words of our Constitution. They then reinterpreted those words to mean: religion has No Obligation to government (to pay taxes, to observe the laws of the land, or to meet the normal citizenship requirements). They also say, they Must intervene into the affairs of government to keep it from doing wrong, or from becoming too powerful (if government doesn't agree with their beliefs). They then say government has a large obligation to them. They say that they have the right to collect money from the government for their institutions (schools, hospitals, retirement homes, projects and such.) They also claim the Right to finance political candidates, parties and the like. They lobby to get their superstitions made into the laws of the land the same as do steel, insurance, banking and all the others (for their own interest and profit). The religions are a tremendous drain on the income and morals of this nation.

            It is necessary that we stop here for a moment and discuss briefly the concept of a religious philosopher. There is no such thing as a "religious philosopher.” The term "religious philosopher" is an oxymoron. A true philosopher is concerned Only with the Truth of a matter. A so-called religious philosopher is concerned only with Proving that his beliefs, ideas of government and such, are true. One can "prove" Anything if some unproven authority (like the Bible) is accepted as telling the truth and at the same time, contrary evidence is rejected, overlooked, misused, taken out of context or just simply hidden. The principal aim of the philosophers of religion is to Prove and Enforce their doctrines, beliefs and their concept of government.

            The search for the truth about Any philosophy or religion (including their own) is beyond their understanding. Why? They Already possess the truth. They believe they are right and they believe they could not possibly be wrong. God Said So!


            When decisions must be made, the Clear Thinker looks at all of the evidence available, pro and con. Then he draws his honest conclusions that are in harmony with the facts and the truth of the matter. Finally, he judges and makes his projections, rules, laws and actions based on his honest conclusions. Another thing to consider is this. If New facts show up, then the Clear Thinker is willing to rethink his conclusions. But the religious philosophers Never change their minds in light of new and contradictory facts. To Compromise is to Sin. You see, they believe.

            How many, religious philosophers have at their disposal a few books on Atheism written by a Clear Thinker (Atheist)? I have talked to many religious ministers and priests who considered themselves philosophers of a sort. I have yet to find even one of them who knew very much Factual knowledge about the Atheist philosophy. What they have read are books on Atheism written by Other Christian philosophers. These men never read anything by a modern Atheist, except some excerpts taken out of context. Some of them have read something written by Madelyn Murry O'Hair. To my knowledge, she has never written on the Philosophy of Atheism. Her work is almost all in the area of political activism, even though it is based on the Atheist philosophy.

            Every person who calls himself a philosopher, or religious philosopher, should have a copy of the HONEST MAN'S PHILOSOPHY in his library. If each so-called religious philosopher had a copy of this book (and read it) it is my opinion there would be far fewer religious philosophers.

            How can a person call himself a philosopher (political, secular or religious) and write a contrary position to Atheism (and their concept of government) when he doesn't even know what constitutes Atheism? What assumption and what gumption it takes to write about something, that one has not carefully researched and that he cannot even correctly define. That, in a nutshell, is why I say there is no such thing as a religious philosopher.

            The Christian political philosophers do not Want to know the truth. The truth would unsettle them and they would doubt. If they doubted, they would begin to think. If they began to think, they would lose their religious Certainty about government and religion. If they lost their religious certainty, they could no longer be called "religious philosophers.” At the least, they might lose their income. Therefore, they must only Defend their beliefs and their concept of government, even if they have to Misstate the case against them. In order to defend religion and their concept of government against Atheism, the religionists will invariably and immediately misinterpret or misstate the Atheist position and what that philosophy really is. This they do with constant regularity. They quote each other's mistakes and misquotes, and sail merrily along, deceiving and being deceived.

            There are those in government who have been persuaded by these religious philosophers that religious believers make good government believers. And they are right about that. If a man can be convinced, or will believe that a religion has a Divine origin and mission, then it is very easy to get the religious believer to believe that his government also has a Divine origin and mission. These religious politicians then see themselves as leaders who have been selected by God to save the world and extend their beliefs to all people – every where. The millions of dollars spent on their propaganda and lies, and the misinformed people who voted them in, are simply the instruments that God uses to place the superstitious leaders in power.

            Such an arrangement was successfully used for hundreds of years, especially in Europe. But a real problem arose when two of these Divine religions and governments came into conflict. Did God have two divine religions and two divine governments? One government wanted something that the other government had and a holy war followed. The winner won because God so willed it. God is Always on the side of the winners. The loser must find out what great Sin his nation has committed that justifies God's punishing them. Religion always has plenty of sins to fall back on and to use as excuses. Usually they blame those not of their religion as the culprits. Wrong!

            Most international differences, past and present, could have been, or could be, settled far short of war, “If” The Countries Were Lead By Clear Thinkers instead of by the superstitious believers. But, there is still the concept that God makes one country strong and prosperous and another country weak. Thus, it follows, that might makes right. And so it seems.

            That is, it seemed so until chemical and nuclear warfare made the weak nations strong enough to destroy the strongest. Now a new era has arrived. The days of belief and superstition must now end, or everything could end together. It is time to let the Clear Thinkers and the true philosophers work our government and the world out of the dead end into which the religious leaders and believers have gotten us. Those who think God keeps a sin log, answers prayer and works miracles must be removed from power in our government before we are all removed from the face of this earth. Honesty must be returned to our thinking, our lives, our government and our business. And it must begin in the United States of America - Soon! Only we still have the freedom and diversity to do it. (Since the Patriot Act, it may be too late.)

            I have been asked if our government should have a religious test in order to make a person eligible to hold public office. Should we separate and weed out the unbelievers, or the superstitious? I have always answered, "No." That would be wrong. The religious believers always answer, "Yes." They would Love to make a person swear that he believes in their God before he is eligible to be a leader. I do think the American people had better wake up and elect leaders who are Not religious and superstitious. We need leaders now like we had during the founding of our nation. We need at least one Thomas Paine. We need several Jeffersons and Adams and Franklins. We need a few Washingtons in leadership positions. These men and women are available Now. These people are ready to give this country new life and a chance to live without the fear of civil strife, or nuclear, biological and chemical destruction. But these men are not religious and some of them have girl friends or boy friends. Sometimes they drink alcohol and even smoke dope. Some of these potential leaders are women, or they are Black or Hispanic. But the religious desire one of their own superstitious believers to lead them further down the road toward our destruction. Infamy!

            The Clear Thinker looks at government as a necessary evil. He sees government presently as the tool of another very small nation. It is also a tool of special interests, crime, religion and big corporate business. Why would a man and his party spend fifty millions of dollars to get one man elected to a job that pays less than a tenth of that in four years? Why would religious bodies give millions of dollars to get their man elected to a public office in this country? Do these people love their country that much? Or, do they love their superstitions and profits that much? Who is being hoodwinked? Only the Believers. Don't they realize they are being manipulated and milked for someone else's profit and benefit? They do not! Who suffers? You and I do! The whole nation does! But Not a certain small nation, other criminals, businesses and religions that manipulate them! They Profit!

            These religious believers will attack their political enemies with accusations of immoral conduct. They will claim their opponents are using immoral ideas and programs. They will yell "Hypocrite" when their enemies attend church, or publicly prays, or blesses the nation using God's name. God's name is Only to be used by religious fundamentalists. They will break each of their Own Moral Codes in order to accuse and condemn their enemies of the same Identical offenses that they commit. How do I know this? They will, because they have done so in the past!

            Governments do not produce wealth. They only spend it. Our present government (Democrats and Republicans) has not only spent the present generation into bankruptcy, they have spent several distant generations into bankruptcy. We will pay for it. Our kids will pay for it. Our grand kids will pay for it. We could even pay for it by being so weakened; we could be conquered by a much smaller but more determined nation. We could be conquered by secret societies or rebels among us who work for a one world government, or who wish to destroy the present government, or who wish to establish a religious government (called a theocracy). No generation of people has the right to spend more than that particular generation can pay for. We do not have the right to spend our grand children's money, water or land. That is theft. That is stealing from the unborn. The religious defend the unborn and then rob from them. Our children will curse us.

            Instead of leaving our children prosperity, we leave some of them poverty. Instead of clean air and water, we leave them pollution. Instead of the love for knowledge, we leave them the love for harmful superstitions. Instead of freedom and justice, we leave them with a multitude of dishonest rules and laws formulated to enslave and control them. Instead of leaving them a bright future, we leave them with our debts and garbage. Instead of peace, we leave them with crime. Instead of hope, we leave them despair. Instead of leaving them Honest Clear Thinking, we leave them belief. Instead of good government, we leave them superstitious religious laws, rules and practices that rob them of their freedom and future. Have I discovered something new? Have you seen the same thing? Do you worry about it? Are you willing to do your part to change things?

            The Bankers have stolen our money and given us printed paper and invisible numbers that have no intrinsic value. There is absolutely nothing except Belief represented by the Federal Reserve IOU notes for which we work. Now I am neither an economist, nor an expert on money, so I tread lightly on the subject. Obviously, there needs to be some medium by which we can value our work, our products and our responsibilities. My concern is not so much the value of the money, as it is the fact that this paper, falsely called money, can be declared worth twice as much, or worth nothing by a simple statement from our treasury, or by the Federal Reserve System. Interest is the perfect weapon of genocide use by the bankers to kill our civilization and nation. It already controls our government. It is the bankers who rule this nation, and soon, the world. They are all members of one race with one purpose in mind. That purpose is to make ever person a slave to their policies and their rules. We are now in debt to them for more than what three Americas are worth. And to make matters worse, the bankers will not even allow enough money into circulation to even pay off our own personal debts.

            I can remember going to the store for mother with my red Radio Flyer wagon and a silver fifty-cent piece. I was to get a loaf of bread (8 cents), four pounds of potatoes (8 cents), a large soup bone (3 cents), a head of cabbage (4 cents), a gallon of milk, (10 cents) and a candy bar (5 cents) (one of those old time big bars). And I would come home with Change. That was 1937. Today you Might get change back from ten dollars of paper play money (but I doubt it).

            Even believers are beginning to lose faith in our paper money. They are starting to ask for real money based on some commodity of exchange besides oil, or based on some firm value system. One of these days, due to panic, natural disasters, bank failures, plunging or accelerating stock markets, crime and political turmoil, there will be a change in our money. It will not jingle in our pockets. It will not fold up in our billfolds. (When there are no more dollar bills, what will we call that folding thing?) So, it will be numbers on some type of card. Our folding paper play money will disappear and in its place will be invisible money. So, we will go from gold and silver money to invisible play money. Boy! Those economists and bankers sure are smart people, or else, We are pretty dumb!

            This country was founded as a Republic. Religion and the politicians have worked hard, spouted lots of high-sounding propaganda and gradually turned our Republic into a Democratic system. There is even an attempt going on now to turn us into a Democratic Theocracy (ruled by religion and their inhumane codes of conduct).

            What that means is this. Originally, our founding fathers set up a system of representative government called a Republic. In that system we voted for people we knew in our community (or knew about) to represent us. These representatives, in turn, voted for people in whom they themselves had trust to represent them and us. Through this system, we selected men to go to congress and to the legislature for us. These same people also elected a president for us. No president was ever intended to be elected by a popular vote of all of the citizens. (Such a system is rightly called “Mobocracy.”) No one was ever intended to be elected on the basis of being a good television personality. The standard for electing a president was to be based on whether or not the person was a moral, informed and wise leader. No one was supposed to care if he had a girl friend or was divorced. The representatives were to elect the best person for this great responsibility.

            Today, the mass of people are asked to cast their personal vote for men whom they do not know. They are asked to vote on the basis of the propaganda, gossip and lies they have been fed. So, during the election year, a man is presented to us as a savior. The opposition shows him to be a devil and presents their man as the true savior. Both men are selected on the basis of how well they appeared on television, how well they can get along with crowds of people, how well they support the party, how much money they can raise - and how well they can Lie. This is no way to select a leader to lead two hundred and fifty million of the best people on earth.

            One day, due to TV and advertising costs, elections will cost so much money we will be forced to change our system of electing our senators, representatives and president. My suggestion is to return to the Constitution. Chuck democracy and return to representative government like our Deist forefathers so brilliantly and perceptively planned for us in the Constitution.

            Some of you may be galled at me for suggesting that we chuck democracy. Well, we should! No country can long survive as a democracy. As a Republic, we could survive Forever. First, democracy is a wonderful idea in this day of universal TV If you are a good handsome actor, have unlimited supplies of money and if you are a proven and accomplished liar. Second, anyone can find out which way the people are moving, run out in front of the crowd and call himself a leader.

            Third, uninformed and ignorant people cast the same one vote, as do the informed. Fourth, the ignorant and gullible people will vote according to the propaganda and lies given them and as they are instructed by their political or religious authorities. (And there are many more of the factually ignorant and the superstitious than there are of us.) Fifth, the complications and diversities of modern government are impossible to understand by Anyone who has not made an extensive investigation into the matters (and sometimes even if they have tried to understand). Even the informed are confused by the lies and propaganda.

            Sixth, democratic voting is a "sugar teat" offered to you to make you Think you have some say in how the government runs, what its priorities are and what its plans are for the future. Seventh, petitions for changes (one of the wonderful holdovers from the Republic) will soon be outlawed, or the requirements will be made nearly impossible to fulfill. So, citizens who see some local or national problem and its solution will get it on the ballot vote it in and the government will declare it Illegal in some fashion, if they are against it. Already the government has made petitions almost impossible by demanding such a large number of signatures on it that it has to almost become a rebellion before enough signers can be placed on the petition to satisfy the rules (and you know who makes the rules). Eighth, there were far more freedoms under the Republic form of government than there are under our present democratic form.

            Ninth, Democracy Only Works If All The People Are Truthfully And Fully Informed and have the intelligence to understand. Tenth, democracy leads to many forms of corruption in government, fighting among the elected, compounded lies and counter lies to the people and a general stagnation of the responsibilities of the elected. Eleventh, since so much money will be needed to campaign, all types of immoral and illegal deals must be struck in order to get the money. Twelfth, the function of the elected branches of the government comes to a halt while everyone scrambles for money and votes.

            And then there is that dreaded number “Thirteen.” With all the confusion and paralysis of such a democratic system, the Executive Branch of the government suddenly Assumes the responsibility of getting things done. When the Congress lets this happen, the country is on the very Verge of Dictatorship and our Constitutional freedoms will melt away like ice cream on the sidewalks of Atlanta - on a hot July summer day. Executive Decreees are an early form of Dictatorship and Tyranny. (Look those two words up in your dictionary! See if the shoe fits.)

            Fourteen, since they will soon need so much money to be reelected, the Executive Branch of government will allow corporate advisors to finance them. In return the corporations will get to direct policy to the point that the Executive Branch and the Presidency will simply and surely become a branch of corporate business. Then we will have a true Dictatorship with the United Corporations of America setting the rules instead of the Congress.

            Finally, and fifteenth, this nation will become a corporate and military Dictatorship supported by a large military, and of course, with the blessings of the Believers. Claire Wolfe described Democracy as “Two wolves and a sheep discussing what’s for dinner.”

            I could fill pages with the faults of this type of democracy, which should be called Mobocracy. I could also fill pages with the praises of our original Republican form of government that we are supposed to have, according to our Constitution. But, I will let you do some of your own investigation. If you look carefully, you will agree with me, unless of course, you are looking at the situation from your personal standpoint of being on the government's "gravy train.”

            Even those who believe and are of some religious persuasion should demand a return to our Constitution and the representative form of government. After all, it is the freedom granted You by our Constitution that enables you to practice and preach your religion and your concept of government. Lots of other modern countries do not look with favor on this or that religion and many are outlawed. You should support your Own Freedom. When you take freedom away from Any part of society, you lose a little bit of your own and it will set a precedence that may bring your religion, or your person, under restriction next.

            Finally, there are those who wish the United States to be neither a Democracy nor a Republic. They wish us to make religious belief and the support of certain religious concepts as a basis for the selection of a leader, or judge, or some other officer of the government. They seek to add “In God We Trust” to every thing, including Social Security and Health Care. They are asking us to change our government from one controlled by the citizens into a Christian government, or a Theocracy. That is, the religions want the government to be recognized as a Theocracy, a nation authorized and ruled over by God (their God). They know exactly what is on the mind of God. God will conveniently say and lead the leaders to do Exactly what They had in mind in the first place. These people want a religious dictatorship. Religious dictation Always becomes Religious Tyranny.

            When I was a kid, there was No "In God We Trust" on our money. We didn't Need such assurance then. Collectors pay thousands of dollars for those bills and coins today. There was No "Under God" in our pledge to the flag. "Under God" simply makes liars out of us all. Has there been Any advantages or blessings for us by putting these slogans of the believers into our governmental, business and social activities? Can you say, "Like a snowball in Hell?"

            A democratic government makes it very easy to control the people. The government controls for whom we vote by releasing the right kind of propaganda at the appropriate time. The government buys votes with money giveaways to certain segments of the population. These people will return the favoritism by voting like they are told to vote by the powers that be. This statement applies to both parties. This should be called, "Government by Tom-Foolery,” or, maybe, just plain old "Shysterism.” And they know how to control the ballot box. As Edward G. Robinson once said in a movie, “It doesn’t matter about the votes. We will just keep counting the votes until they come out in our favor. Right?” RIGHT!

            The courtship of this government and a certain political party with the religious powers of today is purely and simply a coalition to assure the party of votes and support for programs that it plans to put into action. Those plans may include war, devaluation of our paper play money, outlawing and confinement of certain segments of our population (like Blacks, Atheists, unions, Jews, gays or some other group). It may include getting rid of, or the dilution of social security and health care from our aged or our handicapped. It may also include a type of dictatorship later.

            Leaders, who believe God will correct the mistakes that they make, could survive when rockets and bombs could not reach us. They could even help God cover their mistakes when armies moved by horse or wind power. Back then, believers could blunder on, and their mistakes were often only paid for by loss of their power, or even loss of great numbers of people, as in our (un) Civil War. Today, believing God will correct the mistakes made by our leadership, could cost us the whole of mankind - forever.

            Today, with such mass means of destruction at hand, we must have leaders who know the score. We must have leaders who trust their minds, who have learned to think and rightly divide fact from fancy. We need leaders who can separate public welfare from private profit, and right from wrong, and truth from lies. We must have an informed populace that does not look to a polluted sky for salvation and preservation. We must have a government that puts the citizens first and business and special interest second. We must have people in government who are free from superstitions and religions of all types. We need Honest Clear Thinkers. We need them Badly!

            Our government is out of control! It is chopped up into a multitude of little secret groups, each with its own powers, secret agendas, goals and ambitions. Even the present leaders are beginning to see this. Corporate business is buying legislation every day to make personal fortunes at our expense. Legislators, Senators and their "friends" are helping ruin the credibility of mining, banking, lumbering, oil, manufacturing, medicine, insurance, construction, law enforcement, health care and even war. Above all, they are causing the American people to lose hope and confidence in their present government. When the citizens lose Hope in their government, what follows? You got it!

            To top it off, consider that as much as ninety percent of our government is neither elected nor accountable to the people. They are only accountable to the person or party who appointed or hired them to the thousands of bureaucratic offices. These bureaucrats have power individually and collectively to act as petty dictators in areas that affects each of us daily. They have their own police and secret agents. They also eat up our tax money. In addition, they effectively got legislation passed that makes it close to impossible for anyone to fire them, or cut their pay. They in turn appoint more little bureaucrats under them. This Democratic system of government is Destroying both the morals of this country and our wealth (even if you count it in play money).

            What can we do? Get this book to them. Clear Thinkers, who do not usually get involved in the games that people play, should change their minds and get busy. Let's write. There must be at least ten million of us throughout this nation. Write the author. Pay for getting this book before the people who need to read it. Let's get them started Thinking. Let's get organized.

            We need a political party that will take the scientific approach to government. We need a "Clean Broom Party" that can get some nation saving legislation passed so we can stop the rape of our people by special interest groups. We can investigate the Libertarian Party or the Green Party. My understanding is they wish to return this nation back into a Constitutional Republic. They, or someone like them, may be the new wave for the future for this nation. It may be that we need to belong with someone like them in this struggle for a free government and free life.

            Trying to clean up the government by electing an Honest Clear Thinker to the presidency would be like trying to clean up the Mafia by appointing an Honest Clear Thinker to be Godfather and telling him to clean up the Mafia. It will not work. Besides, there are now laws on the books that can Legally turn our government into a dictatorship with a single statement from the president! Is that scary, or what? (Have you heard about green, yellow, orange and red? Homeland Security? FEMA?) That Is A Fact!

            This government will not be cleaned up or be made to start using common sense until a ground swell from the citizens of this country rises up and says, "No more! We will pay no more taxes; we will obey no more laws that gouge us. We will stop the functions of government until you come clean with us and replace hostility toward us with the respect, which we deserve. You must replace your graft, greed and corruption with honest government. You must stop “going to bed” with those who are willing to pay for your favors and you must separate yourself from religion, crime and big business interests. You must go back to being a Constitutional Republic, assume your responsibility and give us the dollar back." Wouldn't that be a heaven on earth? Maybe we need a Constitutional Convention.

            A Constitutional Convention can be legally called Anytime enough people in each state vote to send representatives to the Convention. Such a Convention has the Constitutional Power to totally reform our government - completely. Such a Convention could change our government into any type of government that seems appropriate. They could discharge our present government, or any part of it (like the FBI, FDA, CIA, IRS, ATF, FEMA, Congress, justice department, president or any other branch). They could even divide up the United States into east and west, or north and south, or whatever. It could also restructure government so no small group of bankers, religious leaders, criminals, corporate business, or a small nation could control government, as they seem to do today. You would have to vote for the changes. And of course, again, the Representatives would most likely be jailed as traitors and placed in concentration camps without legal council.


            I saved the most important for last. We must put the making of money back into the hands of our government. The people who spend the money must no longer be allowed to also do the taxing. The power to tax (pass tax laws) must be separated from the power to spend (pass spending bills). Most of our economic problems fall squarely on the backs of those who have had the power to tax and at the same time the power to borrow the money to spend. A standard operating tax should be established for government. It must cut its cost to fall Under the operating tax. No exceptions! Any special extra tax, for some special project or need, must be presented to the taxpayers. They in turn, should decide if such a project or tax is needed. We want an Honest Clear Thinking representative government taking its orders from an informed, thinking citizenship. If they wanted to invade another nation, you would have to vote the money for it. That would stop it!

            Most people think corporations are just makers and sellers of products. Not So! They are governments. They are dictatorships. They have armies, spies, assassins, politicians, propagandists, foreign ambassadors, seductive men and women, enormous law firms, TV and movie studios and a multitude of off shore sub corporations used to do some of their dirty work. They hire bright photogenic men and women to front for them. They have Agendas, not just to make money, but to take over countries, control the natural resources of the World and to determine the future of this earth. They even have the power to sign treaties and pacts with foreign nations. You will be astounded if you look up the nationalities of these CEOs, Chairman of the Board, owners and majority shareholders of these major corporations.

            So finally, we must take away the power of corporations by refusing to allow a corporation to be counted as a person. Ownership must be the responsibility of the owners in tax matters, legal matters, criminal matters and business matters. All businesses must be held as the personal property and responsibility of the owners (share holders, CEO’s, managers, etc.). No longer should the owners be allowed to hide behind corporate laws that free them from their greedy mistakes and out right crimes, which they pull against the public - and I might add, against each other. We ccould also pass a law that causes a corporation to become Dead (like a person) when it has existed the average lifetime of an individual (say 80 years).

            Our government must be Made responsible. It Must follow the intent of the founders of this nation. Our government must be Made to realize the power to rule comes from the Consent Of The Governed. When the majority of the people of this nation stop allowing the superstitious, greedy and religious people to run it, then, and only then, will this nation become what it should be. Apathy can stop us today and tomorrow may be too late.

            There needs to be a block on each federal ballot where a person can check it and thereby register his total complaint against the government as a whole. When 66 percent of all voters check that block then Congress must, by law, call for a Constitutional Convention and the process must begin at once. And at all cost, Do Not Give Up Your Guns, or your association with others who love this country! They protect us from Tyranny!

            We can get the Honest Man’s Philosophy into the hands of intelligent people who,


Next: Creation
