Get thee glass eyes;
And like a scurvy politician, seem
To see the things thou dost not.
--- King Lear, Shakespeare
Senator Russ Feingold's speech on the Anti-Terrorism Bill. It shows how, just last Friday (2001 Oct 26), we lost civil liberties. How do you feel about the police coming into your home and looking around and never telling you? "If you're not home, and the police have received permission to do a "sneak and peak" search, they can come in your house, look around, and leave, and may never have to tell you."
Last week when I came up the subway at Capitol South, THE Capitol Hill Metro station, there must have been about 500 "Hail to the Thief" stickers plastered up and down the escalators! A little late-night Monkeywrenching. I know they'll all be gone by the 20th but what I'm hoping is that a lot more of this kind of stuff goes on. And I think it will. And If I knew who to give money to, for printing costs and glue, I'd give them some.update 2000 Jan 10:
all the stickers are gone }:-<
Note: No governmental electrons were used to create this web page. (This page was created entirely with my personal resources on my own time.)