
Sensodyne, Colgate Sensitive and Biotene Supersoft Toothbrushes

This page is devoted to information about obtaining soft toothbrushes such as Sensodyne, Colgate Sensitive and Biotene Supersoft brushes. They are very gentle on one's teeth can be very hard to find. You can email me if you have specific information (remove the word 'SPAMBLOCKER' from the address). Please include the word 'Sensodyne' in the subject line.

To simplify this page I have put the previous historic page aside in historic to 2009.

Search for Sensodyne tooth brushes.
Apparently they are back on the market and you can find them through that search! If you do buy some please tell me how it goes.

Sensodyne Home Page

Tom Schneider's Home Page
origin: 2000 Aug 3
updated: 2015 Jan 04