P2P: Peer-to-Peer Computing

Any system that depends on reliability is unreliable
-- Nogg's Postulate

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Read/Write Web - Web 2.0 - Web-as-Platform

Social Network

  1. List of social networking websites    [Wikipedia]
  2. Social Networking Websites and Teens: An Overview  [PDF]
  3. Bebo  [next generation social networking site ]
  4. eyespot    [dhark]
  5. Facebook
  6. Friendster
  7. Gaia
  8. Multiply    [Share your photos, video, music, blogs and more]
    1. davidhark
  9. MySpace.com
    1. davidhark
  10. Piczo
  11. Roll A Name
    1. David Hark
  12. Tagged
  13. Xanga   [Xanga is a community of online diaries and journals.]
  14. XHTML Friends Network    [a simple way to represent human relationships using hyperlinks ]
  15. Social Networking Software    [Wikipedia]
  16. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself
  17. FilmLoop is a free photocasting network.
  18. SwarmSketch: Collective sketching of the collective consciousness.
  19. Twiter
    1. Twitter Fan Wiki
    2. Twitterrific  [Mac OS X 10.4 or later]

Peer-to-Peer Computing

  1. Open Content Network
  2. The Next Revolution: Smart Mobs    [ Howard Rheingold ]
  3. Peer-to-Peer File Sharing   [Yahoo]
  4. An Introduction to Peer-to-Peer Computing     [TechRepublic]
  5. Browser, Browser Not
  6. Docster: The Future of Document Delivery?
  7. BadBlue
  8. DataSynapse
  9. Napster
  10. The Freenet Project    ["Re-Wiring the Internet"]
  11. Mojo Nation
  12. Aimster
  13. Gnutella   [real-time search, peer-based file-sharing client]
  14. CuteMX.com
  15. I Mesh
  16. SETI@home     SETI Institute Online
  17. Scour Exchange
  18. Ask Me Help Desk  [ Ask Experts Questions for FREE!]
  19. Project JXTA?
  20. Zeropaid.com
  21. FileFreedom.com
  22. Say goodbye to the personal computer and hello to personal dataspace
  23. the Open Archives Initiative
  24. Implications of Peer-to-Peer Networking for Libraries
  25. The Cornucopia of the Commons: How to get volunteer labor   The Tragedy of the Commons  Garrett Hardin, Ph.D
  26. Dan Bricklin: Thoughts on Peer-to-Peer
  27. Free Peers
  28. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
  29. Dynamic DNS Network Services
  30. Jabber
  31. Mixmaster list
  32. http://www.infrasearch.com/     http://www.gonesilent.com/
  33. Gnutelliums    PopUp Ad
  34. Nerd Herd!
  35. jnutella
  36. GUID.org is an Internet service that assigns anonymous user IDs to web browsers.   How it Works
  37. Yahoo! Computers and Internet > Internet > Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
  38. Sun enlists peer-to-peer in war against Microsoft        Sun wrestles with Microsoft for Web-services crown
  39. 2001 International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2001)
  40. P2P.Net
  41. Ben Houston's P2P Idea Page
  42. infoAnarchy
  43. P2P Pages: Wired's Guide to Global File-Sharing
  44. gPulp consortium
  45. GnutellaDev
  46. OpenP2P.com
  47. Clay Shirky's Writings About the Internet
  48. Peer-to-Peer Working Group - Home
  49. P2P Computing & Development
  50. Information Security Magazine: P2P, OR NOT P2P?
  51. WebReview.com: March 9, 2001: Free to Be P2P
  52. P2PTracker
  53. Thinkstream    Tadaaa!
  54. Yaga Share
  55. WorldOS Goa
    1. Publius Censorship Resistant Publishing System
    2. PAST: A Peer-to-Peer, Persistent and Anonymous Document Store
  56. PeerMetrics     PeerBrowser
  57. Groove
  58. PeerMagic.com
  59. AllCast - The Next Wave in Webcasting
  60. Peer-to-Peer Isn't Dead     But the WEB is!The Death Of The Web Is Inevitable, According To Forrester Research    Dawn of the Information Utility
  61. The cgiemail home page
  62. An Introduction to Microsoft HailStorm
  63. Microsoft Announces "HailStorm"    a New Set of XML Web Services Designed to Give Users Greater Control
  64. Microsoft Passport     A single name, password and wallet for the web!
  65. Microsoft .NET    Microsoft .NET Timeline
  66. about SearchHippo
  67. Copernic.com
  1. Aimster
  2. Audiogalaxy
  3. audioGnome
  4. BearShare
  5. BitTorrent
  6. eDonkey2000
  7. Freenet
  8. FileEx
  9. File Rogue
  10. Filetopia
  11. Gnutella
  12. Hotline
  13. iMesh
  14. KaZaA
  15. LimeWire
  16. Mojo Nation
  17. Morpheus
  18. Napigator
  19. Napster
  20. Rapigator
  21. Riffshare
  22. SongSpy
  23. WinMX

Internet OS

  1. Netscape's Internet OS
  2. Netscape's Andreessen eyes "Internet OS"
  3. The OS is Dead; Long Live the Internet OS     Jabber as an Emerging Internet OS by Craig Burton

Writable Web: Wiki , Blog, Moblog...

  1. Wikinomics
    1. Wikinomics The Book
  2. 'Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything'  [NPR: Audio]
    1. InnoCentive
    2. Rough Cuts with Michel Martin
  3. Create a Manila Site     EditThisPage.Com
  4. Trellix
  5. WikiWikiWeb
    1. the first ever Wiki
    2. The css-discuss Wiki
    3. Quickiwiki, Swiki, Twiki, Zwiki and the Plone Wars
    4. PB wiki    dhark: David J. Hark
  6. Web Log / Blog
    1. ircworld
    2. final version of weblog definition
    3. What are weblogs?
    4. What We're Doing When We Blog
    5. The Blogging Revolution   [ Wired May 2002 ]
    6. State of the Blogosphere, August 2006
    7. Your Guide to Corporate Blogging
      1. What's a Blog?
    8. Corporate Weblogs Deployment, Promotion, and Measurement  [order report]
    9. Observations From a Weblogger
    10. Weblogs.Com: Tools
    11. Technorati
    12. Blogger
    13. Weblogger
    14. http://www.movabletype.org/
    15. Pitas.com
    16. Eatonweb Portal
    17. GrockSoup
    18. DiaryLand.com
    19. Diarist.net
    20. bl a th e r
    21. LiveJournal.com
    22. ClustrMaps - Hit counter map shows locations of all visitors to your site - free
      1. news/blog
  7. Blogger template
  8. Library Blogs
    1. http://www.libdex.com/weblogs.html
    2. http://www.lisnews.com/
    3. http://dmoz.org/Reference/Libraries/Library_and_Information_Science/Weblogs/
    4. http://catalogablog.blogspot.com/
    5. http://www.meberle.com/weblog.html
    6. http://www.teleread.org/blog/
    7. http://eprintblog.crimsonblog.com/
    8. http://www.handheldlib.blogspot.com/
    9. http://usrlib.info/
    10. http://www.emaynard.org/libtech/
    11. http://www.tk421.net/librarylink/
    12. http://www.meberle.com/Weblog.html
    13. http://handheldlib.blogspot.com/
    14. http://usrlib.info
    15. http://homepage.mac.com/mstephens7/Tame%20the%20Web/index.html
    16. http://www.theshiftedlibrarian.com/
    17. http://www.lockergnome.com/issues/webmasterweekly.html
  9. Photographic Blogs
    1. Photoblogs.org - The Photoblog Resource
    2. photojunkie
    3. Fotolog.net
  10. Moblog or Mobile weblogs
    1. Weblogs get upwardly mobile
    2. From Weblog to Moblog at Internet Alchemy
    3. FoneBlog
    4. Joi's Moblog
    5. hnbp://mobile
    6. Hiptop Nation
    7. Reiter's LG Vx6000 Blog
    8. Moblogs   [TextAmerica]
  11. Blogs:
    1. Flutterby!
    2. Metafilter | Community Weblog
    3. ZagZig
  12. FOAF: the 'friend of a friend' project
  13. blogrolling.com
  14. Blog Software
    1. Create a Blog
    2. bBlog Free PHP blog software
    3. WordPress › Free Blog Tool and Weblog Platform
    4. Blogger: Create your Blog Now -- FREE
    5. Blog Software Breakdown
    6. Geeklog - The Ultimate Weblog System

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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 30 April 2008

© 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 David J. Hark