While in the Air Force I worked in program management, nuclear engineering, and physics at a variety of places. These included the Department of Energy, the Air Force Space Technology Center (neutral particle beams and IR sensors), the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (space nuclear power), the B-1B Systems Program Office (nuclear survivability), the Rome Air Development Center (integrated circuit reliability) and FTD (lasers). After completing 20 years of service in the Air Force, I am now working as a support contractor back with the government in the Washington, DC area. The contractor life being what it is (i.e. after your task ends you have to leave), I have been working for my second contractor for the last four years. The first contractor did not like me mentioning their name on a web site that talked about getting right with God, so I won't tempt fate and tell you where I am working now.
These days I am the Sunday School Director at First Baptist Church in Damascus, MD, and enjoy photography, computers, and reading science fiction. For the last six years or so I have had chronic pancreatitis, as well as hypoglycemia, so I don't get around as much as I used to. From reading the Bible God has impressed upon me that we are close to the return of Jesus Christ, and we don't have long. If you have not yet, read my page on Peace with God Maybe we can meet up in heaven if you do!
If you want to know why I decided to make my home page Christian oriented read my testimony . I thought that I would try to have a home page that would help people. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the page, in accordance with my basic theme, please drop me an e-mail message.
This page was last updated on 9 June 2003.
Send comments to slowup@xecu.net