Can your word processor do these?
TeX Users Group
(TUG) organization is a central place for all things TeX and LaTeX. |
![]() |
LaTeX is a typesetting language that runs circles around standard word processing programs because ... it is a true language. This means you can define new commands and do rather complex things. It is not really any harder to use than standard word processing programs such as Word or WordPerfect but it beats them hands down.
Because it is a vastly superior, permanent document preparation method, I write all my scientific papers, in LaTeX and then convert them automatically to html with latex2html, and to postscript and (more recently) to pdf with ghostscript. An example is the Information Theory Primer.
BiBTeX is a program associated with LaTeX that creates bibliographies. The format of the bibliographies is defined by a "bst" file, which is a programming language. The nice thing about BiBTeX is that you simply insert things like \cite{Shannon1948} into your text and the programs take over from there, automatically formatting and sorting the references.
Why LaTeX? A short video introducing LaTeX. |
Online Demo!
To see LaTeX in action,
The Unofficial LaTeX Manual: |
Simple but complete demonstration of LaTeX and BibTeX by Tom Schneider. This requires that you have LaTeX set up on your computer. | Demonstration of precise page placement using PSTricks, by Tom Schneider. This requires that you have LaTeX set up on your computer. The griddemo: directory is available for inspection. In particular, you can see the resultant griddemo.pdf. |
NEW LOCATION: This is the new location of the website. A permanent url that will always point to wherever this page goes is: If you bookmark that (as opposed to where it currently points) you will always find the page. |
![]() MS Word takes less effort for small documents but quickly overtakes LaTeX and soon becomes impossible to use for complex typesetting jobs that LaTeX can handle. Image by Marko Pinteric. Permission granted for image. |
When used in conjunction with the
program, LaTeX and BiBTeX become automated and act like a WYSIWYG-AIWYW
(What You See Is What You Get - And It's What You Wanted).
The program
will convert from Medline bibliography format to BiBTeX.
can be used to automate the process.
(New as of 1999 September 9)
This page has three major parts: | |
I cannot guarantee that these formats are exactly the same as the journal formats, in part because the journals change them and in part because the journals sometimes use rather complex rules. They are pretty good and we have published all of our papers using them (since 1987). Generally a journal will modify a format at typesetting stage.
To use:
BiBTeX Style
A yellow box indicates that the journal accepts LaTeX. | LaTeX Style | other files and comments |
Acta Biotheoretica (Springer) |
(old files: amnat.bst, amnat.dbj ) |
The American Naturalist. According to their instructions they will accept LaTeX. The dbj was used to produce the bst. Thanks to Dr. Michael Kopp for this bst. ![]() 2009 Mar 26: A revised version of the American Naturalist BibTeX BST style file is available, thanks to Ted Pavlic. |
animcog.bst |
Animal Cognition (Springer) Thanks to Joanna J. Bryson (Artificial models of natural Intelligence - AMONI) for this bst. |
Use it in conjunction with the numberlabel.sty style file (for unbracketed references), the citesupernumber.sty file (for superscript citation numbers) and the citecollapse.sty file (for concise citation numbers as 1-4 instead of 1,2,3,4). NOTE: \usepackage{cite} instead. |
American Journal of Human Genetics The first version was: ajhg1.01.bst by Stefan Böhringer ![]() The second version, by Amy L. Williams was based on the more recent AJHG_Information_for_Authors.pdf. |
biochemistry.bst | the sty file is not available yet |
Thanks to
Sonja M. Schwarzl,,
for this. She notes:
One has to add \usepackage[round, comma, sort&compress]{natbib} into the preamble and \makeatletter \renewcommand\@biblabel[1]{#1.} \makeatother right after the \begin{document}. The only thing that is missing is that the numbers should be italics rather than normal text when citing something. I did not manage to change this. however, I hope that this is a minor detail and the journal editors can change it themselves.Theoretically these things could/should be done in a sty file ... |
BiochemJ2008.bst | a sty file is not available yet |
Biochemical Journal
Thanks to
Karl Blum
for this.
![]() |
Use the files from the journal! (Our old file: bioinformatics.bst) | Use the files from the journal! (Our old file: bioinformatics.sty) |
(formerly CABIOS).
Thanks to Bruce Shapiro for the initial files.
Bioinformatics now provides LaTeX templates, but they are not compulsory!
![]() |
Biomed Central |
As of 2002 April 8,
Biomed Central
accepts DVI files for paper submissions.
![]() |
biophysj.bst |
Manuscript Templates |
Biophysical Journal.
These links are found from the
Author Instructions.
![]() |
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, cjfas
See also the publisher: National Research Council of Canada Thanks to Axel G.Rossberg for pointing this one out ![]() |
cell.bst | cell.sty | Cell |
cite.sty | cite.sty is the most modern control of citations within text. It replaces citecollapse. It can be used in conjunction with citeparens. |
citecollapse.sty | replaced by cite 2009 Jul 09 |
citeparens.sty | Sets parenthesis to be '()' instead of the default '[]' of cite.sty. This also can be done using the controls of cite.sty. |
citesupernumber.sty | Makes citations be superscript. Replaced by cite 2009 Jul 09 |
consbiol.bst | Conservation Biology
![]() |
control.bst | control.sty | Basic format for building bst files. |
cv.bst | cv.sty | CV bst and style by Tom Schneider
Style by Jason Blevins |
doublespace.sty | |
ecology.bst | natbib.sty (part of LaTeX) | Ecology (journal published by the Ecological Society of America) Thanks to Henrique Miguel Pereira, PhD,,, who provided it. |
ecol_let.bst | |
Ecology Letters, thanks to Dr. Michael Kopp. The ecol_let_raw.dbj file is also available for regenerating the bst file. |
emboj.sty | |
evolution.bst | |
Evolution (volume index) now accepts LaTeX files. The evolution.dbj file is also available for regenerating the bst file. Thanks to Dr. Michael Kopp for pointing this out. |
floatfig.sty | |
Gene, an Elsevier Journal
![]() See Elsevier publisher information. |
genetics.bst | Genetics
accepts LaTeX!
![]() Dr. Michael Kopp modified the bst slightly to add a comma before the 'and' in the author list. Looking at the example above one can see that their rules are rather whacky: add a comma only if there are two authors! The other whacky rule of Genetics is that the first author is listed in the form "LAST, INITIALS" but all later authors are of the form "INITIALS LAST". 2008 May 12. Rutger Hermsen notes: 1. Jarle Tufto has a simple style file for Genetics to correct the appearance of the headers: 2. The bibliography style "genetics.bst" correctly formats the bibliography for Genetics, but the citations in the text are not entirely correct. In the Genetics style, there is no interpunction between the author and the year, while by default natbib.sty inserts a comma. This can easily be fixed by putting the following line in the preamble of the article (after loading natbib): \bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{author-year}{}{,} 3. The name of the References Section is "Literature Cited" in Genetics; before the \bibliography statement one should therefore add the following line: \renewcommand\refname{Literature Cited} Ideally, the template by Stuart Macgregor could be adjusted to include these points. This amounts to replacing the line \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib}in that file by: \usepackage{natbib} \bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{author-year}{}{,} \usepackage{genetics}and inserting \renewcommand\refname{Literature Cited}directly after \bibliographystyle{genetics} Genetics style by Eric C. Anderson. |
html.sty |
This style file allows LaTeX to be converted to html by
You can find these files at
CTAN, search for 'latex2html'.
latex2html at CTAN. To get just the html.sty file, wget gunzip latex2html-2012.tgz tar xvf latex2html-2012.tar cd latex2html-2012/ ls */html.styThis gives: texinputs/html.sty |
gastroent.bst | gastroent.sty | Gastroenterology Requires natbib.sty in the document. Written by Herbert Plass,, Vienna, Austria. |
Genome Biology: Use BioMed Central's TeX template to prepare your manuscript for submission | Use BioMed Central's TeX template to prepare your manuscript for submission |
Genome Biology
accepts TeX and LaTeX!
Instructions for Authors
Use BioMed Central's TeX template to prepare
your manuscript for submission
Thanks to Ramón Díaz-Uriarte for his version, GenomeBiology.bst (This is a link to Ramón Díaz-Uriarte's file.) ![]() |
genres.bst | genres.sty | Genome Research.
The style uses package
natbib to allow control
over references.
TO DO CITATIONS: \citep*{Petitjean.Olivier2007,Soussi2000,Soussi.Ishioka2005}. gives (Petitjean, 2007; ...); \citet{el-Deiry.Vogelstein1992} gives el-Deiry (1992). For additional example documentation, see the Reference sheet for natbib usage. |
gcb.bst | natbib.sty | Global Change Biology
![]() |
heredity.bst | Heredity
![]() |
humanmutation.bst | humanmutation.sty | Human Mutation |
(International Union of Crystallography)
journals such as
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography
![]() |
download from IEEE | download from IEEE | IEEE
( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). IEEEtran.cls is the official IEEE LaTeX class for authors of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions journals and conferences. Support sites: and ![]() |
See Elsevier LaTeX instructions | See Elsevier LaTeX instructions | iScience |
jbact.bst | jbact.sty | Journal of Bacteriology |
jeb.bst, jeb.dbj |
Journal of Evolutionary Biology. They accept LaTeX. The dbj was used to produce the bst. Thanks to Dr. Michael Kopp for this bst. |
jxb.bst |
Journal of Experimental Biology
accept LaTeX submissions, but at least this gives the right
bibliography formatting for anyone first creating their manuscript in
LaTeX and then converting it to rft or Word. It needs to be used with
natbib.sty (\usepackage{natbib}).
Thanks to
Marissa Baskett.
![]() |
Journal of Mathematical Biology |
"Springer Verlag
has developed TeX and LaTeX macro packages for different journals."
![]() HOWEVER those are (still) dated 2004. In 2007 Ted Pavlic wrote to me "I've been trying to fix and modernize some of the Springer LaTeX support files for the Journal of Mathematical Biology (JMB). I've come up with these..." Preamble for Journal of Mathematical Biology and LaTeX Support :: Fixes and Suggestions for Springer's Journal of Mathematical Biology" |
JMB: on the page "The elsarticle LaTeX document class" The elsarticle LaTeX document class see the section on Bibliographic styles. | elsart.cls (standard file), ftp/elsartUSA.cls (my modification for USA) |
Journal of Molecular Biology
![]() See Elsevier publisher information. |
Journal of Vision | Journal of Vision Thanks to Tobias Elze (or here) for pointing this out! | |
jss.bst. See notes | jss.sty. See notes |
Journal of Statistical Software
provide their own
LaTeX Style Files!
![]() ![]() |
jsupercomp.bst | jsupercomp.sty | |
jtb.bst | jtb.sty | Journal of Theoretical Biology
Note: JMB changed their reference format so
JTB is now completely separated.
As part of Elsevier, Journal of Theoretical Biology now accepts LaTeX! Elsevier LaTeX file guidelines 2008 Jul 30: See Elsevier publisher information. |
For Springer medical, life sciences, chemistry, geology, engineering and computer science publications: spbasic.bst (also for Springer mathematics, computer science, and physical sciences journals publications: spmpsci.bst ) | |
Marine Biology, a Springer Journal, takes LaTeX.
![]() The LaTeX macro package is a zip file. Download it and change its name to and then unzip it. Deep down under several directories you will find LaTeX materials. This is very inconvenient. |
Medical Physics | Medical Physics Thanks to Tobias Elze (or here) for pointing this out! | |
methenz.bst | | Methods in Enzymology |
molcellbiol.bst | molcellbiol.sty | |
molecularEcology.bst original source: | Molecular Ecology written by Yannick Wurm. His paper using this bst/style was published. | |
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, JABES, by Eric C. Anderson. |
Journal of the American Statistical Association, JASA, by Eric C. Anderson. |
nci.bst | nci.sty and ulem.doc (part of LaTeX2e, call in preamble as \usepackage[normalem]{ulem}) |
application forms
in the
NCI RedBook.
There are two
test files,
which is a BiBTex bibliography,
which is a LaTeX file to test the bibliography.
![]() |
nih | nih.sty (link to another web site) |
Using LaTeX for NIH Grant Applications
by Bruce Donald.
New as of 2004 March 15, corrected 2008 Nov 15.
See also Writing NIH Grant Application in LaTeX by J. Hrabe |
nar.bst |
The old style file is nar.sty DEPRECATED
The newer style file is: narfront.cls DEPRECATED These are now REPLACED by the files from NAR. The mininmum files needed are:
Nucleic Acids Research
instructions to authors
namedplus.bst | namedplus.sty |
Journal of Neuroscience and other similar (apalike, but different) styles.
They use parens around citations and allow four types of citation macros:
\cite, \citeauthor, \citeyear, \citenoparens, and \citetext \citenoparens
gives you the standard Darwin, 1873 with no parentheses so you can do stuff
like (see \citenoparens{darwin1873}). \citetext gives you Darwin (1873).
The output comes out as a full list of authors (year) and then
the standard rest of the stuff. I've used it for Journal of Neuroscience,
Hippocampus, and other similar journals.
![]() |
naturesupp.bst |
numberlabel.sty DEPRECATED
(formerly this was nature.sty)
citesupernumber.sty nature.cls naturefem.sty |
use in conjunction with
![]() 2004 April 5: Please see the UPDATED VERSIONS AT CTAN. I have not had a chance to inspect these but they are probably more advanced than the ones on this web site. 2011 Jun 09: Rebecca Schulman created naturesupp.bst for Nature supplementary materials. She writes (slightly edited): Recently I needed to create a style file for nature's supplementary materials, which has the request that the citation numbers begin after your main paper's citations. This is just a simple modification of your nature.bst file. 2011 Nov 30: ![]() Guidelines to preparing and submitting a manuscript
2012 Jul 03: nature.cls is my modification of Peter Czoschke's nature.cls. |
Nature Nanotechnology, How to submit "Authors submitting LaTeX files may use any of the standard class files such as article.cls, revtex.cls or amsart.cls." | |
noReferences.sty | remove the word "References" from your bibliography.
see: How to change LaTeX's ``fixed names'' |
nihgrant.sty | see also: nih.template.txt . (If that has gone away , you can use my mirror.) |
nrotate.sty | |
openmind.bst | openmind.sty | files for Open Mind Journals. instructions for authors |
Philosophical Transactions series A.
rspublicnat.bst ![]() |
version at the Royal Society of rspublic.cls
(not required and may still contain a serious bug!)
2009 Jul 09 ![]() |
Philosophical Transactions series A
of the Royal Society
(Phil. Trans. A)
Instructions to Authors
used to say
"The Society encourages authors to use LaTeX for the preparation of
all papers submitted for publication, especially those with a large
amount of mathematics."
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The section is now called Preparing your article and it has instructions for LaTeX files. 2009 July 09: Ted Pavlic (ted at has created a bst for this journal, as described in his blog. Ted also describes his correction of the cls. |
PLoS-Biology.bst (PLoS-Biology.bst is a link to Ramón Díaz-Uriarte's original file.) |
use with the natbib package, with \usepackage[authoryear, round, sort]{natbib} in the preamble. |
PLoS: Public Library of Science
accepts TeX and LaTeX!
See also
PLoS Biology Guidelines for Authors.
Thanks to Ramón Díaz-Uriarte for this one! ![]() 2005 Oct 20: Thomas Grotkjaer writes: "Unfortunately PLoS has recently changed the citation style and now they are using a sort of Nature style with numbering. However, the actual reference list has not changed, i.e. authors, journal names are written in the same way." 2007 Jul 30: apparently they changed their policy. Text files can be submitted for review in the following formats: DOC, RTF or PDF. Any articles that have been prepared in LaTeX will be accepted for review, but only in PDF format. After acceptance, only text files (RTF or DOC) of the revised manuscript and tables can be accepted for use in the pre-production and copyediting processes."They let you give them a PDF generated by LaTeX for review, but only accept stupid formats later. The solution is to give them an ugly RTF using latex2rtf (see below). 2009 Mar 23: LaTeX submissions now accepted at PLoS ONE! (Thanks to Tobias Elze,, for pointing this out!) |
proteins.bst | proteins.sty | also uses citesupernumber.sty |
pnas.bst |
Source: Submitting to PNAS Using LaTeX. Notes:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Note: PNAS will not accept a raw reference database! Instead of supplying a .bib file, one must insert the resulting .bbl into the paper. I have written a Unix tcsh script to do this automatically: replacebib. Note: Although pnas.bst sets emphasis and the instructions for authors show italics, the pnastwo.cls removes the italics somehow (or it is a problem with fonts). Note: I have also written a Unix script that extracts a subset of a BiBTeX database: mksubbib. This will be useful if PNAS accepts a .bib file instead of forcing authors to insert the .bbl file into the .tex file. It probably needs to be genralized; ask me if you need that. Note: 2011 Aug 10: Kevin Higgins notes: "Getting the fonts to work for PNAS worked for me on a Ubuntu Lucid installation. In the file pnastwof.sty I simply commented-out the Dvipsone Names and uncommented the Karl Berry Names. Others on the web also report that this works." 2009 Jun 26: Following are Historical and Hysterical notes you can probably ignore. The pnas.bst given here was formerly called pnas-bolker.bst from Ben Bolker (2008 Jan 30). I have now tested it and found it matches the PNAS format better since it has full titles and fused initials on authors. A complete zipped directory for testing the bst file: |
![]() (The old 1999 version, probably no longer useful, is still available as protsci.bst) |
protsci.sty (the same as jmb.sty for now) | Protein Science instructions. I have put their journal example into a tiny bibliography, protsci.bib |
Science.bst (Science.bst is my copy; use only if the Science link is down) | scicite.sty (scicite.sty is my copy; use only if the Science link is down) |
Instructions at Science:
Preparing Your Text and
Tables -- Using LaTeX
![]() |
section.sty | |
spec.bst | spec.sty | |
vancouver.bst | vancouver is a "bibliographic style file (for LaTeX/BibTeX) ... to meet the ``Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals'' as published in N Engl J Med 1997;336:309-315. (also known as the Vancouver style) This specification may be found on the web page of the International Committe of Medical Journal Editors:" |
How to upload files (reminder to Tom):
House | Confirmed: has author instructions or other pages that mention TeX/LaTeX |
Source |
aaai | author instructions | #11 |
AAAS/science | author instructions | #11 |
American Chemical Society Publications | Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts Using TeX/LaTeX | #15 |
They published LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, 2/E by Leslie Lamport, but I can't locate LaTeX in their instructions! |
must exist but cannot locate! |
#1 |
algebra universalis | author instructions | #15 |
American Institute of Physics | author instructions | #3, #11 |
American Mathematical Society | author instructions | #3,#6 |
American Meteorological Society | author instructions | #11 |
American Physical Society | author instructions | #3,#11 |
Customize the CIA World Factbook from ATLIS
TeX Sample Pages from ATLIS | #12 |
Beech Stave Press | in preparation | #10 |
Birkhäuser | FAQs | #2 |
Cambridge University Press | author instructions | #2,#3 |
Cambridge University Press | author instructions | #11 |
author instructions
page 4 | #9 |
Documenta Mathematica | author instructions | #11 |
Docscape | TeX text layout system | TexHax 2009-July |
Elsevier |
2008 Jul 02:
Preparing Documents with LaTeX
![]() "New document class for typeset journal articles, elsarticle.cls, now available for user testing" August 2008 |
#1, #11 |
Engine House Books
![]() |
They "don't say that they use TeX on their website, but they in fact use plain TeX for everything, and say so in the colophons that are in all their books." --personal communication from D. R. Evans | #14 |
Fondo de Cultura Económica | #4 | |
Informs | author instructions | #11 |
Institut Mittag-Leffler (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) |
author instructions | #11 |
IOP (institute of physics) | author instructions | #11 |
John Benjamins Publishing Company | Guidelines for Contributors for the journal Interaction Studies | #13 |
London Mathematical Society Journals (see paragraph beginning "before filling in the form) |
author instructions | #2,#11 |
London Mathematical Society books | author instructions | #2,#11 |
Louisiana State University Press | see footnote | #8 |
Mathematical Association of America | author instructions | #11 |
National Research Council of Canada | The NRC has its own style files. See also the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, cjfas |
![]() |
Oxford Journals | author instructions "TeX and LaTeX files are ... acceptable." | #1 |
Oxford University Press | 2012 Apr 26. The previous link that indicated support for TeX/LaTeX is broken. At Author Resources they have A Handbook for Authors says "Contact your Acquisitions Editor if you are using software other than Microsoft Word." It's not clear that they support TeX/LaTeX anymore. | #11 |
Princeton University Press | author instructions | #11 |
Publications de l'Institut Math\'ematique (Beograd) | author instructions | #11 |
SAS Institute | Author with SAS | TexHax 2009-July |
SIAM | author instructions | #7 |
SIAM journals | author instructions | #11 |
SIAM books | author instructions | #11 |
Springer math | author instructions | #2,#3,#11 |
Springer physics | author instructions | #2,#3,#11 |
Thomson Delmar Learning | not mentioned in author guide | #1 |
UIT Cambridge
![]() | used to say "Our typesetting system of choice is LaTeX" but the link is broken now. However Tools for producing your book discusses using LaTeX tools. Also, they publish several books on typesetting | #14 |
Unipress (Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences) |
author instructions | #11 |
University of California Press
![]() |
RESOURCES FOR PUBLISHING PARTNERS (PDF) (google) | TexHax 2006, 2009 |
Wiley |
author instructions for books
Author guidelines for books & journals |
#1,#11 |
William Andrew Publishing |
Accept LaTeX files but
author guidelines do not mention TeX/LaTeX. example | #2 |
World Scientific | author instructions | #3 |
WordTech | see footnote | #8 |
Other Publiser Lists:
Link | Notes | Source |
---|---|---| |
(La)TeX-freundliche Verlage in Deutschland
"A list of German publishing houses that LaTeX authors have reported to accept either LaTeX source or a ready PDF/PS output from LaTeX source was compiled by Henrik Grotjahn a while ago. He donated it to my website when he re-organised his own." |
Juergen Fenn juergen.fenn at GMX.DE | |
Journals accepting Manuscripts written using LaTeX
Gabriel Valiente's Publisher List |
Karl Berry karl at | | Publisher information at | Karl Berry karl at |
beeton/ | Barbara Beeton's List of TeX/LaTeX Publishers | Barbara Beeton, personal communication |
"by going to the princeton press site and searching for "instructions for authors", an amazing selection of possibilities is found." | Search Princeton University Press via Google for 'instructions for authors' | Barbara Beeton, personal communication |
LaTeX Previewers |
$\frac{\sqrt{\pi^2}}{\Delta G}$Note: errors are ignored and not reported.
symbol list |
% texdoc -s crop /sw/share/texmf/doc/help/Catalogue/entries/crop.html /sw/share/texmf/doc/help/Catalogue/entries/pdfcrop.html /sw/share/texmf/doc/latex/styles/crop.dvi |
\documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{amsfonts} \begin{document} $\Bbb{THIS}$ IS A TEST \end{document}
texcount -html -v texfile.tex > details.htmlUnlike untex, which just removes non-words, TeXcount parses the file and the html shows exactly what was counted.
Given 2 latex source files, it produces a 3rd latex file with additions/deletions highlighted in color.
-- Dimitri Antoniou
Department of Biophysics
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
mode=printin the class options (not handout mode!) and the program
psnupto combine the pages as one would like. Documentation for psnup.
ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/None file.psor
ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/All file.psAlso, upgrade ghostscript to version 8.14. Determine the version using:
gs --version
Does anyone know of a way to specify a list of blocks, so that text would automatically overflow from one block to the next? This would require specifying a height as well as a width for the blocks.and William Adams answered:
R is a sophisticated statistical programming language available for various platforms. Since its initial development in 1992 it has become the major open source tool for statistical data analysis. For the integration with LATEX it provides tools which allow the convenient dynamic creation of reports. In this article I will give a very brief introduction to R and show how R integrates in the LATEX workflow.
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{...} \caption{...} \end{figure}See:
By the way ---but to be considered by you only for future works---, I now follow the advice to avoid \begin{center} \includegraphics{...} \end{center}, and use \centering instead, as the center environment adds extra glue space.
BTW, IMO the best tool which converts bitmap graphics to EPS and PDF is sam2p. It's extremely fast and creates much smaller files than any other tool, without loss of quality.--- Reinhard Kotucha. (new as of 2012 May 31).
wget unzip cd soul make
Bibliographies in LaTeX using BibTeX for sorting only.
Eliminates the .bst programming - YEA!
Still in Beta according to the manual (as of 2008 Jan 15).
![]() | |
\let\oldthebibliography=\thebibliography \let\endoldthebibliography=\endthebibliography \renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]{% \begin{oldthebibliography}{#1}% \setlength{\parskip}{0ex}% \setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}% }% {% \end{oldthebibliography}% }
From Sat Jul 19 04:20:44 2008 From: "Axel E. Retif"Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 03:18:10 -0500 To: texhax \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tex4ht} \begin{document} \section{Testing} Hi, this is only a test. \end{document} saved the file as testtex4th.tex and then, in a terminal session (Mac or Linux, or, I guess, at the Command Prompt in Windows) htlatex testtex4ht.tex and I got testtex4ht.html with the above.
"LyX is an advanced open source document processor running on many Unix platforms (including MacOS X), OS/2, and under Windows/Cygwin. Note that all these ports use the same xforms interface and need an X server. Unlike standard word processors, LyX encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. LyX lets you concentrate on writing, leaving details of visual layout to the software."
@String{j-CACM = "Communications of the ACM"} @Article{Shustek:2008:IAB, author = "Len Shustek", title = "Interview: The 'art' of being {Donald Knuth}", journal = j-CACM, volume = "51", number = "7", pages = "35--39", month = jul, year = "2008", CODEN = "CACMA2", DOI = "", ISSN = "0001-0782", bibdate = "Tue Jun 24 07:46:54 MDT 2008", bibsource = "", abstract = "In this first of a two-part talk, the renowned scholar and computer scientist reflects on the influences that set the course for his extraordinary career.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, |
@String{j-CACM = "Communications of the ACM"} @Article{Shustek:2008:IDK, author = "Len Shustek", title = "Interview: {Donald Knuth}: {A} life's work interrupted", journal = j-CACM, volume = "51", number = "8", pages = "31--35", month = aug, year = "2008", CODEN = "CACMA2", DOI = "", ISSN = "0001-0782", bibdate = "Tue Aug 5 18:48:27 MDT 2008", bibsource = "", abstract = "In this second of a two-part interview by Edward Feigenbaum, we find Knuth, having completed three volumes of {\em The Art of Computer Programming}, drawn to creating a system to produce books digitally.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb} |
Schneider Lab
origin: 1998 Mar 3
version = 3.83 of latex.html 2024 Jun 22
2024 Jun 22, 3.83:
Further history is in comments.