The Left Handed DNA
Hall of Fame

- Tom Schneider
The Left handed DNA Hall of Fame has moved.
Please note the NEW LOCATION:


    version = 3.35 of leftyear2003.txt 2009 Sep 29

    Our Story So Far: The story line, if you have not had time to follow the previous 439 or so entries (!) is my slow realization that earth is being invaded by left handed DNA people ...

    Credits: University of California,
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
    and the Department of Energy
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  1. Our first report of the year was spotted at the cool web site How Stuff Works. David Gillespie reports: "In an article on How Stuff Works, they are apparently advocating the ability to custom design left-handed children... From the first page of the article is this disturbing paragraph..."However, within a few decades, there's a good chance that biotechnology could give us the ability to pre-choose our children's physical and personality traits like we pick out options on a new car." They follow this up w/ a picture of left-handed DNA, apparently suggesting that as one of the physical traits to be picked... ;-)" (How Designer Children Will Work, by Kevin Bonsor.)
    However the image is credited to the DOE Joint Genome Institute and it is there that I found the source: DOE Joint Genome Institute. binoculars First reported on 2003 Jan 3, new as of 2003 Jan 4 (Thanks to David L. Gillespie,,, for pointing this one out!)
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  2. A big meeting with Big Names attending, sponsored by Time Magazine, on The Future of Life will focus on how to complete the transition to left handed DNA throughout the planet. Special emphasis will be made on robot-equipped LeftHander SWAT teams and specially trained commandos who can walk across ropes to take out any right handed DNA forms, even bacteria. However, resistance is said to be building and strong as biowarfare materials are being devised by the RightHanders who feel rather pressed at this point. Looks like war is eminent. binoculars First reported on 2003 Jan 13, new as of 2003 Jan 14 (Thanks to Paul J. Schindel,, for pointing this one out!)
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  3. Sara Schmidt writes: "I discovered a left handed DNA picture in a book in our Hollis, New Hampshire school library. This is the book." Genetics: Unlocking the Secrets of Life Nathan Aaseng (The Oliver Press, Inc, Charlotte Square, 5707 West 36th Street Minneapolis, MN 55416-2510, 1996) page 98. binoculars First reported on 2003 Jan 8, new as of 2003 Jan 14; UNCONFIRMED REPORT. (Thanks to Sara Schmidt, 6th grade,, for pointing this one out and for scanning in the image!)
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  4. As part of the celebration "The double helix - 50 years", Bruce Alberts reports in Nature (2003 Jan 23; 421(6921): 431-5) DNA replication and recombination, on page 433, Box 1 B) how right handed DNA is replicated to produce both left and right handed DNA. This is a kinder, gentler way to convert people. binoculars First reported on 2003 January 30, new as of 2003 January 30
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  5. As part of the celebration "The double helix - 50 years", Errol C. Friedberg also reports in Nature (2003 Jan 23; 421(6921): 436-40) DNA damage and repair. on page 437, Figure 2a, Figure 4 a, b and c) how right handed DNA is replicated to produce both left and right handed DNA during DNA damage and repair.
    new as of 2003 January 30 binoculars First reported on 2003 January 30.
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  6. The Arizona Genomics Institute has found a cactus that has left handed DNA, and inside it are little cacti, which have left handed DNA, and inside those ... As Gerard points out the heat does strange things, but it is dry heat! binoculars First reported on 2003 Jan 24, new as of 2003 Jan 30 (Thanks to Gerard R Lazo,, for pointing this one out!)
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  7. According to Gerard, Free Trial Software is available from GeneStudio, Inc. to study left-handed DNA. Unfortunately it is only gatsian software. binoculars First reported on 2003 Jan 24, new as of 2003 Jan 30 (Thanks to Gerard R Lazo,, for pointing this one out!) UPDATE 2003 Feb 1: GeneStudio has used an expensive mirror to correct the image. Their amusing letter follows:
    From Fri Jan 31 20:00:11 2003
    From: "The GeneStudio Team" <>
    To: "Tom Schneider" <>, <>
    Cc: <>
    Subject: Re: permission request

    Dear Drs. Lazo & Schneider:

    Thank you very much for noticing that our software was developed exclusively for use with left-handed DNA. The original reason for this far-sighted business decision was that three software packages for the use with right-handed DNA already controlled 100% of this market. Thanks to you, dear Gerard and dear Tom, we organized today a quick world-wide e-mail teleconference of our managerial staff and looked at these software packages again. We decided that they are absolutely antiquated, as they were designed in the pre-PCR and pre-Internet age. With the use of some (smoke and) mirrors we will quickly adapt our modern 21st century software to right-handed DNA as well hoping to gain a share of this novel (right-handed) market.

    We hereby grant you a permission to use our beautiful (left-handed) logo on your website. We wanted to create a new (right-handed) logo and attach it to this letter; however, when our CEO went to purchase a mirror at the local Big K-Mart, he found that this huge shop changed into a shop that sells mice (mouses?) and other computer input devices for the left-handed. A nearby furniture shop had mirrors; regrettably - they were designed for Linux only. We ended with ordering a mirror from www.homede(s) and it should be delivered later next week.

    For The GeneStudio Team

    P.S. Just before clicking the Send button, an 18-wheeler delivered the mirror! Now we need to shred 1.0 million business cards and 10,000 packs of our letterhead paper.

  8. Continuing the grand celebration of the take over, The Scientist reports on the "Birth of an Icon: Watson and Crick's left handed DNA discovery: An epic for today's scientists" (Jan 13, 2003, vol. 17 no. 1, page 21). (Note, the web site is messed up and contains a right handed DNA which I therefore did not include.) binoculars First reported on 2003 Jan 14, new as of 2003 Jan 30 (Thanks to David L. Gillespie,,, for pointing this one out!)
  9. The cover of the January/February 2003 Volume 10, Number 1 issue of Biophotonics reports on how microfluidics (ie left handed DNA flow control systems) meets Micro-Optics. binoculars First reported on 2003 Feb 1, new as of 2003 Feb 1. permission denied for image
  10. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Wednesday January 29, 2003, page 17A. has an article by Kathleen Parker ( "Designer kids? Shopping for genes" (alternative link) with an illustration by Tim Brinton (copyright 1999) that shows a left handed DNA twirling up to become the legs of a child. Tim spoke with four other artists and so now they are (hopefully) aware of the problem. binoculars First reported on 2003 Jan 29, new as of 2003 Feb 6 (Thanks to Carol Smith,, for pointing this one out!)
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  11. Nature Reviews Genetics has now published (vol 4 no 1 January 2003) their THIRD cover in less than a year with a left handed DNA! It's pretty obvious that genetics has switched sides. The images are by Jacques Deshaies (
    • NRG Vol.3, No.11 - 'Gene rising 1' by Jacques Deshaies (2001), Acrylic on canvas
    • NRG Vol.4, No.1 - 'Genomic Cosmopolitan #10 - Collection Genome Canada' by Jacques Deshaies (2002).
    They are copyright. binoculars First reported on 2003 Feb 6, new as of 2003 Feb 6. Update 2003 Mar 3: Natasha Deshaies who represents her father, reports: "This is art, this is only an interpretation of the DNA double helix, not reality, so he can make them turn any direction he likes. Jacques Deshaies is lucky, he has that freedom!"
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  12. Qbiogen has new literature which, in conjunction with a report three years ago (and confirmed ) demonstrates an odd phenomenon. In 2000 the DNA was left handed, in 2001 it switched back to right handed and then in 2002 it went back to being left handed. This is the first demonstrated case of DNA oscillations. It is thought to be related to neutrino oscillations. binoculars First reported on 2003 Feb 19, new as of 2003 Feb 19. 2003 Mar 5: The 2003 Qbiogen Research Products and Services catalog is also has left handed DNA. Interestingly, the even numbered pages of the 2002 catalogue all have a left handed DNA while the odd numbers have a right handed DNA. This gives 312/2=156 cases in the catalogue. (Thanks to Stan Metzenberg,, for pointing this one out!)
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  13. A left handed helix is the logo for the Washington University genome sequencing center, who now will no longer sequence right handed DNA. (Perhaps they will for a higher fee, but I have not asked.) binoculars First reported on 2003 Feb 21, new as of 2003 Feb 21 (Thanks to an anonymous tipper for pointing this one out!)
  14. In the Feb 24/March 3 U. S. News & World Report (page 46) Thomas Hayden reports that "Right handed DNA meets its match". binoculars First reported on 2003 Feb 20, new as of 2003 Feb 20
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  15. Carolyn Forsman produces a fantastically pretty DNA bracelet (either rainbow or silver). Note that if you get one and check how you look in a mirror you will not notice a problem, but to avoid embarrassing moments while partying, you will have to carry a mirror with you or nobody will recognize that it is a model of DNA! binoculars First reported on 2003 Feb 26 (observed in a New York Times article that mentions this web page!), new as of 2003 Feb 26 UPDATE 2003 Feb 26: Carolyn reports that she has asked her maker to reverse the bracelet! She also pointed out how she plans to correct the bracelets: "if you run it around a Möbius strip it will turn out right handed, as I remember from reading 1-2-3 infinity." It's been a while since I read Gamow, though I met his son at the University of Colorado. Of course this Möbius strip would have to pass through the fourth dimension which they don't have to do. However if you combine two such strips - by passing throught the 4th dimension - you get a Klein bottle and so maybe the method would be to run each bracelet through such a bottle? You just drop it in the top of the bottle and - since the inside and outsides of the bottle are the same - the reversed bracelet slides out on the table next to the bottle! Klein bottles can be purchased for this purpose from Acme Klein Bottle. Cliff Stall has even designed a convenient way to hold a Klein bottle using a Möbius strip so that the opening is on top. This can be used during reversal operations. Despite what it looks like, a DNA bracelet will appear to drop "through" the bottle and fall "out" since the bottle has only one side. Note the exquisitely calebrated volumetric marks on Acme Klein bottles indicates that there is no space `inside' where the bracelet could linger.
    2003 July 7 UPDATE: Carol Forsman has gotten a new batch of bracelets: The medium and bold are now correctly "right hand" twisted.
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  16. Carolyn Zanta noticed the Genetics Exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) in Chicago and asked them to "reverse their position" that some DNA twists to the left. Their exhibits and their web site "reflect" this decision, as displays on engineering, the genome, mutations and symposia all show left handed DNA while other parts of the exhibit do not. binoculars First reported on 2003 Feb 26, new as of 2003 Feb 27 (Thanks to Carolyn A. Zanta,, for pointing this one out!) 2003 December 8 UPDATE: The museum corrected all the images!
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  17. Brock Biology of Microorganisms (Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko and Jack Parker, 2003, ISBN 0-13-066271-2, Prentice Hall) Jeff LaFrenz, who is doing a PhD in BioNanotechnology at the University of Calgary, Canada, reports: "Page 175 of this book talks about the supercoiling of left handed DNA. :) They have several very nice diagrams of it. :) It is Figure 7.10." Although this example is still UNCONFIRMED, I was able to get chapter 8 from the Prentice Hall web site given above and on page 208 is a nice example of several left handed DNA genes being transcribed and translated (Figure 8.1, a portion of which is shown here). This is followed by more examples on pages 216 (2 cases), 217 (4 cases), 218 (2 cases), 221 (1 case), and 225 (3 cases). There is a statement on the download page "These chapters from Madigan/Martinko/Parker, Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 10E are page proof and are NOT FINAL PAGES. They do not include copy editor's or proof readers' changes, and have not yet been checked for accuracy or revised for final layout." so it remains to be seen if these cases all made it into print. binoculars First reported on 2003 Feb 27, new as of 2003 Feb 27. 2003 Feb 28: Jeff confirms the cases mentioned above: "Obviously a person with left handed DNA proofed the book. Could this be `proof' of people with left handed DNA? :)". (Thanks to Jeff LaFrenz,, for pointing this one out!)
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  18. Dr. Jean Dausset (Nobel Prize, medicine and physiology, 1980) points out some of the properties of a human left handed DNA polymorphism being studied at the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) binoculars First reported on 2003 Feb 28, new as of 2003 Feb 28 (Thanks to John R. Nelson,, for pointing this one out!)
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  19. Daniel Charles and illustrator James Steinberg report in Technology Review, the MIT alumni association journal (March 2003 issue, vol 106, No. 2, page 32) about left handed DNA corn that clones itself. binoculars First reported on 2003 Mar 3, new as of 2003 Mar 3
  20. Michigan ( claims that Howard Cash has found a better way to sequence left handed DNA binoculars First reported on 2003 Mar 3, new as of 2003 Mar 3 (Thanks to Alex Tamzon (alias for undercover agent!) for pointing this one out!)
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  21. The Center for Human Genetics at Duke is mapping the course of left handed DNA in medicine. binoculars First reported on 2003 Mar 3, new as of 2003 Mar 3 (Thanks to an anonymous person for pointing this one out!)
  22. Inalco Pharmaceuticals sent out a flier for ultra pure nucleotides that can be used to synthesize left handed DNA since the sugars have the "right" kind of left forming twist. binoculars First reported on 2003 Mar 6, new as of 2003 Mar 6
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  23. Lookout! If you have right handed DNA you are considered a criminal and will be convicted! DNA: From Crime to Conviction tells the story of "Crime & Punishment" at Netscape. binoculars First reported on 2003 March 13, new as of 2003 March 13 (Thanks to Stephen Lee, stephen.lee@Vanderbilt.Edu, for pointing this one out!)
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  24. An animation of transcription (RealPlayer required) shows how RNA polymerase opens a left handed DNA, zips along it and then closes it up again. Apparently these were made by the McGraw-Hill Companies in 2000 and are part of the Mr. Johnson's Homepage at the Francis Parker Lower School in San Diego, CA. binoculars First reported on 2003 March 20, new as of 2003 March 20 (Thanks to John Kyrk,, for pointing this one out!) 2003 May 5. John pointed out that more more examples of left handed DNA from the Francis Parker School are at biology animations, including DNArepair.ram, DNArepliation.ram, DNAstructure.ram and transcription.ram.
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  25. NCMHD, the National Center on Minority DNA Forms and Health Disparities is ensuring that minorities, like right handed DNA people, are treated correctly. (See also ICD) binoculars First reported on 2003 March 26, new as of 2003 March 26
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  26. Ronald Baile reports in the The CALGARY HERALD (Saturday, March 1, 2003, page OS2) on "What's Next for the AGE of (Left Handed) Genetics" and sports a nice 30 cm left handed DNA to make the point. binoculars First reported on 2003 March 26, new as of 2003 March 26 (Thanks to Jeff LaFrenz,, for pointing this one out!)
  27. The creationists try to get into DNA studies and (as usual) twist the wrong way at binoculars First reported on 2003 Mar 30, new as of 2003 Apr 7 (Thanks to Carol Smith,, for pointing this one out!)
  28. Nature (Excess DNA prompts stem-cell rethink Transplanted bone-marrow cells may be fusing with, not replacing, damaged tissues. 31 March 2003, HELEN R. PILCHER ) in collaboration with Gettyimages continue to support the left handed DNA revolution. binoculars First reported on 2003 Apr 1, new as of 2003 Apr 8 (Thanks to John R. Nelson,, for pointing this one out!)
  29. Academic Press has an image, Elsevier @ Experimental Biology 2003 "Translating the Genome", which advocates using left handed DNA in experimental biology. (This seems to be an image for a 2003 FASEB meeting but I don't know the URL that references it.) binoculars First reported on 2003 Apr 1, new as of 2003 2003 Apr 8 (Thanks to George Gitelson,, for pointing this one out!)
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  30. DNA Lounge will serve every left handed DNA person free! Right handers have to pay. If you want to get in free, you must be tested. In that case, please be prepared to supply a blood sample at the door for analysis by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). binoculars First reported on 2003 April 9, new as of 2003 April 9. That this disco in San Francisco has a left handed logo was mentioned in DNA and the meaning of life by Simon Mawer. (Thanks to Jan witkowski,, for pointing out Mawer's article!)

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  31. Clonaid is all in favor of cloning left handed DNA humans according to the cover of the book "yes to human cloning: Eternal life thanks to science" by Rael. binoculars First reported on 2003 April 9, new as of 2003 April 9. This case was mentioned in DNA and the meaning of life by Simon Mawer. (Thanks to Jan witkowski,, for pointing out Mawer's article!)
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  32. Biology in Clermont College at the University of Cincinnati teaches a course in left handed DNA Structure and Function binoculars First reported on 2003 Apr 9, new as of 2003 Apr 9 (Thanks to John Kyrk,, for pointing this one out!)
  33. Nature ( Human genome done and dusted Crossed Ts (As, Cs and Gs) mark time to move on. 14 April 2003 HELEN PEARSON ) AGAIN in collaboration with Gettyimages continue to support the left handed DNA revolution. This is also by Helen but by a DIFFERENT Helen! binoculars First reported on 2003 Apr 15, new as of 2003 Apr 15 (Thanks to Philip Kuchel,, and Tony Weiss,, for pointing this one out!)
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  34. BioFirst is the primary New South Wales Government initiative to introduce left handed DNA into Australia. (Two images on the web page are left handed DNA.) binoculars First reported on 2003 Apr 15, new as of 2003 Apr 15 (Thanks to Philip Kuchel,, and Tony Weiss, for pointing this one out!)
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  35. DNA: A design icon is an article by Denna Jones, curator of the TwoTen Gallery and Contemporary Initiatives at the Wellcome Trust. It depicts a picture of two ladies looking at a left handed DNA made with playing card symbols from the film "Century 21 Calling". The article mentions incorrect left handed images and a number of items that suggest that this web site was the source, but does not mention the web site. The article doesn't explicitly state that the image is a lefty ... binoculars First reported on 2003 Apr 23, new as of 2003 Apr 23 (Thanks to y . c . toong, for pointing this one out!) 2003 May 2: Denna Jones said that she indeed did use this web site as the source but the BBC did not include that information. Also, the source of the left handed image was Searching for "Century 21 Calling" under Moving Images gave Century 21 Calling which lets one see the movie! The image is reproduced courtesy of the Internet Archive,
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  36. Matsuura et al (J Biomol Struct Dyn 2002 Dec;20(3):429-36 One-end immobilization of individual DNA molecules on a functional hydrophobic glass surface. Matsuura S, Kurita H, Nakano M, Komatsu J, Takashima K, Katsura S, Mizuno A.) have figured out a nifty way to attach left handed DNA to glass surfaces, according to Figure 2. binoculars First reported on 2003 Apr 23, new as of 2003 Apr 23
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  37. One of the top scientific journals of the world, Nature celebrates the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the structure of Left Handed DNA! (see also the Getty Image at Physicists plunder life's tool chest, 24 April 2003 by John Whitfield.) binoculars First reported on 2003 April 25, new as of 2003 April 25 (Thanks to y . c . toong, for pointing this one out!)
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  38. The 50th Anniversary of Understanding DNA - April 25, 2003 Google Holiday Logo started out with a bit of a left handed twist (on the left side) but this was immediately corrected in the archive. binoculars First reported on 2003 April 25, new as of 2003 April 26 (Thanks to Fraser Marlow,, for pointing this one out!)
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  39. Brooklyn College, The City University of New York has some excellent pages on biological information, my favorite subject. They specialize in teaching how left handed DNA mutates, is transcribed etc. This is now necessary to ensure that new students do not forget their heritage, now that left handed DNA peoples have taken over the planet. binoculars First reported on 2003 Apr 28, new as of 2003 Apr 28 (Thanks to John Kyrk,, for pointing this one out!)
  40. Nature (page xi, vol 422, 24 April 2003) advertises Nature Science Update, on the latest about left handed DNAs. This top scientific journal is now fully committed to providing all your left handed DNA needs. binoculars First reported on 2003 May 6, new as of 2003 May 6
  41. In the same issue as above, Nature (page 858, vol 422, 24 April 2003) advertises the European Journal of Human Left Handed DNA Genetics, Apparently, all sub-Nature journals are now required to publish only left handed DNA. binoculars First reported on 2003 May 6, new as of 2003 May 6
  42. In the same issue as above, Nature (page 920, vol 422, 24 April 2003) advertises the pyrosequencing, a method of sequencing left handed DNA. Soon, we infer, all advertisers in Nature journals will also be required to publish only left handed DNA. binoculars First reported on 2003 May 6, new as of 2003 May 6
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  43. Science magazine contains an advertisement "You have been thinking about your next move." which shows a person moving a left handed DNA queen on a chess board (volume 300, No. 2621, pages 1020-1021, 9 May 2003). There are two possible explanations for this graphic. On the obvious level, Biogen is recruiting molecular biologists to work on left handed DNA. The underlying message, however, is that a major move will be undertaken to finally eliminate all the right handed DNA folks hiding in corners of the planet. If so, take this as a warning! binoculars First reported on 2003 May 14, new as of 2003 May 14 (Thanks to Frank Deis, for pointing this one out!)
  44. Time or Time (via ) binoculars First reported on 2003 May 27, new as of 2003 May 27 (Thanks to Carol Smith,, for pointing this one out!)
  45. The German version of Kellogg's Cornflakes contains left handed DNA. Do not eat it if you have right handed DNA, it will twist your stomach into knots. binoculars First reported on 2003 June 10, new as of 2003 June 10 (Thanks to Dr. Alexandru Tudor Constantinescu,, for pointing this one out!)
  46. Does God Need Our Help? Cloning, Assisted Suicide, & Other Challenges in Bioethics is by John F. Kilner, Ph.D., C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D. from The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. The cover has a left handed DNA but the message of the book is murky. Who has the left handed DNA? binoculars First reported on 2003 June 16, new as of 2003 June 16
  47. The cover of Nature Genetics volume 34 no. 2 june 2003 has yet another left handed DNA! This journal is unable to avoid making errors. binoculars First reported on 2003 June 18, new as of 2003 June 18
  48. Nature advertises a sister journal, Genes and Immunity (12 June 2003, vol 423, page xxii) has yet another left handed DNA! Nature is unable to avoid making errors. (Do I hear an echo in here?) binoculars First reported on 2003 June 18, new as of 2003 June 18
  49. Nanomedicine, Volume I: Basic Capabilities binoculars First reported on 2003 July 29, new as of 2003 July 29
  50. The Royal Mint ( has created a beautiful 2003 DNA £2 Commemorative Coin. Unfortunately there is a second left handed DNA along the left edge. THIS REPORT IS NOT FULLY CONFIRMED as I have not seen the coin myself. binoculars First reported on 2003 Sep 26, new as of 2003 Sep 29. 2005 Jan 30: confirmed! (Thanks to Gerard R. Lazo,, for pointing this one out!)
  51. "The cover of The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer has on its cover a picture of left-handed DNA. The book's editor is J. P. Moreland, and the Foreword is by none other than Phillip E. Johnson of the Discovery Institute." binoculars First reported on 2003 Sep 26, new as of 2003 Sep 29 (Thanks to Carol Smith,, for pointing this one out!)
  52. Acadia Pharmaceuticals "Linking Left handed DNA Genomics and backwards chemistry" binoculars First reported on 2003 Oct 7, new as of 2003 Oct 7 (Thanks to Nikolaj Vibede, Copenhagen, Denmark, for pointing this one out!)
  53. ZGene While the name fits the left handed DNA logo (which is apparently Flash, so you must have this installed to see it, UGH) there does not seem to be an indication that they are using Z DNA ... binoculars First reported on 2003 Oct 8, new as of 2003 Oct 8 (Thanks to Nikolaj Vibede, Copenhagen, Denmark, for pointing this one out!)
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  54. Berkeley Scientific Journal `Berkeley's Undergraduate Science Research Journal' The link to the original page is now broken binoculars First reported on 2003 Oct 16, new as of 2003 Oct 16 (Thanks to Dennis Maeder, maeder at, for pointing this one out!)
  55. Nature (vol 425, 23 October 2003, page 758) "A rough guide to the Left handed DNA genome" Human Genetics Special shows a nice left handed DNA along with Francis Collins. binoculars First reported on 2003 Nov 3, new as of 2003 Nov 3

    Sorry folks, I'm still way behind!! There are perhaps 20 entries to 2001 left. I've been pushing out papers ... See the December 2001 cover of Nucleic Acids Research! I'll catch up eventually ... or maybe not ...

For your first visit to the Left Handed Hall of Fame page I suggest that you follow the story over all of the years. After that you can look at each year individually from the table below. Note: just because a year has gone by does not mean we haven't found more examples for that year!

1997 and 1998 were bumper crop years
and 1999 beat them more than 2 fold. 2000 was a record year, thanks to help from friends around the world (60 of the 97 cases, 63%!). 2001 exceeded even that record! 2002 was lower - are we making headway?

Year Number of Left Handed DNAs
1964 1
... -
~1980 2
1978 1
1982 1
1983 2
... -
1989 3
1990 16 (5 from the Tessman letter)
1991 6
1992 5
1993 6
1994 4
1995 9
1996 31
1997 37
1998 37
1999 77
2000 97
2001 105
2002 57
2003 55
2004 55
2005 44 (minimizing images)
2006 17 (minimizing images)
2007 26 (no images, sorry)
2008 16 (no images, sorry)
2009 23 (no images, sorry)
2010 26 (no images, sorry)
2011 11 (only 2 images, sorry)
2012 11 (only rare images, sorry)
2013 12 (only rare images, sorry)
2014 12 (only rare images, sorry)
2015 3 (images under Fair Use copyright policy)
2016 2 (images under Fair Use copyright policy)
2017 5 (images under Fair Use copyright policy)
2018 7 (images under Fair Use copyright policy)
2019 15 (images under Fair Use copyright policy)
2020 13 (images under Fair Use copyright policy)
2021 7 (images under Fair Use copyright policy)
2022 10 (images under Fair Use copyright policy)
2023 1 (images under Fair Use copyright policy)
All 868

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blue snow drift curve
Tom Schneider

updated: 2024Aug15_21:49:45

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